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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.3 

§ 61.2

Exercise of Privilege. 


Validity. No person may: 

(1) Exercise privileges of a certifi-

cate, rating, endorsement, or author-
ization issued under this part if the 
certificate, rating or authorization is 
surrendered, suspended, revoked or ex-

(2) Exercise privileges of a flight in-

structor certificate if that flight in-
structor certificate is surrendered, sus-
pended, revoked or expired. 

(3) Exercise privileges of a foreign 

pilot certificate to operate an aircraft 
of foreign registry under § 61.3(b) if the 
certificate is surrendered, suspended, 
revoked or expired. 

(4) Exercise privileges of a pilot cer-

tificate issued under § 61.75, or an au-
thorization issued under § 61.77, if the 
foreign pilot certificate relied upon for 
the issuance of the U.S. pilot certifi-
cate or authorization is surrendered, 
suspended, revoked or expired. 

(5) Exercise privileges of a medical 

certificate issued under part 67 to meet 
any requirements of part 61 if the med-
ical certificate is surrendered, sus-
pended, revoked or expired according 
to the duration standards set forth in 
§ 61.23(d). 

(6) Use an official government issued 

driver’s license to meet any require-
ments of part 61 related to holding that 
driver’s license, if the driver’s license 
is surrendered, suspended, revoked or 


Currency. No person may: 

(1) Exercise privileges of an airman 

certificate, rating, endorsement, or au-
thorization issued under this part un-
less that person meets the appropriate 
airman and medical recency require-
ments of this part, specific to the oper-
ation or activity. 

(2) Exercise privileges of a foreign 

pilot license within the United States 
to conduct an operation described in 
§ 61.3(b), unless that person meets the 
appropriate airman and medical 
recency requirements of the country 
that issued the license, specific to the 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–26661, 74 FR 42546, Aug. 
21, 2009] 

§ 61.3

Requirement for certificates, 

ratings, and authorizations. 


Required pilot certificate for oper-

ating a civil aircraft of the United States. 
No person may serve as a required pilot 
flight crewmember of a civil aircraft of 
the United States, unless that person: 

(1) Has in the person’s physical pos-

session or readily accessible in the air-
craft when exercising the privileges of 
that pilot certificate or authoriza-

(i) A pilot certificate issued under 

this part and in accordance with § 61.19; 

(ii) A special purpose pilot authoriza-

tion issued under § 61.77; 

(iii) A temporary certificate issued 

under § 61.17; 

(iv) A document conveying tem-

porary authority to exercise certificate 
privileges issued by the Airmen Certifi-
cation Branch under § 61.29(e); 

(v) When engaged in a flight oper-

ation within the United States for a 
part 119 certificate holder authorized 
to conduct operations under part 121 or 
135 of this chapter, a temporary docu-
ment provided by that certificate hold-
er under an approved certificate 
verification plan; 

(vi) When engaged in a flight oper-

ation within the United States for a 
fractional ownership program manager 
authorized to conduct operations under 
part 91, subpart K, of this chapter, a 
temporary document provided by that 
program manager under an approved 
certificate verification plan; or 

(vii) When operating an aircraft with-

in a foreign country, a pilot license 
issued by that country may be used. 

(2) Has a photo identification that is 

in that person’s physical possession or 
readily accessible in the aircraft when 
exercising the privileges of that pilot 
certificate or authorization. The photo 
identification must be a: 

(i) Driver’s license issued by a State, 

the District of Columbia, or territory 
or possession of the United States; 

(ii) Government identification card 

issued by the Federal government, a 
State, the District of Columbia, or a 
territory or possession of the United 

(iii) U.S. Armed Forces’ identifica-

tion card; 

(iv) Official passport; 

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