14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 61.165
(iii) Training in a flight simulator or
flight training device must be accom-
plished in a flight simulator or flight
training device that represents a pow-
(b) Not more than 100 hours of the
total aeronautical experience require-
ments of paragraph (a) of this section
may be obtained in a flight simulator
or flight training device that rep-
resents a powered-lift, provided the
aeronautical experience was obtained
in an approved course conducted by a
training center certificated under part
142 of this chapter.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40906, July 30, 1997;
Amdt. 61–104, 63 FR 20289, Apr. 23, 1998]
§ 61.165
Additional aircraft category
and class ratings.
Rotorcraft category and helicopter
class rating. A person applying for an
airline transport certificate with a
rotorcraft category and helicopter
class rating who holds an airline trans-
port pilot certificate with another air-
craft category rating must:
(1) Meet the eligibility requirements
of § 61.153 of this part;
(2) Pass a knowledge test on the aero-
nautical knowledge areas of § 61.155(c)
of this part;
(3) Comply with the requirements in
§ 61.157(b) of this part, if appropriate;
(4) Meet the applicable aeronautical
experience requirements of § 61.161 of
this part; and
(5) Pass the practical test on the
areas of operation of § 61.157(e)(4) of
this part.
Airplane category rating with a sin-
gle-engine class rating. A person apply-
ing for an airline transport certificate
with an airplane category and single-
engine class rating who holds an air-
line transport pilot certificate with an-
other aircraft category rating must:
(1) Meet the eligibility requirements
of § 61.153 of this part;
(2) Pass a knowledge test on the aero-
nautical knowledge areas of § 61.155(c)
of this part;
(3) Comply with the requirements in
§ 61.157(b) of this part, if appropriate;
(4) Meet the applicable aeronautical
experience requirements of § 61.159 of
this part; and
(5) Pass the practical test on the
areas of operation of § 61.157(e)(1) of
this part.
Airplane category rating with a mul-
tiengine class rating. A person applying
for an airline transport certificate with
an airplane category and multiengine
class rating who holds an airline trans-
port certificate with another aircraft
category rating must:
(1) Meet the eligibility requirements
of § 61.153 of this part;
(2) Successfully complete the airline
transport pilot certification training
program specified in § 61.156;
(3) Pass a knowledge test for an air-
plane category multiengine class rat-
ing or type rating on the aeronautical
knowledge areas of § 61.155(c);
(4) Comply with the requirements in
§ 61.157(b) of this part, if appropriate;
(5) Meet the aeronautical experience
requirements of § 61.159 or § 61.160; and
(6) Pass the practical test on the
areas of operation of § 61.157(e)(2) of
this part.
Powered-lift category. A person ap-
plying for an airline transport pilot
certificate with a powered-lift category
rating who holds an airline transport
certificate with another aircraft cat-
egory rating must:
(1) Meet the eligibility requirements
of § 61.153 of this part;
(2) Pass a required knowledge test on
the aeronautical knowledge areas of
§ 61.155(c) of this part;
(3) Comply with the requirements in
§ 61.157(b) of this part, if appropriate;
(4) Meet the applicable aeronautical
experience requirements of § 61.163 of
this part; and
(5) Pass the required practical test on
the areas of operation of § 61.157(e)(3) of
this part.
Additional class rating within the
same aircraft category. Except as pro-
vided in paragraph (f) of this section, a
person applying for an airline trans-
port pilot certificate with an addi-
tional class rating who holds an airline
transport certificate in the same air-
craft category must—
(1) Meet the eligibility requirements
of § 61.153, except paragraph (g) of that
(2) Comply with the requirements in
§ 61.157(b) of this part, if applicable;
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 61.167
(3) Meet the applicable aeronautical
experience requirements of subpart G
of this part; and
(4) Pass a practical test on the areas
of operation of § 61.157(e) appropriate to
the aircraft rating sought.
Adding a multiengine class rating to
an airline transport pilot certificate with
a single engine class rating. A person ap-
plying to add a multiengine class rat-
ing, or a multiengine class rating con-
currently with a multiengine airplane
type rating, to an airline transport
pilot certificate with an airplane cat-
egory single engine class rating must—
(1) Meet the eligibility requirements
of § 61.153;
(2) Pass a required knowledge test on
the aeronautical knowledge areas of
§ 61.155(c), as applicable to multiengine
(3) Comply with the requirements in
§ 61.157(b), if applicable;
(4) Meet the applicable aeronautical
experience requirements of § 61.159; and
(5) Pass a practical test on the areas
of operation of § 61.157(e)(2).
Category class ratings for the oper-
ation of aircraft with experimental certifi-
cates. Notwithstanding the provisions
of paragraphs (a) through (f) of this
section, a person holding an airline
transport certificate may apply for a
category and class rating limited to a
specific make and model of experi-
mental aircraft, provided—
(1) The person has logged at least 5
hours flight time while acting as pilot
in command in the same category,
class, make, and model of aircraft that
has been issued an experimental cer-
(2) The person has received a logbook
endorsement from an authorized in-
structor who has determined that he or
she is proficient to act as pilot in com-
mand of the same category, class,
make, and model of aircraft for which
application is made; and
(3) The flight time specified in para-
graph (g)(1) of this section must be
logged between September 1, 2004 and
August 31, 2005.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40906, July 30, 1997, as
amended by Amdt. 61–110, 69 FR 44869, July
27, 2004; Amdt. 61–130, 78 FR 42376, July 15,
2013; Amdt. 61–130B, 78 FR 77574, Dec. 24, 2013;
Amdt. 61–130C, 81 FR 2, Jan. 4, 2016]
§ 61.167
Airline transport pilot privi-
leges and limitations.
Privileges. (1) A person who holds
an airline transport pilot certificate is
entitled to the same privileges as a
person who holds a commercial pilot
certificate with an instrument rating.
(2) A person who holds an airline
transport pilot certificate and has met
the aeronautical experience require-
ments of § 61.159 or § 61.161, and the age
requirements of § 61.153(a)(1) of this
part may instruct—
(i) Other pilots in air transportation
service in aircraft of the category,
class, and type, as applicable, for which
the airline transport pilot is rated and
endorse the logbook or other training
record of the person to whom training
has been given;
(ii) In flight simulators, and flight
training devices representing the air-
craft referenced in paragraph (a)(2)(i)
of this section, when instructing under
the provisions of this section and en-
dorse the logbook or other training
record of the person to whom training
has been given;
(iii) Only as provided in this section,
except that an airline transport pilot
who also holds a flight instructor cer-
tificate can exercise the instructor
privileges under subpart H of this part
for which he or she is rated; and
(iv) In an aircraft, only if the aircraft
has functioning dual controls, when in-
structing under the provisions of this
(3) Excluding briefings and
debriefings, an airline transport pilot
may not instruct in aircraft, flight
simulators, and flight training devices
under this section—
(i) For more than 8 hours in any 24-
consecutive-hour period; or
(ii) For more than 36 hours in any 7-
consecutive-day period.
(4) An airline transport pilot may not
instruct in Category II or Category III
operations unless he or she has been
trained and successfully tested under
Category II or Category III operations,
as applicable.
Limitations. A person who holds an
airline transport pilot certificate and
has not satisfied the age requirement
of § 61.153(a)(1) and the aeronautical ex-
perience requirements of § 61.159 may
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