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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.403 

§ 61.323


§ 61.325

How do I obtain privileges to 

operate a light-sport aircraft at an 
airport within, or in airspace with-
in, Class B, C, and D airspace, or in 
other airspace with an airport hav-
ing an operational control tower? 

If you hold a sport pilot certificate 

and seek privileges to operate a light- 
sport aircraft in Class B, C, or D air-
space, at an airport located in Class B, 
C, or D airspace, or to, from, through, 
or at an airport having an operational 
control tower, you must receive and 
log ground and flight training. The au-
thorized instructor who provides this 
training must provide a logbook en-
dorsement that certifies you are pro-
ficient in the following aeronautical 
knowledge areas and areas of oper-

(a) The use of radios, communica-

tions, navigation system/facilities, and 
radar services. 

(b) Operations at airports with an op-

erating control tower to include three 
takeoffs and landings to a full stop, 
with each landing involving a flight in 
the traffic pattern, at an airport with 
an operating control tower. 

(c) Applicable flight rules of part 91 

of this chapter for operations in Class 
B, C, and D airspace and air traffic con-
trol clearances. 

§ 61.327

Are there specific endorse-

ment requirements to operate a 
light-sport aircraft based on V


(a) Except as specified in paragraph 

(c) of this section, if you hold a sport 
pilot certificate and you seek to oper-
ate a light-sport aircraft that is an air-
plane with a V


less than or equal to 87 

knots CAS you must— 

(1) Receive and log ground and flight 

training from an authorized instructor 
in an airplane that has a V


less than 

or equal to 87 knots CAS; and 

(2) Receive a logbook endorsement 

from the authorized instructor who 
provided the training specified in para-
graph (a)(1) of this section certifying 
that you are proficient in the operation 
of light-sport aircraft that is an air-
plane with a V


less than or equal to 87 

knots CAS. 

(b) If you hold a sport pilot certifi-

cate and you seek to operate a light- 

sport aircraft that has a V



than 87 knots CAS you must— 

(1) Receive and log ground and flight 

training from an authorized instructor 
in an aircraft that has a V



than 87 knots CAS; and 

(2) Receive a logbook endorsement 

from the authorized instructor who 
provided the training specified in para-
graph (b)(1) of this section certifying 
that you are proficient in the operation 
of light-sport aircraft with a V



er than 87 knots CAS. 

(c) The training and endorsements re-

quired by paragraph (a) of this section 
are not required if you have logged 
flight time as pilot in command of an 
airplane with a V


less than or equal to 

87 knots CAS prior to April 2, 2010. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2007–29015, 75 FR 5222, Feb. 1, 
2010; Amdt. 61–125A, 75 FR 15610, Mar. 30, 

Subpart K—Flight Instructors With a 

Sport Pilot Rating 



: Docket No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 

44875, July 27, 2004, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 61.401

What is the purpose of this 


(a) This part prescribes the following 

requirements that apply to a flight in-
structor certificate with a sport pilot 

(1) Eligibility. 
(2) Aeronautical knowledge. 
(3) Flight proficiency. 
(4) Endorsements. 
(5) Privileges and limits. 
(b) Other provisions of this part 

apply to the logging of flight time and 

[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 44875, July 
27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 
5222, Feb. 1, 2010] 

§ 61.403

What are the age, language, 

and pilot certificate requirements 
for a flight instructor certificate 
with a sport pilot rating? 

To be eligible for a flight instructor 

certificate with a sport pilot rating 
you must: 

(a) Be at least 18 years old. 
(b) Be able to read, speak, write, and 

understand English. If you cannot read, 
speak, write, and understand English 
because of medical reasons, the FAA 

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