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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 48.25 

is not registered under the laws of a 
foreign country and is— 

(a) Owned by a U.S. citizen; 
(b) Owned by an individual citizen of 

a foreign country lawfully admitted for 
permanent residence in the United 

(c) Owned by a corporation not a cit-

izen of the United States when the cor-
poration is organized and doing busi-
ness under the laws of the United 
States or a State within the United 
States, and the aircraft is based and 
primarily used in the United States; or 

(d) An aircraft of— 
(1) The United States Government; or 
(2) A State, the District of Columbia, 

a territory or possession of the United 
States, or a political subdivision of a 
State, territory, or possession. 

§ 48.25


(a) To register a small unmanned air-

craft in the United States under this 
part, a person must provide the infor-
mation required by § 48.110 to the Reg-
istry in a form and manner prescribed 
by the Administrator. Upon submission 
of this information, the FAA issues a 
Certificate of Aircraft Registration to 
that person. 

(b) A small unmanned aircraft must 

be registered by its owner using the 
legal name of its owner, unless the 
owner is less than 13 years of age. If the 
owner is less than 13 years of age, then 
the small unmanned aircraft must be 
registered by a person who is at least 
13 years of age. 

(c) In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 

44103(c), registration is not evidence of 
aircraft ownership in any proceeding in 
which ownership of an unmanned air-
craft by a particular person is in issue. 

(d) In this part, ‘‘owner’’ includes a 

buyer in possession, a bailee, a lessee of 
a small unmanned aircraft under a con-
tract of conditional sale, and the as-
signee of that person. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2015–7396; Amdt. No. 48–1; 80 
FR 78645, Dec. 16, 2015, as amended by Doc. 
No. FAA–2019–1100; Amdt. No. 48–3; 86 FR 
4504, Jan. 15, 2021] 

§ 48.30


(a) The fee for issuing or renewing a 

Certificate of Aircraft Registration as 
described in § 48.100 is $5.00 per aircraft. 

(b) The fee for issuing or renewing a 

Certificate of Aircraft Registration as 
described in § 48.105 is $5.00 per certifi-

(c) Each application for and renewal 

of a Certificate of Aircraft Registra-
tion must be accompanied by the fee 
described in paragraphs (a) and (b), as 
applicable, paid to the Federal Avia-
tion Administration through the web- 
based aircraft registration system, or 
in another manner if prescribed by the 

[Doc. No. FAA–2015–7396; Amdt. No. 48–1; 80 
FR 78645, Dec. 16, 2015, as amended by Doc. 
No. FAA–2019–1100; Amdt. No. 48–3; 86 FR 
4504, Jan. 15, 2021] 

Subpart B—Certificates of Aircraft 

Registration for Small Un-
manned Aircraft 

§ 48.100

Registration: Small unmanned 

aircraft operated for any purpose 
other than exclusively limited rec-
reational operations. 


Certificate of Aircraft Registration. 

A Certificate of Aircraft Registration 
issued in accordance with § 48.110 to a 
small unmanned aircraft used for any 
purpose other than operating exclu-
sively in compliance with 49 U.S.C. 
44809 constitutes registration for the 
small unmanned aircraft identified on 
the application. 


Effective date of registration. An 

aircraft is registered when the appli-
cant receives a Certificate of Aircraft 
Registration for the specific aircraft. 
The effective date of registration is 
shown by the date of issue on the Cer-
tificate of Aircraft Registration issued 
for the aircraft. 


Registration renewal. A Certificate 

of Aircraft registration issued under 
this part expires 3 years after the date 
of issue unless it is renewed. 

