14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 61.115
(g) A private pilot who meets the re-
quirements of § 61.69 may act as a pilot
in command of an aircraft towing a
glider or unpowered ultralight vehicle.
(h) A private pilot may act as pilot in
command for the purpose of conducting
a production flight test in a light-sport
aircraft intended for certification in
the light-sport category under § 21.190
of this chapter, provided that—
(1) The aircraft is a powered para-
chute or a weight-shift-control air-
(2) The person has at least 100 hours
of pilot-in-command time in the cat-
egory and class of aircraft flown; and
(3) The person is familiar with the
processes and procedures applicable to
the conduct of production flight test-
ing, to include operations conducted
under a special flight permit and any
associated operating limitations.
(i) A private pilot may act as pilot in
command or serve as a required
flightcrew member of an aircraft with-
out holding a medical certificate issued
under part 67 of this chapter provided
the pilot holds a valid U.S. driver’s li-
cense, meets the requirements of
§ 61.23(c)(3), and complies with this sec-
tion and all of the following conditions
and limitations:
(1) The aircraft is authorized to carry
not more than 6 occupants, has a max-
imum takeoff weight of not more than
6,000 pounds, and is operated with no
more than five passengers on board;
(2) The flight, including each portion
of the flight, is not carried out—
(i) At an altitude that is more than
18,000 feet above mean sea level;
(ii) Outside the United States unless
authorized by the country in which the
flight is conducted; or
(iii) At an indicated airspeed exceed-
ing 250 knots; and
(3) The pilot has available in his or
her logbook—
(i) The completed medical examina-
tion checklist required under § 68.7 of
this chapter; and
(ii) The certificate of course comple-
tion required under § 61.23(c)(3).
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as
amended by Amdt. 61–110, 69 FR 44869, July
27, 2004; Amdt. 61–115, 72 FR 6910, Feb. 13,
2007; Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 5220, Feb. 1, 2010;
Docket FAA–2016–9157, Amdt. 61–140, 82 FR
3165, Jan. 11, 2017; Docket No. FAA–2021–1040,
Amdt. Nos. 61–152, 87 FR 71237, Nov. 22, 2022]
§ 61.115
Balloon rating: Limitations.
(a) If a person who applies for a pri-
vate pilot certificate with a balloon
rating takes a practical test in a bal-
loon with an airborne heater:
(1) The pilot certificate will contain
a limitation restricting the exercise of
the privileges of that certificate to a
balloon with an airborne heater; and
(2) The limitation may be removed
when the person obtains the required
aeronautical experience in a gas bal-
loon and receives a logbook endorse-
ment from an authorized instructor
who attests to the person’s accomplish-
ment of the required aeronautical ex-
perience and ability to satisfactorily
operate a gas balloon.
(b) If a person who applies for a pri-
vate pilot certificate with a balloon
rating takes a practical test in a gas
(1) The pilot certificate will contain
a limitation restricting the exercise of
the privilege of that certificate to a
gas balloon; and
(2) The limitation may be removed
when the person obtains the required
aeronautical experience in a balloon
with an airborne heater and receives a
logbook endorsement from an author-
ized instructor who attests to the per-
son’s accomplishment of the required
aeronautical experience and ability to
satisfactorily operate a balloon with an
airborne heater.
§ 61.117
Private pilot privileges and
limitations: Second in command of
aircraft requiring more than one
Except as provided in § 61.113 of this
part, no private pilot may, for com-
pensation or hire, act as second in com-
mand of an aircraft that is type certifi-
cated for more than one pilot, nor may
that pilot act as second in command of
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 61.125
such an aircraft that is carrying pas-
sengers or property for compensation
or hire.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40904, July 30, 1997]
§§ 61.118–61.120
Subpart F—Commercial Pilots
§ 61.121
This subpart prescribes the require-
ments for the issuance of commercial
pilot certificates and ratings, the con-
ditions under which those certificates
and ratings are necessary, and the gen-
eral operating rules for persons who
hold those certificates and ratings.
§ 61.123
Eligibility requirements: Gen-
To be eligible for a commercial pilot
certificate, a person must:
(a) Be at least 18 years of age;
(b) Be able to read, speak, write, and
understand the English language. If the
applicant is unable to meet one of
these requirements due to medical rea-
sons, then the Administrator may
place such operating limitations on
that applicant’s pilot certificate as are
necessary for the safe operation of the
(c) Receive a logbook endorsement
from an authorized instructor who:
(1) Conducted the required ground
training or reviewed the person’s home
study on the aeronautical knowledge
areas listed in § 61.125 of this part that
apply to the aircraft category and class
rating sought; and
(2) Certified that the person is pre-
pared for the required knowledge test
that applies to the aircraft category
and class rating sought.
(d) Pass the required knowledge test
on the aeronautical knowledge areas
listed in § 61.125 of this part;
(e) Receive the required training and
a logbook endorsement from an author-
ized instructor who:
(1) Conducted the training on the
areas of operation listed in § 61.127(b) of
this part that apply to the aircraft cat-
egory and class rating sought; and
(2) Certified that the person is pre-
pared for the required practical test.
(f) Meet the aeronautical experience
requirements of this subpart that apply
to the aircraft category and class rat-
ing sought before applying for the prac-
tical test;
(g) Pass the required practical test
on the areas of operation listed in
§ 61.127(b) of this part that apply to the
aircraft category and class rating
(h) Hold at least a private pilot cer-
tificate issued under this part or meet
the requirements of § 61.73; and
(i) Comply with the sections of this
part that apply to the aircraft category
and class rating sought.
§ 61.125
Aeronautical knowledge.
General. A person who applies for
a commercial pilot certificate must re-
ceive and log ground training from an
authorized instructor, or complete a
home-study course, on the aeronautical
knowledge areas of paragraph (b) of
this section that apply to the aircraft
category and class rating sought.
Aeronautical knowledge areas. (1)
Applicable Federal Aviation Regula-
tions of this chapter that relate to
commercial pilot privileges, limita-
tions, and flight operations;
(2) Accident reporting requirements
of the National Transportation Safety
(3) Basic aerodynamics and the prin-
ciples of flight;
(4) Meteorology to include recogni-
tion of critical weather situations,
windshear recognition and avoidance,
and the use of aeronautical weather re-
ports and forecasts;
(5) Safe and efficient operation of air-
(6) Weight and balance computations;
(7) Use of performance charts;
(8) Significance and effects of exceed-
ing aircraft performance limitations;
(9) Use of aeronautical charts and a
magnetic compass for pilotage and
dead reckoning;
(10) Use of air navigation facilities;
(11) Aeronautical decision making
and judgment;
(12) Principles and functions of air-
craft systems;
(13) Maneuvers, procedures, and
emergency operations appropriate to
the aircraft;
(14) Night and high-altitude oper-
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