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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.193 

(i) Fundamentals of instructing; 
(ii) Technical subject areas; 
(iii) Preflight preparation; 
(iv) Preflight lesson on a maneuver 

to be performed in flight; 

(v) Air traffic control clearances and 


(vi) Flight by reference to instru-


(vii) Navigation aids; 
(viii) Instrument approach proce-


(ix) Emergency operations; and 
(x) Postflight procedures. 
(c) The flight training required by 

this section may be accomplished: 

(1) In an aircraft that is representa-

tive of the category and class of air-
craft for the rating sought; or 

(2) In a flight simulator or flight 

training device representative of the 
category and class of aircraft for the 
rating sought, and used in accordance 
with an approved course at a training 
center certificated under part 142 of 
this chapter. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40907, July 30, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42561, Aug. 21, 2009] 

§ 61.189

Flight instructor records. 

(a) A flight instructor must sign the 

logbook of each person to whom that 
instructor has given flight training or 
ground training. 

(b) A flight instructor must maintain 

a record in a logbook or a separate doc-
ument that contains the following: 

(1) The name of each person whose 

logbook that instructor has endorsed 
for solo flight privileges, and the date 
of the endorsement; and 

(2) The name of each person that in-

structor has endorsed for a knowledge 
test or practical test, and the record 
shall also indicate the kind of test, the 
date, and the results. 

(c) Each flight instructor must retain 

the records required by this section for 
at least 3 years. 

[Docket No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as 
amended by Docket FAA–2010–1127, Amdt. 61– 
135, 81 FR 1306, Jan. 12, 2016] 

§ 61.191

Additional flight instructor 


(a) A person who applies for an addi-

tional flight instructor rating on a 
flight instructor certificate must meet 

the eligibility requirements listed in 
§ 61.183 of this part that apply to the 
flight instructor rating sought. 

(b) A person who applies for an addi-

tional rating on a flight instructor cer-
tificate is not required to pass the 
knowledge test on the areas listed in 
§ 61.185(a)(1) of this part. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40907, July 30, 1997] 

§ 61.193

Flight instructor privileges. 

(a) A person who holds a flight in-

structor certificate is authorized with-
in the limitations of that person’s 
flight instructor certificate and ratings 
to train and issue endorsements that 
are required for: 

(1) A student pilot certificate; 
(2) A pilot certificate; 
(3) A flight instructor certificate; 
(4) A ground instructor certificate; 
(5) An aircraft rating; 
(6) An instrument rating; 
(7) A flight review, operating privi-

lege, or recency of experience require-
ment of this part; 

(8) A practical test; and 
(9) A knowledge test. 
(b) A person who holds a flight in-

structor certificate is authorized, in a 
form and manner acceptable to the Ad-
ministrator, to: 

(1) Accept an application for a stu-

dent pilot certificate or, for an appli-
cant who holds a pilot certificate 
(other than a student pilot certificate) 
issued under part 61 of this chapter and 
meets the flight review requirements 
specified in § 61.56, a remote pilot cer-
tificate with a small UAS rating; 

(2) Verify the identity of the appli-

cant; and 

(3) Verify that an applicant for a stu-

dent pilot certificate meets the eligi-
bility requirements in § 61.83 or an ap-
plicant for a remote pilot certificate 
with a small UAS rating meets the eli-
gibility requirements in § 107.61 of this 

[Docket FAA–2010–1127, Amdt. 61–135, 81 FR 
1306, Jan. 12, 2016, as amended by Docket 
FAA–2015–0150, Amdt. 61–137, 81 FR 42208, 
June 28, 2016] 

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