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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.197 

conduct training for night vision gog-
gle operations unless the flight instruc-

(1) Has a pilot and flight instructor 

certificate with the applicable cat-
egory and class rating for the training; 

(2) If appropriate, has a type rating 

on his or her pilot certificate for the 

(3) Is pilot in command qualified for 

night vision goggle operations, in ac-
cordance with § 61.31(k); 

(4) Has logged 100 night vision goggle 

operations as the sole manipulator of 
the controls; 

(5) Has logged 20 night vision goggle 

operations as the sole manipulator of 
the controls in the category and class, 
and type of aircraft, if aircraft class 
and type is appropriate, that the train-
ing will be given in; 

(6) Is qualified to act as pilot in com-

mand in night vision goggle operations 
under § 61.57(f) or (g); and 

(7) Has a logbook endorsement from 

an FAA Aviation Safety Inspector or a 
person who is authorized by the FAA to 
provide that logbook endorsement that 
states the flight instructor is author-
ized to perform the night vision goggle 
pilot in command qualification and re-
cent flight experience requirements 
under § 61.31(k) and § 61.57(f) and (g). 


Training on control and maneu-

vering an aircraft solely by reference to 
the instruments. 
A flight instructor may 
conduct flight training on control and 
maneuvering an airplane solely by ref-
erence to the flight instruments, pro-
vided the flight instructor— 

(1) Holds a flight instructor certifi-

cate with the applicable category and 
class rating; or 

(2) Holds an instrument rating appro-

priate to the aircraft used for the 
training on his or her flight instructor 
certificate, and holds a commercial 
pilot certificate or airline transport 
pilot certificate with the appropriate 
category and class ratings for the air-
craft in which the training is con-
ducted provided the pilot receiving the 
training holds a pilot certificate with 
category and class ratings appropriate 

to the aircraft in which the training is 
being conducted. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40907, July 30, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42561, Aug. 21, 2009; Dock-
et FAA–2010–1127, Amdt. 61–135, 81 FR 1307, 
Jan. 12, 2016; Docket FAA–2016–6142, Amdt. 
61–142, 83 FR 30729, June 27, 2018] 

§ 61.197

Renewal requirements for 

flight instructor certification. 

(a) A person who holds a flight in-

structor certificate that has not ex-
pired may renew that flight instructor 
certificate by— 

(1) Passing a practical test for— 
(i) One of the ratings listed on the 

current flight instructor certificate; or 

(ii) An additional flight instructor 

rating; or 

(2) Submitting a completed and 

signed application with the FAA and 
satisfactorily completing one of the 
following renewal requirements— 

(i) A record of training students 

showing that, during the preceding 24 
calendar months, the flight instructor 
has endorsed at least 5 students for a 
practical test for a certificate or rating 
and at least 80 percent of those stu-
dents passed that test on the first at-

(ii) A record showing that, within the 

preceding 24 calendar months, the 
flight instructor has served as a com-
pany check pilot, chief flight instruc-
tor, company check airman, or flight 
instructor in a part 121 or part 135 oper-
ation, or in a position involving the 
regular evaluation of pilots. 

(iii) A graduation certificate showing 

that, within the preceding 3 calendar 
months, the person has successfully 
completed an approved flight instruc-
tor refresher course consisting of 
ground training or flight training, or a 
combination of both. 

(iv) A record showing that, within 

the preceding 24 months from the 
month of application, the flight in-
structor passed an official U.S. Armed 
Forces military instructor pilot or 
pilot examiner proficiency check in an 
aircraft for which the military instruc-
tor already holds a rating or in an air-
craft for an additional rating. 

(b) The expiration month of a re-

newed flight instructor certificate 
shall be 24 calendar months from— 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.199 

(1) The month the renewal require-

ments of paragraph (a) of this section 
are accomplished; or 

(2) The month of expiration of the 

current flight instructor certificate 

(i) The renewal requirements of para-

graph (a) of this section are accom-
plished within the 3 calendar months 
preceding the expiration month of the 
current flight instructor certificate, 

(ii) If the renewal is accomplished 

under paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this sec-
tion, the approved flight instructor re-
fresher course must be completed with-
in the 3 calendar months preceding the 
expiration month of the current flight 
instructor certificate. 

(c) The practical test required by 

paragraph (a)(1) of this section may be 
accomplished in a full flight simulator 
or flight training device if the test is 
accomplished pursuant to an approved 
course conducted by a training center 
certificated under part 142 of this chap-

[Doc. No. 25910, 63 FR 20289, Apr. 23, 1998, as 
amended by Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42562, Aug. 
21, 2009; Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 30279, June 27, 

§ 61.199

Reinstatement requirements 

of an expired flight instructor cer-


Flight instructor certificates. The 

holder of an expired flight instructor 
certificate who has not complied with 
the flight instructor renewal require-
ments of § 61.197 may reinstate that 
flight instructor certificate and ratings 
by filing a completed and signed appli-
cation with the FAA and satisfactorily 
completing one of the following rein-
statement requirements: 

(1) A flight instructor certification 

practical test, as prescribed by 
§ 61.183(h), for one of the ratings held on 
the expired flight instructor certifi-

(2) A flight instructor certification 

practical test for an additional rating. 

(3) For military instructor pilots, 

provide a record showing that, within 
the preceding 6 calendar months from 
the date of application for reinstate-
ment, the person— 

(i) Passed a U.S. Armed Forces in-

structor pilot or pilot examiner pro-
ficiency check; or 

(ii) Completed a U.S. Armed Forces’ 

instructor pilot or pilot examiner 
training course and received an addi-
tional aircraft rating qualification as a 
military instructor pilot or pilot exam-
iner that is appropriate to the flight 
instructor rating sought. 


Flight instructor ratings. (1) A 

flight instructor rating or a limited 
flight instructor rating on a pilot cer-
tificate is no longer valid and may not 
be exchanged for a similar rating or a 
flight instructor certificate. 

(2) The holder of a flight instructor 

rating or a limited flight instructor 
rating on a pilot certificate may be 
issued a flight instructor certificate 
with the current ratings, but only if 
the person passes the required knowl-
edge and practical test prescribed in 
this subpart for the issuance of the cur-
rent flight instructor certificate and 


Certain military instructors and ex-

aminers. The holder of an expired flight 
instructor certificate issued prior to 
October 20, 2009, may apply for rein-
statement of that certificate by pre-
senting the following: 

(1) A record showing that, since the 

date the flight instructor certificate 
was issued, the person passed a U.S. 
Armed Forces instructor pilot or pilot 
examiner proficiency check for an ad-
ditional military rating; and 

(2) A knowledge test report that 

shows the person passed a knowledge 
test on the aeronautical knowledge 
areas listed under § 61.185(a) appro-
priate to the flight instructor rating 
sought and the knowledge test was 
passed within the preceding 24 calendar 
months prior to the month of applica-


Expiration date. The requirements 

of paragraph (c) of this section will ex-
pire on August 26, 2019. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as 
amended by Amdt. 61–104, 63 FR 20289, Apr. 
23, 1998; Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42562, Aug. 21, 
2009; Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 30279, June 27, 2018] 

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