Code of Federal Regulations

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space
Volume: 1Date: 2023-01-01Original Date: 2023-01-01Title: Section 5.25 - Designation and responsibilities of required safety management personnel.Context: Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space. CHAPTER I - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. SUBCHAPTER A - DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. PART 5 - SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. Subpart B - Safety Policy.
§ 5.25 Designation and responsibilities of required safety management personnel. (a) Designation of the accountable executive. The certificate holder must identify an accountable executive who, irrespective of other functions, satisfies the following: (1) Is the final authority over operations authorized to be conducted under the certificate holder's certificate(s). (2) Controls the financial resources required for the operations to be conducted under the certificate holder's certificate(s). (3) Controls the human resources required for the operations authorized to be conducted under the certificate holder's certificate(s). (4) Retains ultimate responsibility for the safety performance of the operations conducted under the certificate holder's certificate. (b) Responsibilities of the accountable executive. The accountable executive must accomplish the following: (1) Ensure that the SMS is properly implemented and performing in all areas of the certificate holder's organization. (2) Develop and sign the safety policy of the certificate holder. (3) Communicate the safety policy throughout the certificate holder's organization. (4) Regularly review the certificate holder's safety policy to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the certificate holder. (5) Regularly review the safety performance of the certificate holder's organization and direct actions necessary to address substandard safety performance in accordance with § 5.75. (c) Designation of management personnel. The accountable executive must designate sufficient management personnel who, on behalf of the accountable executive, are responsible for the following: (1) Coordinate implementation, maintenance, and integration of the SMS throughout the certificate holder's organization. (2) Facilitate hazard identification and safety risk analysis. (3) Monitor the effectiveness of safety risk controls. (4) Ensure safety promotion throughout the certificate holder's organization as required in subpart E of this part. (5) Regularly report to the accountable executive on the performance of the SMS and on any need for improvement.