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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 47.41 

Equipment on Matters Specific to Air-
craft Equipment (the Cape Town Trea-
ty), the foreign registration has ended 
or is invalid; or 

(ii) If that country has ratified the 

Geneva Convention, but has not rati-
fied the Cape Town Treaty, the foreign 
registration has ended or is invalid, 
and each holder of a recorded right 
against the aircraft has been satisfied 
or has consented to the transfer, or 
ownership in the country of export has 
been ended by a sale in execution under 
the terms of the Geneva Convention; or 

(iii) If that country has ratified the 

Cape Town Treaty and the aircraft is 
subject to the Treaty, that the foreign 
registration has ended or is invalid, 
and that all interests ranking in pri-
ority have been discharged or that the 
holders of such interests have con-
sented to the deregistration and export 
of the aircraft. 

(iv) Nothing under (a)(3)(iii) affects 

rights established prior to the Treaty 
entering into force with respect to the 
country in which the aircraft was reg-

(b) For the purposes of paragraph 

(a)(3) of this section, satisfactory evi-
dence of termination of the foreign reg-
istration may be— 

(1) A statement, by the official hav-

ing jurisdiction over the national air-
craft registry of the foreign country, 
that the registration has ended or is in-
valid, and showing the official’s name 
and title and describing the aircraft by 
make, model, and serial number; or 

(2) A final judgment or decree of a 

court of competent jurisdiction of the 
foreign country, determining that, 
under the laws of that country, the reg-
istration has become invalid. 

[Doc. No. 7190, 31 FR 4495, Mar. 17, 1966, as 
amended by Amdt. 47–20, 44 FR 61940, Oct. 29, 
1979; Amdt. 47–26, 68 FR 10317, Mar. 4, 2003; 
Amdt. 47–27, 70 FR 245, Jan. 3, 2005] 

§ 47.39

Effective date of registration. 

An aircraft is registered on the date 

the Registry determines that the sub-
missions meet the requirements of this 
part. The effective date of registration 
is shown by a date stamp on the Air-
craft Registration Application, AC 
Form 8050–1, and as the date of issue on 

the Certificate of Aircraft Registra-
tion, AC Form 8050–3. 

[Amdt. 47–29, 75 FR 41981, July 20, 2010] 

§ 47.40

Registration expiration and re-



Initial Registration. A Certificate 

of Aircraft Registration issued in ac-
cordance with § 47.31 expires seven 
years after the last day of the month in 
which it is issued. 


Renewal.  Each holder of a Certifi-

cate of Aircraft Registration, AC Form 
8050–3, containing an expiration date 
may apply for renewal of a Certificate 
of Aircraft Registration by submitting 
an Aircraft Registration Renewal Ap-
plication, AC Form 8050–1B, and the fee 
required by § 47.17 during the six 
months preceding the expiration date 
for the Certificate of Aircraft Registra-

(1) A Certificate of Aircraft Registra-

tion issued under this paragraph after 
January 23, 2023 expires seven years 
after the last day of the month in 
which it was issued. 

(2) A Certificate of Aircraft Registra-

tion that is in effect on January 23, 
2023 expires seven years after the last 
day of the month in which it is issued, 
notwithstanding the expiration date on 
the valid Certificate of Aircraft Reg-


Inaccurate Information. The Ad-

ministrator may require the owner of a 
registered aircraft to submit a com-
plete Aircraft Registration Applica-
tion, AC Form 8050–1, and fee prior to 
the expiration date if the Adminis-
trator finds that the Certificate of Air-
craft Registration contains inaccurate 

[Amdt. 47–33, 87 FR 71218, Nov. 22, 2022] 

§ 47.41

Duration and return of Certifi-


(a) Each Certificate of Aircraft Reg-

istration, AC Form 8050–3, issued by 
the FAA under this subpart is effec-
tive, unless registration has ended by 
reason of having been revoked, can-
celed, expired, or the ownership is 
transferred, until the date upon which 
one of the following events occurs: 

(1) Subject to the Convention on the 

International Recognition of Rights in 
Aircraft when applicable, the aircraft 

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jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with CFR