Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 61.129
(iv) Preflight lesson on a maneuver
to be performed in flight;
(v) Preflight procedures;
(vi) Airport operations;
(vii) Launches and landings;
(viii) Performance maneuvers;
(ix) Navigation;
(x) Emergency operations; and
(xi) Postflight procedures.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as
amended by Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42558, Aug.
21, 2009]
§ 61.129
Aeronautical experience.
For an airplane single-engine rat-
ing. Except as provided in paragraph (i)
of this section, a person who applies for
a commercial pilot certificate with an
airplane category and single-engine
class rating must log at least 250 hours
of flight time as a pilot that consists of
at least:
(1) 100 hours in powered aircraft, of
which 50 hours must be in airplanes.
(2) 100 hours of pilot-in-command
flight time, which includes at least—
(i) 50 hours in airplanes; and
(ii) 50 hours in cross-country flight of
which at least 10 hours must be in air-
(3) 20 hours of training on the areas
of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(1) of
this part that includes at least—
(i) Ten hours of instrument training
using a view-limiting device including
attitude instrument flying, partial
panel skills, recovery from unusual
flight attitudes, and intercepting and
tracking navigational systems. Five
hours of the 10 hours required on in-
strument training must be in a single
engine airplane;
(ii) 10 hours of training in a complex
airplane, a turbine-powered airplane,
or a technically advanced airplane
(TAA) that meets the requirements of
paragraph (j) of this section, or any
combination thereof. The airplane
must be appropriate to land or sea for
the rating sought;
(iii) One 2-hour cross country flight
in a single engine airplane in daytime
conditions that consists of a total
straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original point
of departure;
(iv) One 2-hour cross country flight
in a single engine airplane in night-
time conditions that consists of a total
straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original point
of departure; and
(v) Three hours in a single-engine air-
plane with an authorized instructor in
preparation for the practical test with-
in the preceding 2 calendar months
from the month of the test.
(4) Ten hours of solo flight time in a
single engine airplane or 10 hours of
flight time performing the duties of
pilot in command in a single engine
airplane with an authorized instructor
on board (either of which may be cred-
ited towards the flight time require-
ment under paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-
tion), on the areas of operation listed
under § 61.127(b)(1) that include—
(i) One cross-country flight of not
less than 300 nautical miles total dis-
tance, with landings at a minimum of
three points, one of which is a straight-
line distance of at least 250 nautical
miles from the original departure
point. However, if this requirement is
being met in Hawaii, the longest seg-
ment need only have a straight-line
distance of at least 150 nautical miles;
(ii) 5 hours in night VFR conditions
with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with
each landing involving a flight in the
traffic pattern) at an airport with an
operating control tower.
For an airplane multiengine rating.
Except as provided in paragraph (i) of
this section, a person who applies for a
commercial pilot certificate with an
airplane category and multiengine
class rating must log at least 250 hours
of flight time as a pilot that consists of
at least:
(1) 100 hours in powered aircraft, of
which 50 hours must be in airplanes.
(2) 100 hours of pilot-in-command
flight time, which includes at least—
(i) 50 hours in airplanes; and
(ii) 50 hours in cross-country flight of
which at least 10 hours must be in air-
(3) 20 hours of training on the areas
of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(2) of
this part that includes at least—
(i) Ten hours of instrument training
using a view-limiting device including
attitude instrument flying, partial
panel skills, recovery from unusual
flight attitudes, and intercepting and
tracking navigational systems. Five
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§ 61.129
hours of the 10 hours required on in-
strument training must be in a multi-
engine airplane;
(ii) 10 hours of training in a multien-
gine complex or turbine-powered air-
plane; or for an applicant seeking a
multiengine seaplane rating, 10 hours
of training in a multiengine seaplane
that has flaps and a controllable pitch
propeller, including seaplanes equipped
with an engine control system con-
sisting of a digital computer and asso-
ciated accessories for controlling the
engine and propeller, such as a full au-
thority digital engine control;
(iii) One 2-hour cross country flight
in a multiengine airplane in daytime
conditions that consists of a total
straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original point
of departure;
(iv) One 2-hour cross country flight
in a multiengine airplane in nighttime
conditions that consists of a total
straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original point
of departure; and
(v) Three hours in a multiengine air-
plane with an authorized instructor in
preparation for the practical test with-
in the preceding 2 calendar months
from the month of the test.
