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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.45 

(2) Demonstrating mastery of the air-

craft by performing each task success-

(3) Demonstrating proficiency and 

competency within the approved stand-
ards; and 

(4) Demonstrating sound judgment. 
(b) The pilot flight crew complement 

required during the practical test is 
based on one of the following require-
ments that applies to the aircraft being 
used on the practical test: 

(1) If the aircraft’s FAA-approved 

flight manual requires the pilot flight 
crew complement be a single pilot, 
then the applicant must demonstrate 
single pilot proficiency on the prac-
tical test. 

(2) If the aircraft’s type certification 

data sheet requires the pilot flight 
crew complement be a single pilot, 
then the applicant must demonstrate 
single pilot proficiency on the prac-
tical test. 

(3) If the FAA Flight Standardization 

Board report, FAA-approved aircraft 
flight manual, or aircraft type certifi-
cation data sheet allows the pilot 
flight crew complement to be either a 
single pilot, or a pilot and a copilot, 
then the applicant may demonstrate 
single pilot proficiency or have a copi-
lot on the practical test. If the appli-
cant performs the practical test with a 
copilot, the limitation of ‘‘Second in 
Command Required’’ will be placed on 
the applicant’s pilot certificate. The 
limitation may be removed if the appli-
cant passes the practical test by dem-
onstrating single-pilot proficiency in 
the aircraft in which single-pilot privi-
leges are sought. 

(c) If an applicant fails any area of 

operation, that applicant fails the 
practical test. 

(d) An applicant is not eligible for a 

certificate or rating sought until all 
the areas of operation are passed. 

(e) The examiner or the applicant 

may discontinue a practical test at any 

(1) When the applicant fails one or 

more of the areas of operation; or 

(2) Due to inclement weather condi-

tions, aircraft airworthiness, or any 
other safety-of-flight concern. 

(f) If a practical test is discontinued, 

the applicant is entitled credit for 

those areas of operation that were 
passed, but only if the applicant: 

(1) Passes the remainder of the prac-

tical test within the 60-day period after 
the date the practical test was discon-

(2) Presents to the examiner for the 

retest the original notice of dis-
approval form or the letter of dis-
continuance form, as appropriate; 

(3) Satisfactorily accomplishes any 

additional training needed and obtains 
the appropriate instructor endorse-
ments, if additional training is re-
quired; and 

(4) Presents to the examiner for the 

retest a properly completed and signed 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as 
amended by Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42549, Aug. 
21, 2009; Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 30276, June 27, 

§ 61.45

Practical tests: Required air-

craft and equipment. 


General.  Except as provided in 

paragraph (a)(2) of this section or when 
permitted to accomplish the entire 
flight increment of the practical test 
in a flight simulator or a flight train-
ing device, an applicant for a certifi-
cate or rating issued under this part 
must furnish: 

(1) An aircraft of U.S. registry for 

each required test that— 

(i) Is of the category, class, and type, 

if applicable, for which the applicant is 
applying for a certificate or rating; and 

(ii) Has a standard airworthiness cer-

tificate or special airworthiness certifi-
cate in the limited, primary, or light- 
sport category. 

(2) At the discretion of the examiner 

who administers the practical test, the 
applicant may furnish— 

(i) An aircraft that has an airworthi-

ness certificate other than a standard 
airworthiness certificate or special air-
worthiness certificate in the limited, 
primary, or light-sport category, but 
that otherwise meets the requirements 
of paragraph (a)(1) of this section; 

(ii) An aircraft of the same category, 

class, and type, if applicable, of foreign 
registry that is properly certificated by 
the country of registry; or 

(iii) A military aircraft of the same 

category, class, and type, if aircraft 
class and type are appropriate, for 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.47 

which the applicant is applying for a 
certificate or rating, and provided— 

(A) The aircraft is under the direct 

operational control of the U.S. Armed 

(B) The aircraft is airworthy under 

the maintenance standards of the U.S. 
Armed Forces; and 

(C) The applicant has a letter from 

his or her commanding officer author-
izing the use of the aircraft for the 
practical test. 


Required equipment (other than con-

trols).  (1) Except as provided in para-
graph (b)(2) of this section, an aircraft 
used for a practical test must have— 

(i) The equipment for each area of op-

eration required for the practical test; 

(ii) No prescribed operating limita-

tions that prohibit its use in any of the 
areas of operation required for the 
practical test; 

(iii) Except as provided in paragraphs 

(e) and (f) of this section, at least two 
pilot stations with adequate visibility 
for each person to operate the aircraft 
safely; and 

(iv) Cockpit and outside visibility 

adequate to evaluate the performance 
of the applicant when an additional 
jump seat is provided for the examiner. 

(2) An applicant for a certificate or 

rating may use an aircraft with oper-
ating characteristics that preclude the 
applicant from performing all of the 
tasks required for the practical test. 
However, the applicant’s certificate or 
rating, as appropriate, will be issued 
with an appropriate limitation. 


Required controls. Except for light-

er-than-air aircraft, and a glider with-
out an engine, an aircraft used for a 
practical test must have engine power 
controls and flight controls that are 
easily reached and operable in a con-
ventional manner by both pilots, un-
less the Examiner determines that the 
practical test can be conducted safely 
in the aircraft without the controls 
easily reached by the Examiner. 


Simulated instrument flight equip-

ment.  An applicant for a practical test 
that involves maneuvering an aircraft 
solely by reference to instruments 
must furnish: 

(1) Equipment on board the aircraft 

that permits the applicant to pass the 
areas of operation that apply to the 
rating sought; and 

(2) A device that prevents the appli-

cant from having visual reference out-
side the aircraft, but does not prevent 
the examiner from having visual ref-
erence outside the aircraft, and is oth-
erwise acceptable to the Adminis-


Aircraft with single controls. 

practical test may be conducted in an 
aircraft having a single set of controls, 
provided the: 

(1) Examiner agrees to conduct the 


(2) Test does not involve a dem-

onstration of instrument skills; and 

(3) Proficiency of the applicant can 

be observed by an examiner who is in a 
position to observe the applicant. 


Light-sport aircraft with a single 

seat.  A practical test for a sport pilot 
certificate may be conducted in a 
light-sport aircraft having a single seat 
provided that the— 

(1) Examiner agrees to conduct the 


(2) Examiner is in a position to ob-

serve the operation of the aircraft and 
evaluate the proficiency of the appli-
cant; and 

(3) Pilot certificate of an applicant 

successfully passing the test is issued a 
pilot certificate with a limitation ‘‘No 
passenger carriage and flight in a sin-
gle-seat light-sport aircraft only.’’ 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40897, July 30, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–104, 63 FR 20286, Apr. 23, 1998; Amdt. 
61–110, 69 FR 44865, July 27, 2004; Amdt. 61– 
124, 74 FR 42549, Aug. 21, 2009] 

§ 61.47

Status of an examiner who is 

authorized by the Administrator to 
conduct practical tests. 

(a) An examiner represents the Ad-

ministrator for the purpose of con-
ducting practical tests for certificates 
and ratings issued under this part and 
to observe an applicant’s ability to per-
form the areas of operation on the 
practical test. 

(b) The examiner is not the pilot in 

command of the aircraft during the 
practical test unless the examiner 
agrees to act in that capacity for the 
flight or for a portion of the flight by 
prior arrangement with: 

(1) The applicant; or 

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