Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 60.33
for the loss of qualification, any re-
pairs or replacements that may have to
have been completed, the number of
continuing qualification evaluations
missed, the number of sponsor-con-
ducted quarterly inspections missed,
and the care that had been taken of the
device since the loss of qualification.
[Docket No. FAA–2002–12461, 71 FR 63426, Oct.
30, 2006, as amended by Docket FAA–2018–
0119, Amdt. 60–5, 83 FR 9170, Mar. 5, 2018;
Docket No. FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. No. 60–7, 87
FR 75711, Dec. 9, 2022]
§ 60.31
Recordkeeping and reporting.
(a) The FSTD sponsor must maintain
the following records for each FSTD it
(1) The MQTG and each amendment
(2) A record of all FSTD modifica-
tions affected under § 60.23 since the
issuance of the original Statement of
(3) A copy of all of the following:
(i) Results of the qualification eval-
uations (initial and each upgrade) since
the issuance of the original Statement
of Qualification.
(ii) Results of the objective tests con-
ducted in accordance with § 60.19(a) for
a period of 2 years.
(iii) Results of the previous three
continuing qualification evaluations,
or the continuing qualification evalua-
tions from the previous 2 years, which-
ever covers a longer period.
(iv) Comments obtained in accord-
ance with § 60.9(b) for a period of at
least 90 days.
(4) A record of all discrepancies en-
tered in the discrepancy log over the
previous 2 years, including the fol-
(i) A list of the components or equip-
ment that were or are missing, mal-
functioning, or inoperative.
(ii) The action taken to correct the
(iii) The date the corrective action
was taken.
(iv) The identity of the person deter-
mining that the discrepancy has been
(b) The records specified in this sec-
tion must be maintained in plain lan-
guage form or in coded form if the
coded form provides for the preserva-
tion and retrieval of information in a
manner acceptable to the responsible
Flight Standards office.
[Docket No. FAA–2002–12461, 71 FR 63426, Oct.
30, 2006, as amended by Docket No. FAA–
2022–1355, Amdt. No. 60–7, 87 FR 75711, Dec. 9,
§ 60.33
Applications, logbooks, reports,
and records: Fraud, falsification, or
incorrect statements.
(a) No person may make, or cause to
be made, any of the following:
(1) A fraudulent or intentionally false
statement in any application or any
amendment thereto, or any other re-
port or test result required by this
(2) A fraudulent or intentionally false
statement in or a known omission from
any record or report that is kept,
made, or used to show compliance with
this part, or to exercise any privileges
under this chapter.
(3) Any reproduction or alteration,
for fraudulent purpose, of any report,
record, or test result required under
this part.
(b) The commission by any person of
any act prohibited under paragraph (a)
of this section is a basis for any one or
any combination of the following:
(1) A civil penalty.
(2) Suspension or revocation of any
certificate held by that person that
was issued under this chapter.
(3) The removal of FSTD qualifica-
tion and approval for use in a training
(c) The following may serve as a basis
for removal of qualification of an
FSTD including the withdrawal of ap-
proval for use of an FSTD; or denying
an application for a qualification:
(1) An incorrect statement, upon
which the FAA relied or could have re-
lied, made in support of an application
for a qualification or a request for ap-
proval for use.
(2) An incorrect entry, upon which
the FAA relied or could have relied,
made in any logbook, record, or report
that is kept, made, or used to show
compliance with any requirement for
an FSTD qualification or an approval
for use.
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