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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.201 

§ 61.201


Subpart I—Ground Instructors 

§ 61.211


This subpart prescribes the require-

ments for the issuance of ground in-
structor certificates and ratings, the 
conditions under which those certifi-
cates and ratings are necessary, and 
the limitations upon those certificates 
and ratings. 

§ 61.213

Eligibility requirements. 

(a) To be eligible for a ground in-

structor certificate or rating a person 

(1) Be at least 18 years of age; 
(2) Be able to read, write, speak, and 

understand the English language. If the 
applicant is unable to meet one of 
these requirements due to medical rea-
sons, then the Administrator may 
place such operating limitations on 
that applicant’s ground instructor cer-
tificate as are necessary; 

(3) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, pass a knowledge 
test on the fundamentals of instructing 
to include— 

(i) The learning process; 
(ii) Elements of effective teaching; 
(iii) Student evaluation and testing; 
(iv) Course development; 
(v) Lesson planning; and 
(vi) Classroom training techniques. 
(4) Pass a knowledge test on the aero-

nautical knowledge areas in— 

(i) For a basic ground instructor rat-

ing §§ 61.97, 61.105, and 61.309; 

(ii) For an advanced ground instruc-

tor rating §§ 61.97, 61.105, 61.125, 61.155, 
and 61.309; and 

(iii) For an instrument ground in-

structor rating, § 61.65. 

(b) The knowledge test specified in 

paragraph (a)(3) of this section is not 
required if the applicant: 

(1) Holds a ground instructor certifi-

cate or flight instructor certificate 
issued under this part; 

(2) Holds a teacher’s certificate 

issued by a State, county, city, or mu-
nicipality that authorizes the person to 
teach at an educational level of the 7th 
grade or higher; or 

(3) Is employed as a teacher at an ac-

credited college or university. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as 
amended by Amdt. 61–110, 69 FR 44869, July 
27, 2004; Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42562, Aug. 21, 

§ 61.215

Ground instructor privileges. 

(a) A person who holds a basic ground 

instructor rating is authorized to pro-

(1) Ground training in the aero-

nautical knowledge areas required for 
the issuance of a sport pilot certificate, 
recreational pilot certificate, private 
pilot certificate, or associated ratings 
under this part; 

(2) Ground training required for a 

sport pilot, recreational pilot, and pri-
vate pilot flight review; and 

(3) A recommendation for a knowl-

edge test required for the issuance of a 
sport pilot certificate, recreational 
pilot certificate, or private pilot cer-
tificate under this part. 

(b) A person who holds an advanced 

ground instructor rating is authorized 
to provide: 

(1) Ground training on the aero-

nautical knowledge areas required for 
the issuance of any certificate or rat-
ing under this part except for the aero-
nautical knowledge areas required for 
an instrument rating. 

(2) The ground training required for 

any flight review except for the train-
ing required for an instrument rating. 

(3) A recommendation for a knowl-

edge test required for the issuance of 
any certificate or rating under this 
part except for an instrument rating. 

(c) A person who holds an instrument 

ground instructor rating is authorized 
to provide: 

(1) Ground training in the aero-

nautical knowledge areas required for 
the issuance of an instrument rating 
under this part; 

(2) Ground training required for an 

instrument proficiency check; and 

(3) A recommendation for a knowl-

edge test required for the issuance of 
an instrument rating under this part. 

(d) A person who holds a ground in-

structor certificate is authorized, with-
in the limitations of the ratings on the 
ground instructor certificate, to en-
dorse the logbook or other training 
record of a person to whom the holder 

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