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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.303 

has provided the training or rec-
ommendation specified in paragraphs 
(a) through (c) of this section. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as 
amended by Amdt. 61–110, 69 FR 44869, July 
27, 2004; Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42562, Aug. 21, 

§ 61.217

Recent experience require-


The holder of a ground instructor 

certificate may not perform the duties 
of a ground instructor unless the per-
son can show that one of the following 
occurred during the preceding 12 cal-
endar months: 

(a) Employment or activity as a 

ground instructor giving pilot, flight 
instructor, or ground instructor train-

(b) Employment or activity as a 

flight instructor giving pilot, flight in-
structor, or ground instructor ground 
or flight training; 

(c) Completion of an approved flight 

instructor refresher course and receipt 
of a graduation certificate for that 
course; or 

(d) An endorsement from an author-

ized instructor certifying that the per-
son has demonstrated knowledge in the 
subject areas prescribed under 
§ 61.213(a)(3) and (a)(4), as appropriate. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–26661, 74 FR 42562, Aug. 
21, 2009] 

Subpart J—Sport Pilots 



: Docket No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 

44869, July 27, 2004, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 61.301

What is the purpose of this 

subpart and to whom does it apply? 

(a) This subpart prescribes the fol-

lowing requirements that apply to a 
sport pilot certificate: 

(1) Eligibility. 
(2) Aeronautical knowledge. 
(3) Flight proficiency. 
(4) Aeronautical experience. 
(5) Endorsements. 
(6) Privileges and limits. 
(b) Other provisions of this part 

apply to the logging of flight time and 

(c) This subpart applies to applicants 

for, and holders of, sport pilot certifi-
cates. It also applies to holders of rec-
reational pilot certificates and higher, 
as provided in § 61.303. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 44869, July 
27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 
5221, Feb. 1, 2010] 

§ 61.303

If I want to operate a light- 

sport aircraft, what operating limits 
and endorsement requirements in 
this subpart must I comply with? 

(a) Use the following table to deter-

mine what operating limits and en-
dorsement requirements in this sub-
part, if any, apply to you when you op-
erate a light-sport aircraft. The med-
ical certificate specified in this table 
must be in compliance with § 61.2 in re-
gards to currency and validity. If you 
hold a recreational pilot certificate, 
but not a medical certificate, you must 
comply with cross country require-
ments in § 61.101 (c), even if your flight 
does not exceed 50 nautical miles from 
your departure airport. You must also 
comply with requirements in other 
subparts of this part that apply to your 
certificate and the operation you con-

If you hold 

And you hold 

Then you may operate 


(1) A medical certificate ...........

(i) A sport pilot certificate, ......

(A) Any light-sport aircraft for 

which you hold the en-
dorsements required for its 
category and class 

(1) You must hold any other 

endorsements required by 
this subpart, and comply 
with the limitations in 
§ 61.315. 

(ii) At least a recreational pilot 

certificate with a category 
and class rating, 

(A) Any light-sport aircraft in 

that category and class, 

(1) You do not have to hold 

any of the endorsements 
required by this subpart, 
nor do you have to comply 
with the limitations in 
§ 61.315. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.305 

If you hold 

And you hold 

Then you may operate 


(iii) At least a recreational 

pilot certificate but not a 
rating for the category and 
class of light sport aircraft 
you operate, 

(A) That light-sport aircraft, 

only if you hold the en-
dorsements required in 
§ 61.321 for its category 
and class, 

(1) You must comply with the 

limitations in § 61.315, ex-
cept § 61.315(c)(14) and, if 
a private pilot or higher, 
§ 61.315(c)(7). 

(2) Only a U.S. driver’s license 

(i) A sport pilot certificate, 

(A) Any light-sport aircraft for 

which you hold the en-
dorsements required for its 
category and class. 

(1) You must hold any other 

endorsements required by 
this subpart, and comply 
with the limitations in 
§ 61.315. 

(ii) At least a recreational pilot 

certificate with a category 
and class rating, 

(A) Any light-sport aircraft in 

that category and class, 

(1) You do not have to hold 

any of the endorsements 
required by this subpart, 
but you must comply with 
the limitations in § 61.315. 

(iii) At least a recreational 

pilot certificate but not a 
rating for the category and 
class of light-sport aircraft 
you operate, 

(A) That light-sport aircraft, 

only if you hold the en-
dorsements required in 
§ 61.321 for its category 
and class, 

(1) You must comply with the 

limitations in § 61.315, ex-
cept § 61.315(c)(14) and, if 
a private pilot or higher, 
§ 61.315(c)(7). 

(3) Neither a medical certificate 

nor a U.S. driver’s license 

(i) A sport pilot certificate, 

(A) Any light-sport glider or 

balloon for which you hold 
the endorsements required 
for its category and class 

(1) You must hold any other 

endorsements required by 
this subpart, and comply 
with the limitations in 
§ 61.315. 

(ii) At least a private pilot cer-

tificate with a category and 
class rating for glider or 

(A) Any light-sport glider or 

balloon in that category and 

(1) You do not have to hold 

any of the endorsements 
required by this subpart, 
nor do you have to comply 
with the limitations in 
§ 61.315. 

(iii) At least a private pilot cer-

tificate but not a rating for 
glider or balloon, 

(A) Any light-sport glider or 

balloon, only if you hold the 
endorsements required in 
§ 61.321 for its category 
and class 

(1) You must comply with the 

limitations in § 61.315, ex-
cept § 61.315(c)(14) and, if 
a private pilot or higher, 
§ 61.315(c)(7). 

(b) A person using a U.S. driver’s li-

cense to meet the requirements of this 
paragraph must— 

(1) Comply with each restriction and 

limitation imposed by that person’s 
U.S. driver’s license and any judicial or 
administrative order applying to the 
operation of a motor vehicle; 

(2) Have been found eligible for the 

issuance of at least a third-class air-
man medical certificate at the time of 
his or her most recent application (if 
the person has applied for a medical 

(3) Not have had his or her most re-

cently issued medical certificate (if the 
person has held a medical certificate) 
suspended or revoked or most recent 
Authorization for a Special Issuance of 
a Medical Certificate withdrawn; and 

(4) Not know or have reason to know 

of any medical condition that would 

make that person unable to operate a 
light-sport aircraft in a safe manner. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 44869, July 
27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 
42562, Aug. 21, 2009; Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 5221, 
Feb. 1, 2010] 

§ 61.305

What are the age and lan-

guage requirements for a sport 
pilot certificate? 

(a) To be eligible for a sport pilot cer-

tificate you must: 

(1) Be at least 17 years old (or 16 

years old if you are applying to operate 
a glider or balloon). 

(2) Be able to read, speak, write, and 

understand English. If you cannot read, 
speak, write, and understand English 
because of medical reasons, the FAA 
may place limits on your certificate as 
are necessary for the safe operation of 
light-sport aircraft. 

§ 61.307

What tests do I have to take to 

obtain a sport pilot certificate? 

To obtain a sport pilot certificate, 

you must pass the following tests: 

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