(4) 10 hours of solo flight time in a
multiengine airplane or 10 hours of
flight time performing the duties of
pilot in command in a multiengine air-
plane with an authorized instructor (ei-
ther of which may be credited towards
the flight time requirement in para-
graph (b)(2) of this section), on the
areas of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(2)
of this part that includes at least—
(i) One cross-country flight of not
less than 300 nautical miles total dis-
tance with landings at a minimum of
three points, one of which is a straight-
line distance of at least 250 nautical
miles from the original departure
point. However, if this requirement is
being met in Hawaii, the longest seg-
ment need only have a straight-line
distance of at least 150 nautical miles;
(ii) 5 hours in night VFR conditions
with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with
each landing involving a flight with a
traffic pattern) at an airport with an
operating control tower.
For a helicopter rating. Except as
provided in paragraph (i) of this sec-
tion, a person who applies for a com-
mercial pilot certificate with a rotor-
craft category and helicopter class rat-
ing must log at least 150 hours of flight
time as a pilot that consists of at least:
(1) 100 hours in powered aircraft, of
which 50 hours must be in helicopters.
(2) 100 hours of pilot-in-command
flight time, which includes at least—
(i) 35 hours in helicopters; and
(ii) 10 hours in cross-country flight in
(3) 20 hours of training on the areas
of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(3) of
this part that includes at least—
(i) Five hours on the control and ma-
neuvering of a helicopter solely by ref-
erence to instruments using a view-
limiting device including attitude in-
strument flying, partial panel skills,
recovery from unusual flight attitudes,
and intercepting and tracking naviga-
tional systems. This aeronautical expe-
rience may be performed in an aircraft,
full flight simulator, flight training de-
vice, or an aviation training device;
(ii) One 2-hour cross country flight in
a helicopter in daytime conditions that
consists of a total straight-line dis-
tance of more than 50 nautical miles
from the original point of departure;
(iii) One 2-hour cross country flight
in a helicopter in nighttime conditions
that consists of a total straight-line
distance of more than 50 nautical miles
from the original point of departure;
(iv) Three hours in a helicopter with
an authorized instructor in preparation
for the practical test within the pre-
ceding 2 calendar months from the
month of the test.
(4) Ten hours of solo flight time in a
helicopter or 10 hours of flight time
performing the duties of pilot in com-
mand in a helicopter with an author-
ized instructor on board (either of
which may be credited towards the
flight time requirement under para-
graph (c)(2) of this section), on the
areas of operation listed under
§ 61.127(b)(3) that includes—
(i) One cross-country flight with
landings at a minimum of three points,
with one segment consisting of a
straight-line distance of at least 50
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 61.129
nautical miles from the original point
of departure; and
(ii) 5 hours in night VFR conditions
with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with
each landing involving a flight in the
traffic pattern).
For a gyroplane rating. A person
who applies for a commercial pilot cer-
tificate with a rotorcraft category and
gyroplane class rating must log at
least 150 hours of flight time as a pilot
(of which 5 hours may have been ac-
complished in a full flight simulator or
flight training device that is represent-
ative of a gyroplane) that consists of at
(1) 100 hours in powered aircraft, of
which 25 hours must be in gyroplanes.
(2) 100 hours of pilot-in-command
flight time, which includes at least—
(i) 10 hours in gyroplanes; and
(ii) 3 hours in cross-country flight in
(3) 20 hours of training on the areas
of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(4) of
this part that includes at least—
(i) 2.5 hours on the control and ma-
neuvering of a gyroplane solely by ref-
erence to instruments using a view-
limiting device including attitude in-
strument flying, partial panel skills,
recovery from unusual flight attitudes,
and intercepting and tracking naviga-
tional systems. This aeronautical expe-
rience may be performed in an aircraft,
full flight simulator, flight training de-
vice, or an aviation training device;
(ii) One 2-hour cross country flight in
a gyroplane in daytime conditions that
consists of a total straight-line dis-
tance of more than 50 nautical miles
from the original point of departure;
(iii) Two hours of flight training dur-
ing nighttime conditions in a gyro-
plane at an airport, that includes 10
takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop
(with each landing involving a flight in
the traffic pattern); and
(iv) Three hours in a gyroplane with
an authorized instructor in preparation
for the practical test within the pre-
ceding 2 calendar months from the
month of the test.
