14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 61.169
(1) Act as pilot in command in oper-
ations conducted under part 121,
§ 91.1053(a)(2)(i), or § 135.243(a)(1) of this
chapter, or
(2) Serve as second in command in
flag or supplemental operations in part
121 of this chapter requiring three or
more pilots.
[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0100, 78 FR 42376, July 15,
2013, as amended by Amdt. 61–130B, 78 FR
77574, Dec. 24, 2013; Amdt. 61–130C, 81 FR 2,
Jan. 4, 2016]
§ 61.169
Letters of authorization for in-
stitutions of higher education.
(a) An institution of higher education
that is accredited, as defined in § 61.1,
may apply for a letter of authorization
for the purpose of certifying its grad-
uates for an airline transport pilot cer-
tificate under the academic and aero-
nautical experience requirements in
§ 61.160. The application must be in a
form and manner acceptable to the Ad-
(b) An institution of higher education
must comply with the provisions of the
letter of authorization and may not
certify a graduate unless it determines
that the graduate has satisfied the re-
quirements of § 61.160, as appropriate.
(c) The Administrator may rescind or
amend a letter of authorization if the
Administrator determines that the in-
stitution of higher education is not
complying or is unable to comply with
the provisions of the letter of author-
[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0100, 78 FR 42377, July 15,
§§ 61.170–69.171
Subpart H—Flight Instructors Other
than Flight Instructors With a
Sport Pilot Rating
§ 61.181
This subpart prescribes the require-
ments for the issuance of flight in-
structor certificates and ratings (ex-
cept for flight instructor certificates
with a sport pilot rating), the condi-
tions under which those certificates
and ratings are necessary, and the lim-
itations on those certificates and rat-
[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 44869, July
27, 2004]
§ 61.183
Eligibility requirements.
To be eligible for a flight instructor
certificate or rating a person must:
(a) Be at least 18 years of age;
(b) Be able to read, speak, write, and
understand the English language. If the
applicant is unable to meet one of
these requirements due to medical rea-
sons, then the Administrator may
place such operating limitations on
that applicant’s flight instructor cer-
tificate as are necessary;
(c) Hold either a commercial pilot
certificate or airline transport pilot
certificate with:
(1) An aircraft category and class rat-
ing that is appropriate to the flight in-
structor rating sought; and
(2) An instrument rating, or privi-
leges on that person’s pilot certificate
that are appropriate to the flight in-
structor rating sought, if applying
(i) A flight instructor certificate with
an airplane category and single-engine
class rating;
(ii) A flight instructor certificate
with an airplane category and multien-
gine class rating;
(iii) A flight instructor certificate
with a powered-lift rating; or
(iv) A flight instructor certificate
with an instrument rating.
(d) Receive a logbook endorsement
from an authorized instructor on the
fundamentals of instructing listed in
§ 61.185 of this part appropriate to the
required knowledge test;
(e) Pass a knowledge test on the
areas listed in § 61.185(a)(1) of this part,
unless the applicant:
(1) Holds a flight instructor certifi-
cate or ground instructor certificate
issued under this part;
(2) Holds a teacher’s certificate
issued by a State, county, city, or mu-
nicipality that authorizes the person to
teach at an educational level of the 7th
grade or higher; or
(3) Is employed as a teacher at an ac-
credited college or university.
(f) Pass a knowledge test on the aero-
nautical knowledge areas listed in
§ 61.185(a)(2) and (a)(3) of this part that
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 61.187
are appropriate to the flight instructor
rating sought;
(g) Receive a logbook endorsement
from an authorized instructor on the
areas of operation listed in § 61.187(b) of
this part, appropriate to the flight in-
structor rating sought;
(h) Pass the required practical test
that is appropriate to the flight in-
structor rating sought in an:
(1) Aircraft that is representative of
the category and class of aircraft for
the aircraft rating sought; or
(2) Flight simulator or approved
flight training device that is represent-
ative of the category and class of air-
craft for the rating sought, and used in
accordance with a course at a training
center certificated under part 142 of
this chapter.
(i) Accomplish the following for a
flight instructor certificate with an
airplane or a glider rating:
(1) Receive a logbook endorsement
from an authorized instructor indi-
cating that the applicant is competent
and possesses instructional proficiency
in stall awareness, spin entry, spins,
and spin recovery procedures after pro-
viding the applicant with flight train-
ing in those training areas in an air-
plane or glider, as appropriate, that is
certificated for spins; and
(2) Demonstrate instructional pro-
ficiency in stall awareness, spin entry,
spins, and spin recovery procedures.
However, upon presentation of the en-
dorsement specified in paragraph (i)(1)
of this section an examiner may accept
that endorsement as satisfactory evi-
dence of instructional proficiency in
stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and
spin recovery procedures for the prac-
tical test, provided that the practical
test is not a retest as a result of the ap-
plicant failing the previous test for de-
ficiencies in the knowledge or skill of
stall awareness, spin entry, spins, or
spin recovery instructional procedures.
If the retest is a result of deficiencies
in the ability of an applicant to dem-
onstrate knowledge or skill of stall
awareness, spin entry, spins, or spin re-
covery instructional procedures, the
examiner must test the person on stall
awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin
recovery instructional procedures in an
airplane or glider, as appropriate, that
is certificated for spins;
(j) Log at least 15 hours as pilot in
command in the category and class of
aircraft that is appropriate to the
flight instructor rating sought; and
(k) Comply with the appropriate sec-
tions of this part that apply to the
flight instructor rating sought.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40907, July 30, 1997;
Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42561, Aug. 21, 2009]
§ 61.185
Aeronautical knowledge.
(a) A person who is applying for a
flight instructor certificate must re-
ceive and log ground training from an
authorized instructor on:
(1) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, the fundamentals of
instructing, including:
(i) The learning process;
(ii) Elements of effective teaching;
(iii) Student evaluation and testing;
(iv) Course development;
(v) Lesson planning; and
(vi) Classroom training techniques.
(2) The aeronautical knowledge areas
for a recreational, private, and com-
mercial pilot certificate applicable to
the aircraft category for which flight
instructor privileges are sought; and
(3) The aeronautical knowledge areas
for the instrument rating applicable to
the category for which instrument
flight instructor privileges are sought.
(b) The following applicants do not
need to comply with paragraph (a)(1) of
this section:
(1) The holder of a flight instructor
certificate or ground instructor certifi-
cate issued under this part;
(2) The holder of a current teacher’s
certificate issued by a State, county,
city, or municipality that authorizes
the person to teach at an educational
level of the 7th grade or higher; or
(3) A person employed as a teacher at
an accredited college or university.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40907, July 30, 1997]
§ 61.187
Flight proficiency.
General. A person who is applying
for a flight instructor certificate must
receive and log flight and ground train-
ing from an authorized instructor on
the areas of operation listed in this
section that apply to the flight instruc-
tor rating sought. The applicant’s log-
book must contain an endorsement
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