(1) The holder of a Certificate of Air-

craft Registration must renew the Cer-
tificate by verifying, in a form and 
manner prescribed by the Adminis-
trator, that the information provided 
in accordance with § 48.110 is accurate 
and if it is not, provide updated infor-
mation. The verification may take 
place at any time within the six 
months preceding the month in which 
the Certificate of Aircraft registration 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 48.110 

(2) A certificate issued under this 

paragraph expires three years from the 
expiration date of the previous certifi-


Other events affecting effectiveness 

of Certificate. Each Certificate of Air-
craft Registration issued by the FAA 
under this subpart is effective, unless 
registration has ended by reason of 
having been revoked, canceled, expired, 
or the ownership is transferred, until 
the date upon which one of the fol-
lowing events occurs: 

(1) Subject to the Convention on the 

International Recognition of Rights in 
Aircraft when applicable, the aircraft 
is registered under the laws of a foreign 

(2) The small unmanned aircraft is 

totally destroyed or scrapped. 

(3) The holder of the Certificate of 

Aircraft Registration loses U.S. citi-

(4) Thirty days have elapsed since the 

death of the holder of the Certificate of 
Aircraft Registration. 

(5) The owner, if an individual who is 

not a citizen of the United States, loses 
status as a resident alien, unless that 
person becomes a citizen of the United 
States at the same time. 

(6) The owner is a corporation other 

than a corporation which is a citizen of 
the United States and one of the fol-
lowing events occurs: 

(i) The corporation ceases to be law-

fully organized and doing business 
under the laws of the United States or 
any State thereof; or 

(ii) The aircraft was not operated ex-

clusively within the United States dur-
ing the period of registration under 
this part. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2015–7396; Amdt. No. 48–1; 80 
FR 78645, Dec. 16, 2015. Redesignated and 
amended by Doc. No. FAA–2019–1100; Amdt. 
No. 48–3, 86 FR 4504, Jan. 15, 2021] 

§ 48.105

Registration: Small unmanned 

aircraft intended exclusively for 
limited recreational operations. 


Certificate of Aircraft Registration. 

A Certificate of Aircraft Registration 
issued in accordance with § 48.110 for 
small unmanned aircraft to be operated 
exclusively in compliance with 49 
U.S.C. 44809 constitutes registration for 
all the small unmanned aircraft used 
exclusively for operations in compli-

ance with 49 U.S.C. 44809 owned by the 
individual identified on the applica-


Effective date of registration. An 

aircraft is registered when the appli-
cant receives a Certificate of Aircraft 
Registration. The effective date of reg-
istration is shown by the date of issue 
on the Certificate of Aircraft Registra-
tion issued under this part. 


Registration renewal. A Certificate 

of Aircraft registration issued under 
this part expires 3 years after the date 
of issue unless it is renewed. 

(1) The holder of a Certificate of Air-

craft Registration must renew the Cer-
tificate by verifying, in a form and 
manner prescribed by the Adminis-
trator, that the information provided 
in accordance with § 48.110 is accurate 
and if it is not, provide updated infor-
mation. The verification may take 
place at any time within the six 
months preceding the month in which 
the Certificate of Aircraft registration 

(2) A certificate issued under this 

paragraph expires three years from the 
expiration date of the previous certifi-


Other events affecting effectiveness 

of Certificate. Each Certificate of Air-
craft Registration issued by the FAA 
under this part is effective, unless reg-
istration has ended by reason of having 
been revoked, canceled or expired, or 
until the date upon which one of the 
following events occurs: 

(1) The holder of the Certificate of 

Aircraft Registration loses U.S. citi-

(2) Thirty days have elapsed since the 

death of the holder of the Certificate of 
Aircraft Registration. 

(3) The owner, if an individual who is 

not a citizen of the United States, loses 
status as a resident alien, unless that 
person becomes a citizen of the United 
States at the same time. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2015–7396; Amdt. No. 48–1; 80 
FR 78645, Dec. 16, 2015. Redesignated and 
amended by Doc. No. FAA–2019–1100; Amdt. 
No. 48–3, 86 FR 4504, Jan. 15, 2021] 

§ 48.110



Required information. Each appli-

cant for a Certificate of Aircraft Reg-
istration issued under this part must 

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