(4) Ten hours of solo flight time in a
gyroplane or 10 hours of flight time
performing the duties of pilot in com-
mand in a gyroplane with an author-
ized instructor on board (either of
which may be credited towards the
flight time requirement under para-
graph (d)(2) of this section), on the
areas of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(4)
that includes—
(i) One cross-country flight with
landings at a minimum of three points,
with one segment consisting of a
straight-line distance of at least 50
nautical miles from the original point
of departure; and
(ii) 5 hours in night VFR conditions
with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with
each landing involving a flight in the
traffic pattern).
For a powered-lift rating. Except as
provided in paragraph (i) of this sec-
tion, a person who applies for a com-
mercial pilot certificate with a pow-
ered-lift category rating must log at
least 250 hours of flight time as a pilot
that consists of at least:
(1) 100 hours in powered aircraft, of
which 50 hours must be in a powered-
(2) 100 hours of pilot-in-command
flight time, which includes at least—
(i) 50 hours in a powered-lift; and
(ii) 50 hours in cross-country flight of
which 10 hours must be in a powered-
(3) 20 hours of training on the areas
of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(5) of
this part that includes at least—
(i) Ten hours of instrument training
using a view-limiting device including
attitude instrument flying, partial
panel skills, recovery from unusual
flight attitudes, and intercepting and
tracking navigational systems. Five
hours of the 10 hours required on in-
strument training must be in a pow-
(ii) One 2-hour cross country flight in
a powered-lift in daytime conditions
that consists of a total straight-line
distance of more than 100 nautical
miles from the original point of depar-
(iii) One 2-hour cross country flight
in a powered-lift in nighttime condi-
tions that consists of a total straight-
line distance of more than 100 nautical
miles from the original point of depar-
ture; and
(iv) 3 hours in a powered-lift with an
authorized instructor in preparation
for the practical test within the pre-
ceding 2 calendar months from the
month of the test.
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 61.129
(4) Ten hours of solo flight time in a
powered-lift or 10 hours of flight time
performing the duties of pilot in com-
mand in a powered-lift with an author-
ized instructor on board (either of
which may be credited towards the
flight time requirement under para-
graph (e)(2) of this section, on the areas
of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(5) that
(i) One cross-country flight of not
less than 300 nautical miles total dis-
tance with landings at a minimum of
three points, one of which is a straight-
line distance of at least 250 nautical
miles from the original departure
point. However, if this requirement is
being met in Hawaii the longest seg-
ment need only have a straight-line
distance of at least 150 nautical miles;
(ii) 5 hours in night VFR conditions
with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with
each landing involving a flight in the
traffic pattern) at an airport with an
operating control tower.
For a glider rating. A person who
applies for a commercial pilot certifi-
cate with a glider category rating must
log at least—
(1) 25 hours of flight time as a pilot in
a glider and that flight time must in-
clude at least 100 flights in a glider as
pilot in command, including at least—
(i) Three hours of flight training in a
glider with an authorized instructor or
10 training flights in a glider with an
authorized instructor on the areas of
operation listed in § 61.127(b)(6) of this
part, including at least 3 training
flights in a glider with an authorized
instructor in preparation for the prac-
tical test within the preceding 2 cal-
endar months from the month of the
test; and
(ii) 2 hours of solo flight that include
not less than 10 solo flights in a glider
on the areas of operation listed in
§ 61.127(b)(6) of this part; or
(2) 200 hours of flight time as a pilot
in heavier-than-air aircraft and at
least 20 flights in a glider as pilot in
command, including at least—
(i) Three hours of flight training in a
glider or 10 training flights in a glider
with an authorized instructor on the
areas of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(6)
of this part including at least 3 train-
ing flights in a glider with an author-
ized instructor in preparation for the
practical test within the preceding 2
calendar months from the month of the
test; and
(ii) 5 solo flights in a glider on the
areas of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(6)
of this part.
