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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 49.53 

takeoff horsepower, or the equivalent 
of that horsepower, or a specifically 
identified aircraft propeller capable of 
absorbing 750 or more rated takeoff 
shaft horsepower. 

(b) An assignment or amendment of, 

or supplement to, an instrument 
named in paragraph (a) of this section. 

(c) A release, cancellation, discharge, 

or satisfaction of a conveyance named 
in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section. 

[Doc. No. 1996, 29 FR 6486, May 19, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 49–5, 35 FR 802, Jan. 21, 
1970; Amdt. 49–10, 70 FR 246, Jan. 3, 2005] 

§ 49.43

Eligibility for recording: gen-

eral requirements. 

A conveyance is eligible for recording 

under this subpart only if, in addition 
to the requirements of §§ 49.11, 49.13, 
and 49.17, the following requirements 
are met: 

(a) It affects and describes an aircraft 

engine or propeller to which this sub-
part applies, specifically identified by 
make, model, horsepower, and manu-
facturer’s serial number; and 

(b) It is accompanied by the record-

ing fee required by § 49.15, but there is 
no fee for recording a conveyance 
named in § 49.41(c). 

§ 49.45

Recording of releases, cancella-

tions, discharges, and satisfactions: 
special requirements. 

(a) A release, cancellation, discharge, 

or satisfaction of an encumbrance cre-
ated by an instrument recorded under 
this subpart must be in a form equiva-
lent to AC Form 8050–41 and contain a 
description of the encumbrance, the re-
cording information furnished to the 
holder at the time of recording, and the 
collateral released. 

(b) If more than one engine or pro-

peller, or both, are listed in an instru-
ment, recorded under this subpart, that 
created an encumbrance thereon and 
all of them are released, they need not 
be listed by serial number, but the re-
lease, cancellation, discharge, or satis-
faction must state that all of the en-
cumbered engines or propellers are re-
leased. The original recorded document 
must be clearly identified by the 

names of the parties, the date of FAA 
recording, and the document date. 

[Doc. No. 1996, 29 FR 6486, May 19, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 49–7, 37 FR 25487, Dec. 1, 

Subpart E—Encumbrances Against 

Air Carrier Aircraft Engines, 
Propellers, Appliances, and 
Spare Parts 

§ 49.51


This subpart applies to the recording 

of the following kinds of conveyances: 

(a) Any lease, a notice of tax lien or 

other lien (except a notice of Federal 
tax lien referred to in § 49.17 (a), and 
any mortgage, equipment trust, con-
tract of conditional sale, or other in-
strument executed for security pur-
poses, which affects title to, or any in-
terest in, any aircraft engine, pro-
peller, or appliance maintained by or 
on behalf of an air carrier certificated 
under 49 U.S.C. 44705 for installation or 
use in aircraft, aircraft engines, or pro-
pellers, or any spare parts, maintained 
at a designated location or locations by 
or on behalf of such an air carrier. 

(b) An assignment or amendment of, 

or supplement to, an instrument 
named in paragraph (a) of this section. 

(c) A release, cancellation, discharge, 

or satisfaction of a conveyance named 
in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section. 

[Doc. No. 1996, 29 FR 6486, May 19, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 49–5, 35 FR 802, Jan. 21, 
1970; Amdt. 49–10, 70 FR 246, Jan. 3, 2005] 

§ 49.53

Eligibility for recording: gen-

eral requirements. 

(a) A conveyance is eligible for re-

cording under this subpart only if, in 
addition to the requirements of §§ 49.11, 
49.13, and 49.17, the following require-
ments are met: 

(1) It affects any aircraft engine, pro-

peller, appliance, or spare part, main-
tained by or on behalf of an air carrier 
certificated under 49 U.S.C. 44705; 

(2) It contains or is accompanied by a 

statement by the air carrier certifi-
cated under that section; 

(3) It specifically describes the loca-

tion or locations of each aircraft en-
gine, propeller, appliance, or spare part 
covered by it; and 

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