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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.412 

If you are applying for a 
flight instructor certificate 
with a sport pilot rating 
for . . . 

Then you must log at least . . . 

Which must include at least . . . 

(v) 15 hours of flight time as pilot in command 

in an airship that is a light-sport aircraft. 

(e) Lighter-than-air category 

and balloon class privi-

(1) 35 hours of flight time as pilot-in-command, 

(i) 20 hours of flight time in a balloon, 
(ii) 10 flights in a balloon, and 

(iii) 5 flights as pilot in command in a balloon 

that is a light-sport aircraft. 

(f) Weight-shift-control air-

craft category privileges, 

(1) 150 hours of flight time as a pilot, ................

(i) 100 hours of flight time as pilot in command 

in powered aircraft, 

(ii) 50 hours of flight time in a weight-shift-con-

trol aircraft, 

(iii) 25 hours of cross-country flight time, 
(iv) 10 hours of cross-country flight time in a 

weight-shift-control aircraft, and 

(v) 15 hours of flight time as pilot in command 

in a weight-shift-control aircraft that is a light- 
sport aircraft. 

(g) Powered-parachute cat-

egory privileges, 

(1) 100 hours of flight time as a pilot, ................

(i) 75 hours of flight time as pilot in command in 

powered aircraft, 

(ii) 50 hours of flight time in a powered para-


(iii) 15 hours of cross-country flight time, 
(iv) 5 hours of cross-country flight time in a 

powered parachute, and 

(v) 15 hours of flight time as pilot in command 

in a powered parachute that is a light-sport 

§ 61.412

Do I need additional training 

to provide instruction on control 
and maneuvering an airplane solely 
by reference to the instruments in a 
light-sport aircraft based on V


To provide flight training under 

§ 61.93(e)(12) on control and maneu-
vering an airplane solely by reference 
to the flight instruments for the pur-
pose of issuing a solo cross-country en-
dorsement under § 61.93(c)(1) to a stu-
dent pilot seeking a sport pilot certifi-
cate, a flight instructor with a sport 
pilot rating must: 

(a) Hold an endorsement required by 

§ 61.327(b); 

(b) Receive and log a minimum of 1 

hour of ground training and 3 hours of 
flight training from an authorized in-
structor in an airplane with a V



er than 87 knots CAS or in a full flight 
simulator, flight training device, or 
aviation training device that replicates 
an airplane with a V


greater than 87 

knots CAS; and 

(c) Receive a one-time endorsement 

in his or her logbook from an instruc-
tor authorized under subpart H of this 
part who certifies that the person is 
proficient in providing training on con-
trol and maneuvering solely by ref-
erence to the flight instruments in an 

airplane with a V


greater than 87 

knots CAS. This flight training must 
include straight and level flight, turns, 
descents, climbs, use of radio naviga-
tion aids, and ATC directives. 

[Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 30280, June 27, 2018] 

§ 61.413

What are the privileges of my 

flight instructor certificate with a 
sport pilot rating? 

(a) If you hold a flight instructor cer-

tificate with a sport pilot rating, you 
are authorized, within the limits of 
your certificate and rating, to provide 
training and endorsements that are re-
quired for, and relate to— 

(1) A student pilot seeking a sport 

pilot certificate; 

(2) A sport pilot certificate; 
(3) A flight instructor certificate 

with a sport pilot rating; 

(4) A powered parachute or weight- 

shift-control aircraft rating; 

(5) Sport pilot privileges; 
(6) A flight review or operating privi-

lege for a sport pilot; 

(7) A practical test for a sport pilot 

certificate, a private pilot certificate 
with a powered parachute or weight- 
shift-control aircraft rating or a flight 
instructor certificate with a sport pilot 

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