For an airship rating. A person who
applies for a commercial pilot certifi-
cate with a lighter-than-air category
and airship class rating must log at
least 200 hours of flight time as a pilot,
which includes at least the following
(1) 50 hours in airships.
(2) Thirty hours of pilot in command
flight time in airships or performing
the duties of pilot in command in an
airship with an authorized instructor
aboard, which consists of—
(i) 10 hours of cross-country flight
time in airships; and
(ii) 10 hours of night flight time in
(3) Forty hours of instrument time to
(i) Instrument training using a view-
limiting device for attitude instrument
flying, partial panel skills, recovery
from unusual flight attitudes, and
intercepting and tracking navigational
systems; and
(ii) Twenty hours of instrument
flight time, of which 10 hours must be
in flight in airships.
(4) 20 hours of flight training in air-
ships on the areas of operation listed in
§ 61.127(b)(7) of this part, which includes
at least—
(i) Three hours in an airship with an
authorized instructor in preparation
for the practical test within the pre-
ceding 2 calendar months from the
month of the test;
(ii) One hour cross country flight in
an airship in daytime conditions that
consists of a total straight-line dis-
tance of more than 25 nautical miles
from the point of departure; and
(iii) One hour cross country flight in
an airship in nighttime conditions that
consists of a total straight-line dis-
tance of more than 25 nautical miles
from the point of departure.
(5) 10 hours of flight training per-
forming the duties of pilot in command
with an authorized instructor on the
areas of operation listed in § 61.127(b)(7)
of this part, which includes at least—
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 61.129
(i) One cross-country flight with
landings at a minimum of three points,
with one segment consisting of a
straight-line distance of at least 25
nautical miles from the original point
of departure; and
(ii) 5 hours in night VFR conditions
with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with
each landing involving a flight in the
traffic pattern).
For a balloon rating. A person who
applies for a commercial pilot certifi-
cate with a lighter-than-air category
and a balloon class rating must log at
least 35 hours of flight time as a pilot,
which includes at least the following
(1) 20 hours in balloons;
(2) 10 flights in balloons;
(3) Two flights in balloons as the
pilot in command; and
(4) 10 hours of flight training that in-
cludes at least 10 training flights with
an authorized instructor in balloons on
the areas of operation listed in
§ 61.127(b)(8) of this part, which consists
of at least—
(i) For a gas balloon—
(A) Two training flights of 2 hours
each in a gas balloon with an author-
ized instructor in preparation for the
practical test within the preceding 2
calendar months from the month of the
(B) 2 flights performing the duties of
pilot in command in a gas balloon with
an authorized instructor on the appro-
priate areas of operation; and
(C) One flight involving a controlled
ascent to 5,000 feet above the launch
(ii) For a balloon with an airborne
(A) Two training flights of 1 hour
each in a balloon with an airborne
heater with an authorized instructor in
preparation for the practical test with-
in the preceding 2 calendar months
from the month of the test;
(B) Two solo flights in a balloon with
an airborne heater on the appropriate
areas of operation; and
(C) One flight involving a controlled
ascent to 3,000 feet above the launch
Permitted credit for use of a flight
simulator or flight training device. (1) Ex-
cept as provided in paragraph (i)(2) of
this section, an applicant who has not
accomplished the training required by
this section in a course conducted by a
training center certificated under part
142 of this chapter may:
(i) Credit a maximum of 50 hours to-
ward the total aeronautical experience
requirements for an airplane or pow-
ered-lift rating, provided the aero-
nautical experience was obtained from
an authorized instructor in a full flight
simulator or flight training device that
represents that class of airplane or
powered-lift category and type, if ap-
plicable, appropriate to the rating
sought; and
(ii) Credit a maximum of 25 hours to-
ward the total aeronautical experience
requirements of this section for a heli-
copter rating, provided the aero-
nautical experience was obtained from
an authorized instructor in a full flight
simulator or flight training device that
represents a helicopter and type, if ap-
plicable, appropriate to the rating
(2) An applicant who has accom-
plished the training required by this
section in a course conducted by a
training center certificated under part
142 of this chapter may:
(i) Credit a maximum of 100 hours to-
ward the total aeronautical experience
requirements of this section for an air-
plane and powered-lift rating, provided
the aeronautical experience was ob-
tained from an authorized instructor in
a full flight simulator or flight train-
ing device that represents that class of
airplane or powered-lift category and
type, if applicable, appropriate to the
rating sought; and
(ii) Credit a maximum of 50 hours to-
ward the total aeronautical experience
requirements of this section for a heli-
copter rating, provided the aero-
nautical experience was obtained from
an authorized instructor in a full flight
simulator or flight training device that
represents a helicopter and type, if ap-
plicable, appropriate to the rating
(3) Except when fewer hours are ap-
proved by the FAA, an applicant for
the commercial pilot certificate with
the airplane or powered-lift rating who
has completed 190 hours of aero-
nautical experience is considered to
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§ 61.131
have met the total aeronautical experi-
ence requirements of this section, pro-
vided the applicant satisfactorily com-
pleted an approved commercial pilot
course under part 142 of this chapter
and the approved course was appro-
priate to the commercial pilot certifi-
cate and aircraft rating sought.
