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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.415 

(8) A knowledge test for a sport pilot 

certificate, a private pilot certificate 
with a powered parachute or weight- 
shift-control aircraft rating or a flight 
instructor certificate with a sport pilot 
rating; and 

(9) A proficiency check for an addi-

tional category or class privilege for a 
sport pilot certificate or a flight in-
structor certificate with a sport pilot 

(b) A person who holds a flight in-

structor certificate with a sport pilot 
rating is authorized, in a form and 
manner acceptable to the Adminis-
trator, to: 

(1) Accept an application for a stu-

dent pilot certificate or, for an appli-
cant who holds a pilot certificate 
(other than a student pilot certificate) 
issued under part 61 of this chapter and 
meets the flight review requirements 
specified in § 61.56, a remote pilot cer-
tificate with a small UAS rating; 

(2) Verify the identity of the appli-

cant; and 

(3) Verify that an applicant for a stu-

dent pilot certificate meets the eligi-
bility requirements in § 61.83. 

[Docket FAA–2010–1127, Amdt. 61–135, 81 FR 
1307, Jan. 12, 2016, as amended by Docket 
FAA–2015–0150, Amdt. 61–137, 81 FR 42208, 
June 28, 2016] 

§ 61.415

What are the limits of a flight 

instructor certificate with a sport 
pilot rating? 

If you hold a flight instructor certifi-

cate with a sport pilot rating, you may 
only provide flight training in a light- 
sport aircraft and are subject to the 
following limits: 

(a) You may not provide ground or 

flight training in any aircraft for 
which you do not hold: 

(1) A sport pilot certificate with ap-

plicable category and class privileges 
or a pilot certificate with the applica-
ble category and class rating; and 

(2) Applicable category and class 

privileges for your flight instructor 
certificate with a sport pilot rating. 

(b) You may not provide ground or 

flight training for a private pilot cer-
tificate with a powered parachute or 
weight-shift-control aircraft rating un-
less you hold: 

(1) At least a private pilot certificate 

with the applicable category and class 
rating; and 

(2) Applicable category and class 

privileges for your flight instructor 
certificate with a sport pilot rating. 

(c) You may not conduct more than 8 

hours of flight training in any 24-con-
secutive-hour period. 

(d) You may not endorse a: 
(1) Student pilot’s logbook for solo 

flight privileges, unless you have— 

(i) Given that student the flight 

training required for solo flight privi-
leges required by this part; and 

(ii) Determined that the student is 

prepared to conduct the flight safely 
under known circumstances, subject to 
any limitations listed in the student’s 
logbook that you consider necessary 
for the safety of the flight. 

(2) Student pilot’s logbook for a solo 

cross-country flight, unless you have 
determined the student’s flight prepa-
ration, planning, equipment, and pro-
posed procedures are adequate for the 
proposed flight under the existing con-
ditions and within any limitations list-
ed in the logbook that you consider 
necessary for the safety of the flight. 

(3) Student pilot’s logbook for solo 

flight in Class B, C, and D airspace 
areas, at an airport within Class B, C, 
or D airspace and to from, through or 
on an airport having an operational 
control tower, unless you have— 

(i) Given that student ground and 

flight training in that airspace or at 
that airport; and 

(ii) Determined that the student is 

proficient to operate the aircraft safe-

(4) Logbook of a pilot for a flight re-

view, unless you have conducted a re-
view of that pilot in accordance with 
the requirements of § 61.56. 

(e) You may not provide training to 

operate a light-sport aircraft in Class 
B, C, and D airspace, at an airport lo-
cated in Class B, C, or D airspace, and 
to, from, through, or at an airport hav-
ing an operational control tower, un-
less you have the endorsement speci-
fied in § 61.325, or are otherwise author-
ized to conduct operations in this air-
space and at these airports. 

(f) You may not provide training in a 

light-sport aircraft that is an airplane 
with a V


less than or equal to 87 knots 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.417 

CAS unless you have the endorsement 
specified in § 61.327 (a), or are otherwise 
authorized to operate that light-sport 

(g) You may not provide training in a 

light-sport aircraft with a V



than 87 knots CAS unless you have the 
endorsement specified in § 61.327 (b), or 
are otherwise authorized to operate 
that light-sport aircraft. 

(h) You may not provide training on 

the control and maneuvering of an air-
craft solely by reference to the instru-
ments in a light sport airplane with a 


greater than 87 knots CAS unless 

you meet the requirements in § 61.412. 

(i) You must perform all training in 

an aircraft that complies with the re-
quirements of § 91.109 of this chapter. 

(j) If you provide flight training for a 

certificate, rating or privilege, you 
must provide that flight training in an 
aircraft that meets the following: 

(1) The aircraft must have at least 

two pilot stations and be of the same 
category and class appropriate to the 
certificate, rating or privilege sought. 

(2) For single place aircraft, pre-solo 

flight training must be provided in an 
aircraft that has two pilot stations and 
is of the same category and class ap-
propriate to the certificate, rating, or 
privilege sought. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 44875, July 
27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 
5222, Feb. 1, 2010; Amdt. 61–125A, 75 FR 15610, 
Mar. 30, 2010; Docket FAA–2010–1127, Amdt. 
61–135, 81 FR 1307, Jan. 12, 2016; Amdt. 61–142, 
83 FR 30280, June 27, 2018] 

§ 61.417

Will my flight instructor cer-

tificate with a sport pilot rating list 
aircraft category and class ratings? 

Your flight instructor certificate 

does not list aircraft category and 
class ratings. When you successfully 
pass the practical test for a flight in-
structor certificate with a sport pilot 
rating, regardless of the light-sport air-
craft privileges you seek, the FAA will 
issue you a flight instructor certificate 
with a sport pilot rating without any 
category and class ratings. The FAA 
will provide you with a logbook en-
dorsement for the category and class of 
light-sport aircraft you are authorized 
to provide training in. 

§ 61.419

How do I obtain privileges to 

provide training in an additional 
category or class of light-sport air-

If you hold a flight instructor certifi-

cate with a sport pilot rating and seek 
to provide training in an additional 
category or class of light-sport aircraft 
you must— 

(a) Receive a logbook endorsement 

from the authorized instructor who 
trained you on the applicable areas of 
operation specified in § 61.409 certifying 
you have met the aeronautical knowl-
edge and flight proficiency require-
ments for the additional category and 
class flight instructor privilege you 

(b) Successfully complete a pro-

ficiency check from an authorized in-
structor other than the instructor who 
trained you on the areas specified in 
§ 61.409 for the additional category and 
class flight instructor privilege you 

(c) Complete an application for those 

privileges on a form and in a manner 
acceptable to the FAA and present this 
application to the authorized instruc-
tor who conducted the proficiency 
check specified in paragraph (b) of this 
section; and 

(d) Receive a logbook endorsement 

from the instructor who conducted the 
proficiency check specified in para-
graph (b) of this section certifying you 
are proficient in the areas of operation 
and authorized for the additional cat-
egory and class flight instructor privi-

§ 61.421

May I give myself an endorse-


No. If you hold a flight instructor 

certificate with a sport pilot rating, 
you may not give yourself an endorse-
ment for any certificate, privilege, rat-
ing, flight review, authorization, prac-
tical test, knowledge test, or pro-
ficiency check required by this part. 

§ 61.423

What are the recordkeeping 

requirements for a flight instructor 
with a sport pilot rating? 

(a) As a flight instructor with a sport 

pilot rating you must: 

(1) Sign the logbook of each person to 

whom you have given flight training or 
ground training. 

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