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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.49 

(2) A person who would otherwise act 

as pilot in command of the flight or for 
a portion of the flight. 

(c) Notwithstanding the type of air-

craft used during the practical test, the 
applicant and the examiner (and any 
other occupants authorized to be on 
board by the examiner) are not subject 
to the requirements or limitations for 
the carriage of passengers that are 
specified in this chapter. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40897, July 30, 1997] 

§ 61.49

Retesting after failure. 

(a) An applicant for a knowledge or 

practical test who fails that test may 
reapply for the test only after the ap-
plicant has received: 

(1) The necessary training from an 

authorized instructor who has deter-
mined that the applicant is proficient 
to pass the test; and 

(2) An endorsement from an author-

ized instructor who gave the applicant 
the additional training. 

(b) An applicant for a flight instruc-

tor certificate with an airplane cat-
egory rating or, for a flight instructor 
certificate with a glider category rat-
ing, who has failed the practical test 
due to deficiencies in instructional pro-
ficiency on stall awareness, spin entry, 
spins, or spin recovery must: 

(1) Comply with the requirements of 

paragraph (a) of this section before 
being retested; 

(2) Bring an aircraft to the retest 

that is of the appropriate aircraft cat-
egory for the rating sought and is cer-
tificated for spins; and 

(3) Demonstrate satisfactory instruc-

tional proficiency on stall awareness, 
spin entry, spins, and spin recovery to 
an examiner during the retest. 

§ 61.51

Pilot logbooks. 


Training time and aeronautical ex-

perience.  Each person must document 
and record the following time in a 
manner acceptable to the Adminis-

(1) Training and aeronautical experi-

ence used to meet the requirements for 
a certificate, rating, or flight review of 
this part. 

(2) The aeronautical experience re-

quired for meeting the recent flight ex-
perience requirements of this part. 


Logbook entries. For the purposes 

of meeting the requirements of para-
graph (a) of this section, each person 
must enter the following information 
for each flight or lesson logged: 

(1) General— 
(i) Date. 
(ii) Total flight time or lesson time. 
(iii) Location where the aircraft de-

parted and arrived, or for lessons in a 
full flight simulator or flight training 
device, the location where the lesson 

(iv) Type and identification of air-

craft, full flight simulator, flight train-
ing device, or aviation training device, 
as appropriate. 

(v) The name of a safety pilot, if re-

quired by § 91.109 of this chapter. 

(2) Type of pilot experience or train-


(i) Solo. 
(ii) Pilot in command. 
(iii) Second in command. 
(iv) Flight and ground training re-

ceived from an authorized instructor. 

(v) Training received in a full flight 

simulator, flight training device, or 
aviation training device from an au-
thorized instructor. 

(3) Conditions of flight— 
(i) Day or night. 
(ii) Actual instrument. 
(iii) Simulated instrument conditions 

in flight, a full flight simulator, flight 
training device, or aviation training 

(iv) Use of night vision goggles in an 

aircraft in flight, in a full flight simu-
lator, or in a flight training device. 


Logging of pilot time. The pilot 

time described in this section may be 
used to: 

(1) Apply for a certificate or rating 

issued under this part or a privilege au-
thorized under this part; or 

(2) Satisfy the recent flight experi-

ence requirements of this part. 


Logging of solo flight time. Except 

for a student pilot performing the du-
ties of pilot in command of an airship 
requiring more than one pilot flight 
crewmember, a pilot may log as solo 
flight time only that flight time when 
the pilot is the sole occupant of the 


Logging pilot-in-command flight 

time.  (1) A sport, recreational, private, 
commercial, or airline transport pilot 

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