Technically advanced airplane. Un-
less otherwise authorized by the Ad-
ministrator, a technically advanced
airplane must be equipped with an elec-
tronically advanced avionics system
that includes the following installed
(1) An electronic Primary Flight Dis-
play (PFD) that includes, at a min-
imum, an airspeed indicator, turn coor-
dinator, attitude indicator, heading in-
dicator, altimeter, and vertical speed
(2) An electronic Multifunction Dis-
play (MFD) that includes, at a min-
imum, a moving map using Global Po-
sitioning System (GPS) navigation
with the aircraft position displayed;
(3) A two axis autopilot integrated
with the navigation and heading guid-
ance system; and
(4) The display elements described in
paragraphs (j)(1) and (2) of this section
must be continuously visible.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–101, 62 FR 16892, Apr. 8, 1997; Amdt.
61–103, 62 FR 40904, July 30, 1997; Amdt. 61–
104, 63 FR 20288, Apr. 23, 1998; Amdt. 61–124, 74
FR 42558, Aug. 21, 2009; Amdt. 61–124A, 74 FR
53645, Oct. 20, 2009; Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 30278,
June 27, 2018]
§ 61.131
Exceptions to the night flying
(a) Subject to the limitations of
paragraph (b) of this section, a person
is not required to comply with the
night flight training requirements of
this subpart if the person receives
flight training in and resides in the
State of Alaska.
(b) A person who receives flight
training in and resides in the State of
Alaska but does not meet the night
flight training requirements of this
(1) May be issued a pilot certificate
with the limitation ‘‘night flying pro-
(2) Must comply with the appropriate
night flight training requirements of
this subpart within the 12-calendar-
month period after the issuance of the
pilot certificate. At the end of that pe-
riod, the certificate will become in-
valid for use until the person complies
with the appropriate night flight train-
ing requirements of this subpart. The
person may have the ‘‘night flying pro-
hibited’’ limitation removed if the per-
(i) Accomplishes the appropriate
night flight training requirements of
this subpart; and
(ii) Presents to an examiner a log-
book or training record endorsement
from an authorized instructor that
verifies accomplishment of the appro-
priate night flight training require-
ments of this subpart.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40905, July 30, 1997]
§ 61.133
Commercial pilot privileges
and limitations.
Privileges—(1) General. A person
who holds a commercial pilot certifi-
cate may act as pilot in command of an
(i) Carrying persons or property for
compensation or hire, provided the per-
son is qualified in accordance with this
part and with the applicable parts of
this chapter that apply to the oper-
ation; and
(ii) For compensation or hire, pro-
vided the person is qualified in accord-
ance with this part and with the appli-
cable parts of this chapter that apply
to the operation.
Commercial pilots with lighter-than-
air category ratings. A person with a
commercial pilot certificate with a
lighter-than-air category rating may—
For an airship—(A) Give flight and
ground training in an airship for the
issuance of a certificate or rating;
(B) Give an endorsement for a pilot
certificate with an airship rating;
(C) Endorse a pilot’s logbook for solo
operating privileges in an airship;
(D) Act as pilot in command of an
airship under IFR or in weather condi-
tions less than the minimum pre-
scribed for VFR flight; and
(E) Give flight and ground training
and endorsements that are required for
a flight review, an operating privilege
or recency-of-experience requirements
of this part.
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