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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 5.75 

risk management process described in 
subpart C of this part. 

§ 5.75

Continuous improvement. 

The certificate holder must establish 

and implement processes to correct 
safety performance deficiencies identi-
fied in the assessments conducted 
under § 5.73. 

Subpart E—Safety Promotion 

§ 5.91

Competencies and training. 

The certificate holder must provide 

training to each individual identified 
in § 5.23 to ensure the individuals attain 
and maintain the competencies nec-
essary to perform their duties relevant 
to the operation and performance of 
the SMS. 

§ 5.93

Safety communication. 

The certificate holder must develop 

and maintain means for commu-
nicating safety information that, at a 

(a) Ensures that employees are aware 

of the SMS policies, processes, and 
tools that are relevant to their respon-

(b) Conveys hazard information rel-

evant to the employee’s responsibil-

(c) Explains why safety actions have 

been taken. 

(d) Explains why safety procedures 

are introduced or changed. 

Subpart F—SMS Documentation 

and Recordkeeping 

§ 5.95

SMS documentation. 

The certificate holder must develop 

and maintain SMS documentation that 
describes the certificate holder’s: 

(a) Safety policy. 
(b) SMS processes and procedures. 

§ 5.97

SMS records. 

(a) The certificate holder must main-

tain records of outputs of safety risk 
management processes as described in 
subpart C of this part. Such records 
must be retained for as long as the con-
trol remains relevant to the operation. 

(b) The certificate holder must main-

tain records of outputs of safety assur-
ance processes as described in subpart 
D of this part. Such records must be re-
tained for a minimum of 5 years. 

(c) The certificate holder must main-

tain a record of all training provided 
under § 5.91 for each individual. Such 
records must be retained for as long as 
the individual is employed by the cer-
tificate holder. 

(d) The certificate holder must retain 

records of all communications provided 
under § 5.93 for a minimum of 24 con-
secutive calendar months. 

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