14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 61.25
If you hold
And on the
date of
for your most
recent med-
ical certificate
you were
And you are conducting an operation
Then your medical certificate expires, for that
operation, at the end of the last day of the
(ii) Age 40 or
a recreational pilot certificate, a private pilot
certificate, a flight instructor certificate
(when acting as pilot in command or a re-
quired pilot flight crewmember in operations
other than glider or balloon), a student pilot
certificate, or a sport pilot certificate (when
not using a U.S. driver’s license as medical
24th month after the month of the date of ex-
amination shown on the medical certificate.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40895, July 30, 1997; Amdt. 61–
110, 69 FR 44864, July 27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61–121, 73 FR 43064, July 24, 2008; Amdt.
61–121, 73 FR 48125, Aug. 18, 2008; Amdt. 61–123, 74 FR 34234, July 15, 2009; Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR
42547, Aug. 21, 2009; Amdt. 61–129, 76 FR 78143, Dec. 16, 2011; Amdt. 61–129A, 77 FR 61721, Oct.
11, 2012; Amdt. 61–130, 78 FR 42372, July 15, 2013; Docket FAA–2016–9157, Amdt. 61–140, 82 FR
3164, Jan. 11, 2017; Docket No. FAA–2021–1040, Amdt. Nos. 61–152, 87 FR 71236, Nov. 22, 2022;
Docket No. FAA–2021–1040; Amdt. Nos. 61–152, 87 FR 71237, Nov. 22, 2022]
§ 61.25
Change of name.
(a) An application to change the
name on a certificate issued under this
part must be accompanied by the appli-
(1) Airman certificate; and
(2) A copy of the marriage license,
court order, or other document
verifying the name change.
(b) The documents in paragraph (a) of
this section will be returned to the ap-
plicant after inspection.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as
amended by Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42548, Aug.
21, 2009]
§ 61.27
Voluntary surrender or ex-
change of certificate.
(a) The holder of a certificate issued
under this part may voluntarily sur-
render it for:
(1) Cancellation;
(2) Issuance of a lower grade certifi-
cate; or
(3) Another certificate with specific
ratings deleted.
(b) Any request made under para-
graph (a) of this section must include
the following signed statement or its
equivalent: ‘‘This request is made for
my own reasons, with full knowledge
that my (insert name of certificate or
rating, as appropriate) may not be re-
issued to me unless I again pass the
tests prescribed for its issuance.’’
§ 61.29
Replacement of a lost or de-
stroyed airman or medical certifi-
cate or knowledge test report.
(a) A request for the replacement of a
lost or destroyed airman certificate
issued under this part must be made:
(1) By letter to the Department of
Transportation, FAA, Airmen Certifi-
cation Branch, P.O. Box 25082, Okla-
homa City, OK 73125, and must be ac-
companied by a check or money order
for the appropriate fee payable to the
FAA; or
(2) In any other manner and form ap-
proved by the Administrator including
a request online to Airmen Services at
http://www.faa.gov, and must be accom-
panied by acceptable form of payment
for the appropriate fee.
(b) A request for the replacement of a
lost or destroyed medical certificate
must be made:
(1) By letter to the Department of
Transportation, FAA, Aerospace Med-
ical Certification Division, P.O. Box
26200, Oklahoma City, OK 73125, and
must be accompanied by a check or
money order for the appropriate fee
payable to the FAA; or
(2) In any other manner and form ap-
proved by the Administrator and must
be accompanied by acceptable form of
payment for the appropriate fee.
(c) A request for the replacement of a
lost or destroyed knowledge test report
must be made:
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