Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 60.16
(d) The pilot(s) who contributes to
the confirmation statement required
by paragraph (b) of this section must—
(1) Be designated by the sponsor; and
(2) Be qualified in—
(i) The aircraft or set of aircraft
being simulated; or
(ii) For aircraft not yet issued a type
certificate, or aircraft not previously
operated by the sponsor or not having
previous FAA-approved training pro-
grams conducted by the sponsor, an
aircraft similar in size and configura-
(e) The subjective tests that form the
basis for the statements described in
paragraph (b) of this section and the
objective tests referenced in paragraph
(f) of this section must be accom-
plished at the sponsor’s training facil-
ity or other sponsor designated loca-
tion where training will take place, ex-
cept as provided for in the applicable
(f) The person seeking to qualify the
FSTD must provide the responsible
Flight Standards office access to the
FSTD for the length of time necessary
for the responsible Flight Standards of-
fice to complete the required evalua-
tion of the FSTD for initial qualifica-
tion, which includes the conduct and
evaluation of objective and subjective
tests, including general FSTD require-
ments, as described in the applicable
QPS, to determine that the FSTD
meets the standards in that QPS.
(g) When the FSTD passes an evalua-
tion for initial qualification, the re-
sponsible Flight Standards office issues
a Statement of Qualification that in-
cludes all of the following:
(1) Identification of the sponsor.
(2) Identification of the make, model,
and series of the aircraft or set of air-
craft being simulated.
(3) Identification of the configuration
of the aircraft or set of aircraft being
simulated (
e.g., engine model or mod-
els, flight instruments, or navigation
or other systems).
(4) A statement that the FSTD is
qualified as either a full flight simu-
lator or a flight training device.
(5) Identification of the qualification
level of the FSTD.
(6) A statement that (with the excep-
tion of the noted exclusions for which
the FSTD has not been subjectively
tested by the sponsor or the respon-
sible Flight Standards office and for
which qualification is not sought) the
qualification of the FSTD includes the
tasks set out in the applicable QPS ap-
pendix relevant to the qualification
level of the FSTD.
(7) A statement referencing any devi-
ations that have been granted and in-
cluded in the permanent qualification
basis of the FSTD.
(h) After the responsible Flight
Standards office completes the evalua-
tion for initial qualification, the spon-
sor must update the Qualification Test
Guide (QTG), with the results of the
FAA-witnessed tests together with the
results of all the objective tests de-
scribed in the applicable QPS.
(i) Upon issuance of the Statement of
Qualification the updated QTG be-
comes the Master Qualification Test
Guide (MQTG). The MQTG must be
made available to the responsible
Flight Standards office upon request.
[Docket No. FAA–2002–12461, 71 FR 63426, Oct.
30, 2006, as amended by Docket FAA–2014–
0391, Amdt. 60–4, 81 FR 18217, Mar. 30, 2016;
Docket No. FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. No. 60–7, 87
FR 75711, Dec. 9, 2022]
§ 60.16
Additional qualifications for a
currently qualified FSTD.
(a) A currently qualified FSTD is re-
quired to undergo an additional quali-
fication process if a user intends to use
the FSTD for meeting training, evalua-
tion, or flight experience requirements
of this chapter beyond the qualifica-
tion issued for that FSTD. This process
consists of the following:
(1) The sponsor:
(i) Must submit to the responsible
Flight Standards office all modifica-
tions to the MQTG that are required to
support the additional qualification.
(ii) Must describe to the responsible
Flight Standards office all modifica-
tions to the FSTD that are required to
support the additional qualification.
(iii) Must submit to the responsible
Flight Standards office a confirmation
statement as described in § 60.15(c) that
a pilot, designated by the sponsor in
accordance with § 60.15(d), has subjec-
tively evaluated the FSTD in those
areas not previously evaluated.
