14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 61.131
have met the total aeronautical experi-
ence requirements of this section, pro-
vided the applicant satisfactorily com-
pleted an approved commercial pilot
course under part 142 of this chapter
and the approved course was appro-
priate to the commercial pilot certifi-
cate and aircraft rating sought.
Technically advanced airplane. Un-
less otherwise authorized by the Ad-
ministrator, a technically advanced
airplane must be equipped with an elec-
tronically advanced avionics system
that includes the following installed
(1) An electronic Primary Flight Dis-
play (PFD) that includes, at a min-
imum, an airspeed indicator, turn coor-
dinator, attitude indicator, heading in-
dicator, altimeter, and vertical speed
(2) An electronic Multifunction Dis-
play (MFD) that includes, at a min-
imum, a moving map using Global Po-
sitioning System (GPS) navigation
with the aircraft position displayed;
(3) A two axis autopilot integrated
with the navigation and heading guid-
ance system; and
(4) The display elements described in
paragraphs (j)(1) and (2) of this section
must be continuously visible.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–101, 62 FR 16892, Apr. 8, 1997; Amdt.
61–103, 62 FR 40904, July 30, 1997; Amdt. 61–
104, 63 FR 20288, Apr. 23, 1998; Amdt. 61–124, 74
FR 42558, Aug. 21, 2009; Amdt. 61–124A, 74 FR
53645, Oct. 20, 2009; Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 30278,
June 27, 2018]
§ 61.131
Exceptions to the night flying
(a) Subject to the limitations of
paragraph (b) of this section, a person
is not required to comply with the
night flight training requirements of
this subpart if the person receives
flight training in and resides in the
State of Alaska.
(b) A person who receives flight
training in and resides in the State of
Alaska but does not meet the night
flight training requirements of this
(1) May be issued a pilot certificate
with the limitation ‘‘night flying pro-
(2) Must comply with the appropriate
night flight training requirements of
this subpart within the 12-calendar-
month period after the issuance of the
pilot certificate. At the end of that pe-
riod, the certificate will become in-
valid for use until the person complies
with the appropriate night flight train-
ing requirements of this subpart. The
person may have the ‘‘night flying pro-
hibited’’ limitation removed if the per-
(i) Accomplishes the appropriate
night flight training requirements of
this subpart; and
(ii) Presents to an examiner a log-
book or training record endorsement
from an authorized instructor that
verifies accomplishment of the appro-
priate night flight training require-
ments of this subpart.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40905, July 30, 1997]
§ 61.133
Commercial pilot privileges
and limitations.
Privileges—(1) General. A person
who holds a commercial pilot certifi-
cate may act as pilot in command of an
(i) Carrying persons or property for
compensation or hire, provided the per-
son is qualified in accordance with this
part and with the applicable parts of
this chapter that apply to the oper-
ation; and
(ii) For compensation or hire, pro-
vided the person is qualified in accord-
ance with this part and with the appli-
cable parts of this chapter that apply
to the operation.
Commercial pilots with lighter-than-
air category ratings. A person with a
commercial pilot certificate with a
lighter-than-air category rating may—
For an airship—(A) Give flight and
ground training in an airship for the
issuance of a certificate or rating;
(B) Give an endorsement for a pilot
certificate with an airship rating;
(C) Endorse a pilot’s logbook for solo
operating privileges in an airship;
(D) Act as pilot in command of an
airship under IFR or in weather condi-
tions less than the minimum pre-
scribed for VFR flight; and
(E) Give flight and ground training
and endorsements that are required for
a flight review, an operating privilege
or recency-of-experience requirements
of this part.
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aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 61.153
For a balloon—(A) Give flight and
ground training in a balloon for the
issuance of a certificate or rating;
(B) Give an endorsement for a pilot
certificate with a balloon rating;
(C) Endorse a pilot’s logbook for solo
operating privileges in a balloon; and
(D) Give ground and flight training
and endorsements that are required for
a flight review, an operating privilege,
or recency-of-experience requirements
of this part.
Limitations. (1) A person who ap-
plies for a commercial pilot certificate
with an airplane category or powered-
lift category rating and does not hold
an instrument rating in the same cat-
egory and class will be issued a com-
mercial pilot certificate that contains
the limitation, ‘‘The carriage of pas-
sengers for hire in (airplanes) (pow-
ered-lifts) on cross-country flights in
excess of 50 nautical miles or at night
is prohibited.’’ The limitation may be
removed when the person satisfactorily
accomplishes the requirements listed
in § 61.65 of this part for an instrument
rating in the same category and class
of aircraft listed on the person’s com-
mercial pilot certificate.
(2) If a person who applies for a com-
mercial pilot certificate with a balloon
rating takes a practical test in a bal-
loon with an airborne heater—
(i) The pilot certificate will contain a
limitation restricting the exercise of
the privileges of that certificate to a
balloon with an airborne heater.
(ii) The limitation specified in para-
graph (b)(2)(i) of this section may be
removed when the person obtains the
required aeronautical experience in a
gas balloon and receives a logbook en-
dorsement from an authorized instruc-
tor who attests to the person’s accom-
plishment of the required aeronautical
experience and ability to satisfactorily
operate a gas balloon.
(3) If a person who applies for a com-
mercial pilot certificate with a balloon
rating takes a practical test in a gas
(i) The pilot certificate will contain a
limitation restricting the exercise of
the privileges of that certificate to a
gas balloon.
(ii) The limitation specified in para-
graph (b)(3)(i) of this section may be
removed when the person obtains the
required aeronautical experience in a
balloon with an airborne heater and re-
ceives a logbook endorsement from an
authorized instructor who attests to
the person’s accomplishment of the re-
quired aeronautical experience and
ability to satisfactorily operate a bal-
loon with an airborne heater.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40905, July 30, 1997; Dock-
et FAA–2010–1127, Amdt. 61–135, 81 FR 1306,
Jan. 12, 2016]
§§ 61.135–61.141
Subpart G—Airline Transport Pilots
§ 61.151
This subpart prescribes the require-
ments for the issuance of airline trans-
port pilot certificates and ratings, the
conditions under which those certifi-
cates and ratings are necessary, and
the general operating rules for persons
who hold those certificates and ratings.
§ 61.153
Eligibility requirements: Gen-
To be eligible for an airline transport
pilot certificate, a person must:
(a) Meet the following age require-
(1) For an airline transport pilot cer-
tificate obtained under the aero-
nautical experience requirements of
§§ 61.159, 61.161, or 61.163, be at least 23
years of age; or
(2) For an airline transport pilot cer-
tificate obtained under the aero-
nautical experience requirements of
§ 61.160, be at least 21 years of age.
(b) Be able to read, speak, write, and
understand the English language. If the
applicant is unable to meet one of
these requirements due to medical rea-
sons, then the Administrator may
place such operating limitations on
that applicant’s pilot certificate as are
necessary for the safe operation of the
(c) Be of good moral character;
(d) Meet at least one of the following
(1) Holds a commercial pilot certifi-
cate with an instrument rating issued
under this part;
(2) Meet the military experience re-
quirements under § 61.73 of this part to
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aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER