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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.14 

an examiner satisfactory proficiency in 
the area of operation appropriate to 
the airman certificate, rating, or au-
thorization sought. 


Additional requirements for Cat-

egory II and Category III pilot authoriza-
(1) A Category II or Category III 
pilot authorization is issued by a letter 
of authorization as part of an appli-
cant’s instrument rating or airline 
transport pilot certificate. 

(2) Upon original issue, the author-

ization contains the following limita-

(i) For Category II operations, the 

limitation is 1,600 feet RVR and a 150- 
foot decision height; and 

(ii) For Category III operations, each 

initial limitation is specified in the au-
thorization document. 

(3) The limitations on a Category II 

or Category III pilot authorization may 
be removed as follows: 

(i) In the case of Category II limita-

tions, a limitation is removed when the 
holder shows that, since the beginning 
of the sixth preceding month, the hold-
er has made three Category II ILS ap-
proaches with a 150-foot decision 
height to a landing under actual or 
simulated instrument conditions. 

(ii) In the case of Category III limita-

tions, a limitation is removed as speci-
fied in the authorization. 

(4) To meet the experience require-

ments of paragraph (c)(3) of this sec-
tion, and for the practical test required 
by this part for a Category II or a Cat-
egory III pilot authorization, a flight 
simulator or flight training device may 
be used if it is approved by the Admin-
istrator for such use. 


Application during suspension or 

revocation. (1) Unless otherwise author-
ized by the Administrator, a person 
whose pilot, flight instructor, or 
ground instructor certificate has been 
suspended may not apply for any cer-
tificate, rating, or authorization dur-
ing the period of suspension. 

(2) Unless otherwise authorized by 

the Administrator, a person whose 
pilot, flight instructor, or ground in-
structor certificate has been revoked 
may not apply for any certificate, rat-

ing, or authorization for 1 year after 
the date of revocation. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 40895, July 30, 1997, as 
amended by Amdt. 61–116, 72 FR 18558, Apr. 
12, 2007; Amdt. 61–132, 78 FR 77572, Dec. 24, 

§ 61.14


§ 61.15

Offenses involving alcohol or 


(a) A conviction for the violation of 

any Federal or State statute relating 
to the growing, processing, manufac-
ture, sale, disposition, possession, 
transportation, or importation of nar-
cotic drugs, marijuana, or depressant 
or stimulant drugs or substances is 
grounds for: 

(1) Denial of an application for any 

certificate, rating, or authorization 
issued under this part for a period of up 
to 1 year after the date of final convic-
tion; or 

(2) Suspension or revocation of any 

certificate, rating, or authorization 
issued under this part. 

(b) Committing an act prohibited by 

§ 91.17(a) or § 91.19(a) of this chapter is 
grounds for: 

(1) Denial of an application for a cer-

tificate, rating, or authorization issued 
under this part for a period of up to 1 
year after the date of that act; or 

(2) Suspension or revocation of any 

certificate, rating, or authorization 
issued under this part. 

(c) For the purposes of paragraphs 

(d), (e), and (f) of this section, a motor 
vehicle action means: 

(1) A conviction after November 29, 

1990, for the violation of any Federal or 
State statute relating to the operation 
of a motor vehicle while intoxicated by 
alcohol or a drug, while impaired by al-
cohol or a drug, or while under the in-
fluence of alcohol or a drug; 

(2) The cancellation, suspension, or 

revocation of a license to operate a 
motor vehicle after November 29, 1990, 
for a cause related to the operation of 
a motor vehicle while intoxicated by 
alcohol or a drug, while impaired by al-
cohol or a drug, or while under the in-
fluence of alcohol or a drug; or 

(3) The denial after November 29, 

1990, of an application for a license to 

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