(2) The FSTD must successfully pass
an evaluation—
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 60.17
(i) Consisting of all the elements of
an initial evaluation for qualification
in those circumstances where the re-
sponsible Flight Standards office has
determined that all the elements of an
initial evaluation for qualification is
necessary; or
(ii) Consisting of those elements of
an initial evaluation for qualification
designated as necessary by the respon-
sible Flight Standards office.
(b) In making the determinations de-
scribed in paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-
tion, the responsible Flight Standards
office considers factors including the
existing qualification of the FSTD, any
modifications to the FSTD hardware or
software that are involved, and any ad-
ditions or modifications to the MQTG.
(c) The FSTD is qualified for the ad-
ditional uses when the responsible
Flight Standards office issues an
amended Statement of Qualification in
accordance with § 60.15(h).
(d) The sponsor may not modify the
FSTD except as described in § 60.23.
[Docket No. FAA–2002–12461, 71 FR 63426, Oct.
30, 2006, as amended by Docket No. FAA–
2022–1355, Amdt. No. 60–7, 87 FR 75711, Dec. 9,
§ 60.17
Previously qualified FSTDs.
(a) Unless otherwise specified by an
FSTD Directive, further referenced in
the applicable QPS, or as specified in
paragraph (e) of this section, an FSTD
qualified before May 31, 2016 will retain
its qualification basis as long as it con-
tinues to meet the standards, including
the objective test results recorded in
the MQTG and subjective tests, under
which it was originally evaluated, re-
gardless of sponsor. The sponsor of
such an FSTD must comply with the
other applicable provisions of this part.
(b) For each FSTD qualified before
May 30, 2008, no sponsor may use or
allow the use of or offer the use of such
an FSTD after May 30, 2014 for flight
crewmember training, evaluation or
flight experience to meet any of the re-
quirements of this chapter, unless that
FSTD has been issued a Statement of
Qualification, including the Configura-
tion List and the List of Qualified
Tasks in accordance with the proce-
dures set out in the applicable QPS.
(c) If the FSTD qualification is lost
under § 60.27 and—
(i) Restored under § 60.27 in less than
(2) years, then the qualification basis
(in terms of objective tests and subjec-
tive tests) for the re-qualification will
be those against which the FSTD was
originally evaluated and qualified.
(ii) Not restored under § 60.27 for two
(2) years or more, then the qualifica-
tion basis (in terms of objective tests
and subjective tests) for the re-quali-
fication will be those standards in ef-
fect and current at the time of re-qual-
ification application.
(d) Except as provided in paragraph
(e) of this section, any change in FSTD
qualification level initiated on or after
May 30, 2008 requires an evaluation for
initial qualification in accordance with
this part.
(e) A sponsor may request that an
FSTD be permanently downgraded. In
such a case, the responsible Flight
Standards office may downgrade a
qualified FSTD without requiring and
without conducting an initial evalua-
tion for the new qualification level.
Subsequent continuing qualification
evaluations will use the existing
MQTG, modified as necessary to reflect
the new qualification level.
(f) When the sponsor has appropriate
validation data available and receives
approval from the responsible Flight
Standards office, the sponsor may
adopt tests and associated tolerances
described in the current qualification
standards as the tests and tolerances
applicable for the continuing qualifica-
tion of a previously qualified FSTD.
The updated test(s) and tolerance(s)
must be made a permanent part of the
[Doc. No. FAA–2002–12461, 71 FR 63426, Oct.
30, 2006; Amdt. 60–2, 72 FR 59599, Oct. 22, 2007,
as amended by Docket FAA–2014–0391, Amdt.
60–4, 81 FR 18218, Mar. 30, 2016; Docket No.
FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. No. 60–7, 87 FR 75711,
Dec. 9, 2022]
§ 60.19
Inspection, continuing quali-
fication evaluation, and mainte-
nance requirements.
Inspection. No sponsor may use or
allow the use of or offer the use of an
FSTD for flight crewmember training,
evaluation, or flight experience to
meet any of the requirements of this
chapter unless the sponsor does the fol-
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