14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 61.161
of 1,250 hours of total time as a pilot if
the person:
(1) Holds an Associate’s degree with
an aviation major from an institution
of higher education, as defined in § 61.1,
that has been issued a letter of author-
ization by the Administrator under
§ 61.169;
(2) Completes at least 30 semester
credit hours of aviation and aviation-
related coursework that has been rec-
ognized by the Administrator as
coursework designed to improve and
enhance the knowledge and skills of a
person seeking a career as a profes-
sional pilot;
(3) Holds a commercial pilot certifi-
cate with an airplane category and in-
strument rating if:
(i) The required ground training was
completed as part of an approved part
141 curriculum at the institution of
higher education; and
(ii) The required flight training was
completed as part of an approved part
141 curriculum at the institution of
higher education or at a part 141 pilot
school that has a written training
agreement under § 141.26 of this chapter
with the institution of higher edu-
cation; and
(4) Presents official transcripts or
other documentation acceptable to the
Administrator from the institution of
higher education certifying that the
graduate has satisfied the require-
ments in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3)
of this section.
(d) A graduate of an institution of
higher education who completes fewer
than 60 semester credit hours but at
least 30 credit hours and otherwise sat-
isfies the requirements of paragraph (b)
of this section may apply for an airline
transport pilot certificate with an air-
plane category multiengine class rat-
ing or an airline transport pilot certifi-
cate concurrently with a multiengine
airplane type rating with a minimum
of 1,250 hours of total time as a pilot.
(e) A person who applies for an air-
line transport pilot certificate under
the total flight times listed in para-
graphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this sec-
tion must otherwise meet the aero-
nautical experience requirements of
§ 61.159, except that the person may
apply for an airline transport pilot cer-
tificate with 200 hours of cross-country
flight time.
(f) A person may apply for an airline
transport pilot certificate with an air-
plane category multiengine class rat-
ing or an airline transport pilot certifi-
cate concurrently with a multiengine
airplane type rating if the person has
1,500 hours total time as a pilot, 200
hours of cross-country flight time, and
otherwise meets the aeronautical expe-
rience requirements of § 61.159.
(g) An airline transport pilot certifi-
cate obtained under this section is sub-
ject to the pilot in command limita-
tions set forth in § 61.167(b) and must
contain the following limitation, ‘‘Re-
stricted in accordance with 14 CFR
61.167.’’ The pilot is entitled to an air-
line transport pilot certificate without
the limitation specified in this para-
graph when the applicant presents sat-
isfactory evidence of having met the
aeronautical experience requirements
of § 61.159 and the age requirement of
§ 61.153(a)(1).
(h) An applicant who meets the aero-
nautical experience requirements of
paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this
section is issued an airline transport
pilot certificate with the limitation,
‘‘Holder does not meet the pilot in
command aeronautical experience re-
quirements of ICAO,’’ as prescribed
under Article 39 of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation if the ap-
plicant does not meet the ICAO re-
quirements contained in Annex 1 ‘‘Per-
sonnel Licensing’’ to the Convention
on International Civil Aviation. An ap-
plicant is entitled to an airline trans-
port pilot certificate without the ICAO
limitation specified under this para-
graph when the applicant presents sat-
isfactory evidence of having met the
ICAO requirements and otherwise
meets the aeronautical experience re-
quirements of § 61.159.
[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0100, 78 FR 42375, July 15,
2013, as amended by Amdt. 61–149, 86 FR
62087, Nov. 9, 2021]
§ 61.161
Aeronautical experience:
Rotorcraft category and helicopter
class rating.
(a) A person who is applying for an
airline transport pilot certificate with
a rotorcraft category and helicopter
class rating, must have at least 1,200
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 61.163
hours of total time as a pilot that in-
cludes at least:
(1) 500 hours of cross-country flight
(2) 100 hours of night flight time, of
which 15 hours are in helicopters;
(3) 200 hours of flight time in heli-
copters, which includes at least 75
hours as a pilot in command, or as sec-
ond in command performing the duties
of a pilot in command under the super-
vision of a pilot in command, or any
combination thereof; and
(4) 75 hours of instrument flight time
in actual or simulated instrument me-
teorological conditions, of which at
least 50 hours are obtained in flight
with at least 25 hours in helicopters as
a pilot in command, or as second in
command performing the duties of a
pilot in command under the super-
vision of a pilot in command, or any
combination thereof.
(b) Training in a full flight simulator
or flight training device may be cred-
ited toward the instrument flight time
requirements of paragraph (a)(4) of this
section, subject to the following:
(1) Training in a full flight simulator
or a flight training device must be ac-
complished in a full flight simulator or
flight training device that represents a
(2) Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(3) of this section, an applicant may
receive credit for not more than a total
of 25 hours of simulated instrument
time in a full flight simulator and
flight training device.
(3) A maximum of 50 hours of train-
ing in a full flight simulator or flight
training device may be credited toward
the instrument flight time require-
ments of paragraph (a)(4) of this sec-
tion if the aeronautical experience is
accomplished in an approved course
conducted by a training center certifi-
cated under part 142 of this chapter.
(c) Flight time logged under
§ 61.159(c) may be counted toward the
1,200 hours of total time as a pilot re-
quired by paragraph (a) of this section
and the flight time requirements of
paragraphs (a)(1), (2), and (4) of this
section, except for the specific heli-
copter flight time requirements.
(d) An applicant who credits time
under paragraph (c) of this section is
issued an airline transport pilot certifi-
cate with the limitation, ‘‘Holder does
not meet the pilot in command aero-
nautical experience requirements of
ICAO,’’ as prescribed under Article 39
of the Convention on International
Civil Aviation.
(e) An applicant is entitled to an air-
line transport pilot certificate without
the ICAO limitation specified under
paragraph (d) of this section when the
applicant presents satisfactory evi-
dence of having met the ICAO require-
ments under paragraph (d) of this sec-
tion and otherwise meets the aero-
nautical experience requirements of
this section.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40906, July 30, 1997;
Amdt. 61–104, 63 FR 20289, Apr. 23, 1998; Dock-
et FAA–2016–6142, Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 30279,
June 27, 2018]
§ 61.163
Aeronautical experience: Pow-
ered-lift category rating.
(a) A person who is applying for an
airline transport pilot certificate with
a powered-lift category rating must
have at least 1,500 hours of total time
as a pilot that includes at least:
(1) 500 hours of cross-country flight
(2) 100 hours of night flight time;
(3) 250 hours in a powered-lift as a
pilot in command, or as a second in
command performing the duties of a
pilot in command under the super-
vision of a pilot in command, or any
combination thereof, which includes at
(i) 100 hours of cross-country flight
time; and
(ii) 25 hours of night flight time.
(4) 75 hours of instrument flight time
in actual or simulated instrument con-
ditions, subject to the following:
(i) Except as provided in paragraph
(a)(4)(ii) of this section, an applicant
may not receive credit for more than a
total of 25 hours of simulated instru-
ment time in a flight simulator or
flight training device.
(ii) A maximum of 50 hours of train-
ing in a flight simulator or flight train-
ing device may be credited toward the
instrument flight time requirements of
paragraph (a)(4) of this section if the
training was accomplished in a course
conducted by a training center certifi-
cated under part 142 of this chapter.
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