14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 61.39
(7) Intentionally cause, assist, or par-
ticipate in any act prohibited by this
(b) An applicant who the Adminis-
trator finds has committed an act pro-
hibited by paragraph (a) of this section
is prohibited, for 1 year after the date
of committing that act, from:
(1) Applying for any certificate, rat-
ing, or authorization issued under this
chapter; and
(2) Applying for and taking any test
under this chapter.
(c) Any certificate or rating held by
an applicant may be suspended or re-
voked if the Administrator finds that
person has committed an act prohib-
ited by paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 61.39
Prerequisites for practical
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs
(b), (c), and (e) of this section, to be eli-
gible for a practical test for a certifi-
cate or rating issued under this part,
an applicant must:
(1) Pass the required knowledge test:
(i) Within the 24-calendar-month pe-
riod preceding the month the applicant
completes the practical test, if a
knowledge test is required; or
(ii) Within the 60-calendar month pe-
riod preceding the month the applicant
completes the practical test for those
applicants who complete the airline
transport pilot certification training
program in § 61.156 and pass the knowl-
edge test for an airline transport pilot
certificate with a multiengine class
rating after July 31, 2014;
(2) Present the knowledge test report
at the time of application for the prac-
tical test, if a knowledge test is re-
(3) Have satisfactorily accomplished
the required training and obtained the
aeronautical experience prescribed by
this part for the certificate or rating
sought, and if applying for the prac-
tical test with flight time accom-
plished under § 61.159(c), present a copy
of the records required by
§ 135.63(a)(4)(vi) and (x) of this chapter;
(4) Hold at least a third-class medical
certificate, if a medical certificate is
(5) Meet the prescribed age require-
ment of this part for the issuance of
the certificate or rating sought;
(6) Have an endorsement, if required
by this part, in the applicant’s logbook
or training record that has been signed
by an authorized instructor who cer-
tifies that the applicant—
(i) Has received and logged training
time within 2 calendar months pre-
ceding the month of application in
preparation for the practical test;
(ii) Is prepared for the required prac-
tical test; and
(iii) Has demonstrated satisfactory
knowledge of the subject areas in
which the applicant was deficient on
the airman knowledge test; and
(7) Have a completed and signed ap-
plication form.
(b) An applicant for an airline trans-
port pilot certificate with an airplane
category multiengine class rating or an
airline transport pilot certificate ob-
tained concurrently with a multiengine
airplane type rating may take the
practical test with an expired knowl-
edge test only if the applicant passed
the knowledge test after July 31, 2014,
and is employed:
(1) As a flightcrew member by a part
119 certificate holder conducting oper-
ations under parts 125 or 135 of this
chapter at the time of the practical
test and has satisfactorily accom-
plished that operator’s approved pilot-
in-command training or checking pro-
gram; or
(2) As a flightcrew member by a part
119 certificate holder conducting oper-
ations under part 121 of this chapter at
the time of the practical test and has
satisfactorily accomplished that opera-
tor’s approved initial training pro-
gram; or
(3) By the U.S. Armed Forces as a
flight crewmember in U.S. military air
transport operations at the time of the
practical test and has completed the
pilot in command aircraft qualification
training program that is appropriate to
the pilot certificate and rating sought.
(c) An applicant for an airline trans-
port pilot certificate with a rating
other than those ratings set forth in
paragraph (b) of this section may take
the practical test for that certificate or
rating with an expired knowledge test
report, provided that the applicant is
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 61.43
(1) As a flightcrew member by a part
119 certificate holder conducting oper-
ations under parts 125 or 135 of this
chapter at the time of the practical
test and has satisfactorily accom-
plished that operator’s approved pilot-
in-command training or checking pro-
gram; or
(2) By the U.S. Armed Forces as a
flight crewmember in U.S. military air
transport operations at the time of the
practical test and has completed the
pilot in command aircraft qualification
training program that is appropriate to
the pilot certificate and rating sought.
(d) In addition to the requirements in
paragraph (a) of this section, to be eli-
gible for a practical test for an airline
transport pilot certificate with an air-
plane category multiengine class rat-
ing or airline transport pilot certifi-
cate obtained concurrently with a mul-
tiengine airplane type rating, an appli-
cant must:
(1) If the applicant passed the knowl-
edge test after July 31, 2014, present the
graduation certificate for the airline
transport pilot certification training
program in § 61.156, at the time of appli-
cation for the practical test;
(2) If applying for the practical test
under the aeronautical experience re-
quirements of § 61.160(a), the applicant
must present the documents required
by that section to substantiate eligi-
bility; and
(3) If applying for the practical test
under the aeronautical experience re-
quirements of § 61.160(b), (c), or (d), the
applicant must present an official tran-
script and certifying document from an
institution of higher education that
holds a letter of authorization from the
Administrator under § 61.169.
(e) A person is not required to com-
ply with the provisions of paragraph
(a)(6) of this section if that person:
(1) Holds a foreign pilot license issued
by a contracting State to the Conven-
tion on International Civil Aviation
that authorizes at least the privileges
of the pilot certificate sought;
(2) Is only applying for a type rating;
(3) Is applying for an airline trans-
port pilot certificate or an additional
rating to an airline transport pilot cer-
tificate in an aircraft that does not re-
quire an aircraft type rating practical
(f) If all increments of the practical
test for a certificate or rating are not
completed on the same date, then all
the remaining increments of the test
must be completed within 2 calendar
months after the month the applicant
began the test.
(g) If all increments of the practical
test for a certificate or rating are not
completed within 2 calendar months
after the month the applicant began
the test, the applicant must retake the
entire practical test.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40897, July 30, 1997, as
amended by Amdt. 61–104, 63 FR 20286, Apr.
23, 1998; Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42548, Aug. 21,
2009; Amdt. 61–130, 78 FR 42373, July 15, 2013;
Amdt. 61–130B, 78 FR 77573, Dec. 24, 2013;
Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 30726, June 27, 2018;
Amdt. 61–149, 86 FR 62087, Nov. 9, 2021]
§ 61.41
Flight training received from
flight instructors not certificated by
the FAA.
(a) A person may credit flight train-
ing toward the requirements of a pilot
certificate or rating issued under this
part, if that person received the train-
ing from:
(1) A flight instructor of an Armed
Force in a program for training mili-
tary pilots of either—
(i) The United States; or
(ii) A foreign contracting State to
the Convention on International Civil
(2) A flight instructor who is author-
ized to give such training by the licens-
ing authority of a foreign contracting
State to the Convention on Inter-
national Civil Aviation, and the flight
training is given outside the United
(b) A flight instructor described in
paragraph (a) of this section is only au-
thorized to give endorsements to show
training given.
§ 61.43
Practical tests: General proce-
(a) Completion of the practical test
for a certificate or rating consists of—
(1) Performing the tasks specified in
the areas of operation for the airman
certificate or rating sought;
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