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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.101 

§ 61.99

Aeronautical experience. 

(a) A person who applies for a rec-

reational pilot certificate must receive 
and log at least 30 hours of flight time 
that includes at least— 

(1) 15 hours of flight training from an 

authorized instructor on the areas of 
operation listed in § 61.98 that consists 
of at least: 

(i) Except as provided in § 61.100, 2 

hours of flight training en route to an 
airport that is located more than 25 
nautical miles from the airport where 
the applicant normally trains, which 
includes at least three takeoffs and 
three landings at the airport located 
more than 25 nautical miles from the 
airport where the applicant normally 
trains; and 

(ii) Three hours of flight training 

with an authorized instructor in the 
aircraft for the rating sought in prepa-
ration for the practical test within the 
preceding 2 calendar months from the 
month of the test. 

(2) Three hours of solo flying in the 

aircraft for the rating sought, on the 
areas of operation listed in § 61.98 that 
apply to the aircraft category and class 
rating sought. 

(b) The holder of a sport pilot certifi-

cate may credit flight training re-
ceived from a flight instructor with a 
sport pilot rating toward the aero-
nautical experience requirements of 
this section if the following conditions 
are met: 

(1) The flight training was accom-

plished in the same category and class 
of aircraft for which the rating is 

(2) The flight instructor with a sport 

pilot rating was authorized to provide 
the flight training; and 

(3) The flight training included train-

ing on areas of operation that are re-
quired for both a sport pilot certificate 
and a recreational pilot certificate. 

[Docket FAA–2016–6142, Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 
30277, June 27, 2018 

§ 61.100

Pilots based on small islands. 

(a) An applicant located on an island 

from which the flight training required 
in § 61.99(a)(1) of this part cannot be ac-
complished without flying over water 
for more than 10 nautical miles from 
the nearest shoreline need not comply 

with the requirements of that section. 
However, if other airports that permit 
civil operations are available to which 
a flight may be made without flying 
over water for more than 10 nautical 
miles from the nearest shoreline, the 
applicant must show completion of a 
dual flight between two airports, which 
must include three landings at the 
other airport. 

(b) An applicant who complies with 

paragraph (a) of this section and meets 
all requirements for the issuance of a 
recreational pilot certificate, except 
the requirements of § 61.99(a)(1) of this 
part, will be issued a pilot certificate 
with an endorsement containing the 
following limitation, ‘‘Passenger car-
rying prohibited on flights more than 
10 nautical miles from (the appropriate 
island).’’ The limitation may be subse-
quently amended to include another is-
land if the applicant complies with the 
requirements of paragraph (a) of this 
section for another island. 

(c) Upon meeting the requirements of 

§ 61.99(a)(1) of this part, the applicant 
may have the limitation(s) in para-
graph (b) of this section removed. 

§ 61.101

Recreational pilot privileges 

and limitations. 

(a) A person who holds a recreational 

pilot certificate may: 

(1) Carry no more than one pas-

senger; and 

(2) Not pay less than the pro rata 

share of the operating expenses of a 
flight with a passenger, provided the 
expenses involve only fuel, oil, airport 
expenses, or aircraft rental fees. 

(b) A person who holds a recreational 

pilot certificate may act as pilot in 
command of an aircraft on a flight 
within 50 nautical miles from the de-
parture airport, provided that person 

(1) Received ground and flight train-

ing for takeoff, departure, arrival, and 
landing procedures at the departure 

(2) Received ground and flight train-

ing for the area, terrain, and aids to 
navigation that are in the vicinity of 
the departure airport; 

(3) Been found proficient to operate 

the aircraft at the departure airport 
and the area within 50 nautical miles 
from that airport; and 

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