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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.153 


For a balloon—(A) Give flight and 

ground training in a balloon for the 
issuance of a certificate or rating; 

(B) Give an endorsement for a pilot 

certificate with a balloon rating; 

(C) Endorse a pilot’s logbook for solo 

operating privileges in a balloon; and 

(D) Give ground and flight training 

and endorsements that are required for 
a flight review, an operating privilege, 
or recency-of-experience requirements 
of this part. 


Limitations.  (1) A person who ap-

plies for a commercial pilot certificate 
with an airplane category or powered- 
lift category rating and does not hold 
an instrument rating in the same cat-
egory and class will be issued a com-
mercial pilot certificate that contains 
the limitation, ‘‘The carriage of pas-
sengers for hire in (airplanes) (pow-
ered-lifts) on cross-country flights in 
excess of 50 nautical miles or at night 
is prohibited.’’ The limitation may be 
removed when the person satisfactorily 
accomplishes the requirements listed 
in § 61.65 of this part for an instrument 
rating in the same category and class 
of aircraft listed on the person’s com-
mercial pilot certificate. 

(2) If a person who applies for a com-

mercial pilot certificate with a balloon 
rating takes a practical test in a bal-
loon with an airborne heater— 

(i) The pilot certificate will contain a 

limitation restricting the exercise of 
the privileges of that certificate to a 
balloon with an airborne heater. 

(ii) The limitation specified in para-

graph (b)(2)(i) of this section may be 
removed when the person obtains the 
required aeronautical experience in a 
gas balloon and receives a logbook en-
dorsement from an authorized instruc-
tor who attests to the person’s accom-
plishment of the required aeronautical 
experience and ability to satisfactorily 
operate a gas balloon. 

(3) If a person who applies for a com-

mercial pilot certificate with a balloon 
rating takes a practical test in a gas 

(i) The pilot certificate will contain a 

limitation restricting the exercise of 
the privileges of that certificate to a 
gas balloon. 

(ii) The limitation specified in para-

graph (b)(3)(i) of this section may be 
removed when the person obtains the 

required aeronautical experience in a 
balloon with an airborne heater and re-
ceives a logbook endorsement from an 
authorized instructor who attests to 
the person’s accomplishment of the re-
quired aeronautical experience and 
ability to satisfactorily operate a bal-
loon with an airborne heater. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40905, July 30, 1997; Dock-
et FAA–2010–1127, Amdt. 61–135, 81 FR 1306, 
Jan. 12, 2016] 

§§ 61.135–61.141


Subpart G—Airline Transport Pilots 

§ 61.151


This subpart prescribes the require-

ments for the issuance of airline trans-
port pilot certificates and ratings, the 
conditions under which those certifi-
cates and ratings are necessary, and 
the general operating rules for persons 
who hold those certificates and ratings. 

§ 61.153

Eligibility requirements: Gen-


To be eligible for an airline transport 

pilot certificate, a person must: 

(a) Meet the following age require-


(1) For an airline transport pilot cer-

tificate obtained under the aero-
nautical experience requirements of 
§§ 61.159, 61.161, or 61.163, be at least 23 
years of age; or 

(2) For an airline transport pilot cer-

tificate obtained under the aero-
nautical experience requirements of 
§ 61.160, be at least 21 years of age. 

(b) Be able to read, speak, write, and 

understand the English language. If the 
applicant is unable to meet one of 
these requirements due to medical rea-
sons, then the Administrator may 
place such operating limitations on 
that applicant’s pilot certificate as are 
necessary for the safe operation of the 

(c) Be of good moral character; 
(d) Meet at least one of the following 


(1) Holds a commercial pilot certifi-

cate with an instrument rating issued 
under this part; 

(2) Meet the military experience re-

quirements under § 61.73 of this part to 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.155 

qualify for a commercial pilot certifi-
cate, and an instrument rating if the 
person is a rated military pilot or 
former rated military pilot of an 
Armed Force of the United States; or 

(3) Holds either a foreign airline 

transport pilot license with instrument 
privileges, or a foreign commercial 
pilot license with an instrument rat-
ing, that— 

(i) Was issued by a contracting State 

to the Convention on International 
Civil Aviation; and 

(ii) Contains no geographical limita-


(e) For an airline transport pilot cer-

tificate with an airplane category mul-
tiengine class rating or an airline 
transport pilot certificate obtained 
concurrently with a multiengine air-
plane type rating, receive a graduation 
certificate from an authorized training 
provider certifying completion of the 
airline transport pilot certification 
training program specified in § 61.156 
before applying for the knowledge test 
required by paragraph (g) of this sec-

(f) Meet the aeronautical experience 

requirements of this subpart that apply 
to the aircraft category and class rat-
ing sought before applying for the prac-
tical test; 

(g) Pass a knowledge test on the 

aeronautical knowledge areas of 
§ 61.155(c) of this part that apply to the 
aircraft category and class rating 

(h) Pass the practical test on the 

areas of operation listed in § 61.157(e) of 
this part that apply to the aircraft cat-
egory and class rating sought; and 

(i) Comply with the sections of this 

subpart that apply to the aircraft cat-
egory and class rating sought. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40905, July 30, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42559, Aug. 21, 2009; 
Amdt. 61–130, 78 FR 42374, July 15, 2013; 
Amdt. 61–149, 86 FR 62087, Nov. 9, 2021] 

§ 61.155

Aeronautical knowledge. 


General.  The knowledge test for 

an airline transport pilot certificate is 
based on the aeronautical knowledge 
areas listed in paragraph (c) of this sec-
tion that are appropriate to the air-
craft category and class rating sought. 


Aircraft type rating. A person who 

is applying for an additional aircraft 
type rating to be added to an airline 
transport pilot certificate is not re-
quired to pass a knowledge test if that 
person’s airline transport pilot certifi-
cate lists the aircraft category and 
class rating that is appropriate to the 
type rating sought. 


Aeronautical knowledge areas. (1) 

Applicable Federal Aviation Regula-
tions of this chapter that relate to air-
line transport pilot privileges, limita-
tions, and flight operations; 

(2) Meteorology, including knowledge 

of and effects of fronts, frontal charac-
teristics, cloud formations, icing, and 
upper-air data; 

(3) General system of weather and 

NOTAM collection, dissemination, in-
terpretation, and use; 

(4) Interpretation and use of weather 

charts, maps, forecasts, sequence re-
ports, abbreviations, and symbols; 

(5) National Weather Service func-

tions as they pertain to operations in 
the National Airspace System; 

(6) Windshear and microburst aware-

ness, identification, and avoidance; 

(7) Principles of air navigation under 

instrument meteorological conditions 
in the National Airspace System; 

(8) Air traffic control procedures and 

pilot responsibilities as they relate to 
en route operations, terminal area and 
radar operations, and instrument de-
parture and approach procedures; 

(9) Aircraft loading, weight and bal-

ance, use of charts, graphs, tables, for-
mulas, and computations, and their ef-
fect on aircraft performance; 

(10) Aerodynamics relating to an air-

craft’s flight characteristics and per-
formance in normal and abnormal 
flight regimes; 

(11) Human factors; 
(12) Aeronautical decision making 

and judgment; 

(13) Crew resource management to in-

clude crew communication and coordi-
nation; and 

(14) For an airline transport pilot 

certificate with an airplane category 
multiengine class rating or an airline 
transport pilot certificate obtained 
concurrently with a multiengine air-
plane type rating, the content of the 

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