14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 49.21
§ 49.21
Return of original conveyance.
If a person submitting a conveyance
for recording wants the original re-
turned to him, he must submit a true
copy with the original. After recording,
the copy is kept by the FAA and the
original is returned to the applicant
stamped with the date and time of re-
cording. The copy must be imprinted
on paper permanent in nature, includ-
ing dates, and signatures, to which is
attached a certificate of the person
submitting the conveyance stating
that the copy has been compared with
the original and that it is a true copy.
[Doc. No. 1996, 29 FR 6486, May 19, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 49–1, 31 FR 4499, Mar. 17,
Subpart C—Aircraft Ownership
and Encumbrances Against
§ 49.31
This subpart applies to the recording
of the following kinds of conveyances:
(a) A bill of sale, contract of condi-
tional sale, assignment of an interest
under a contract of conditional sale,
mortgage, assignment of mortgage,
lease, equipment trust, notice of tax
lien or of other lien, or other instru-
ment affecting title to, or any interest
in, aircraft.
(b) A release, cancellation, discharge,
or satisfaction of a conveyance named
in paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 49.33
Eligibility for recording: gen-
eral requirements.
A conveyance is eligible for recording
under this subpart only if, in addition
to the requirements of §§ 49.11, 49.13,
and 49.17, the following requirements
are met:
(a) It is in a form prescribed by, or
acceptable to, the Administrator for
that kind of conveyance;
(b) It describes the aircraft by make
and model, manufacturer’s serial num-
ber, and United States registration
number, or other detail that makes
identification possible;
(c) It is an original document, or a
duplicate original document, or if nei-
ther the original nor a duplicate origi-
nal of a document is available, a true
copy of an original document, certified
under § 49.21;
(d) It affects aircraft registered under
49 U.S.C. 44101–44104; and
(e) It is accompanied by the record-
ing fee required by § 49.15, but there is
no fee for recording a conveyance
named in § 49.31(b).
[Doc. No. 1996, 29 FR 6486, May 19, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 49–1, 31 FR 4499, Mar. 17,
1966; Amdt. 49–10, 70 FR 246, Jan. 3, 2005]
§ 49.35
Eligibility for recording: owner-
ship requirements.
If the seller of an aircraft is not
shown on the records of the FAA as the
owner of the aircraft, a conveyance, in-
cluding a contract of conditional sale,
submitted for recording under this sub-
part must be accompanied by bills of
sale or similar documents showing con-
secutive transfers from the last reg-
istered owner, through each inter-
vening owner, to the seller.
§ 49.37
Claims for salvage or extraor-
dinary expenses.
The right to a charge arising out of a
claim for compensation for salvage of
an aircraft or for extraordinary ex-
penses indispensable for preserving the
aircraft in operations terminated in a
foreign country that is a party to the
Convention on the International Rec-
ognition of Rights in Aircraft (4 U.S.T.
1830) may be noted on the FAA record
by filing notice thereof with the FAA
Aircraft Registry within three months
after the date of termination of the sal-
vage or preservation operations.
Subpart D—Encumbrances
Against Specifically Identified
Aircraft Engines and Propel-
§ 49.41
This subpart applies to the recording
of the following kinds of conveyances:
(a) Any lease, a notice of tax lien or
other lien (except a notice of Federal
tax lien referred to in § 49.17(a)), and
any mortgage, equipment trust, con-
tract of conditional sale, or other in-
strument executed for security pur-
poses, which affects title to, or any in-
terest in, any specifically identified
aircraft engine of 550 or more rated
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