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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.53 

State to the Convention on Inter-
national Civil Aviation Organization; 

(3) A military aircraft under the di-

rect operational control of the U.S. 
Armed Forces; or 

(4) A public aircraft under the direct 

operational control of a Federal, State, 
county, or municipal law enforcement 
agency, if the flight time was acquired 
by the pilot while engaged on an offi-
cial law enforcement flight for a Fed-
eral, State, County, or Municipal law 
enforcement agency. 


Logging night vision goggle time. (1) 

A person may log night vision goggle 
time only for the time the person uses 
night vision goggles as the primary vis-
ual reference of the surface and oper-

(i) An aircraft during a night vision 

goggle operation; or 

(ii) A full flight simulator or flight 

training device with the lighting sys-
tem adjusted to represent the period 
beginning 1 hour after sunset and end-
ing 1 hour before sunrise. 

(2) An authorized instructor may log 

night vision goggle time when that per-
son conducts training using night vi-
sion goggles as the primary visual ref-
erence of the surface and operates: 

(i) An aircraft during a night goggle 

operation; or 

(ii) A full flight simulator or flight 

training device with the lighting sys-
tem adjusted to represent the period 
beginning 1 hour after sunset and end-
ing 1 hour before sunrise. 

(3) To log night vision goggle time to 

meet the recent night vision goggle ex-
perience requirements under § 61.57(f), a 
person must log the information re-
quired under § 61.51(b). 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40897, July 30, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–104, 63 FR 20286, Apr. 23, 1998; Amdt. 
61–110, 69 FR 44865, July 27, 2004; Amdt. 61– 
124, 74 FR 42549, Aug. 21, 2009; Amdt. 61–128, 76 
FR 54105, Aug. 31, 2011; Amdt. 61–142, 83 FR 
30277, June 27, 2018] 

§ 61.52

Use of aeronautical experience 

obtained in ultralight vehicles. 

(a) Before January 31, 2012, a person 

may use aeronautical experience ob-
tained in an ultralight vehicle to meet 
the requirements for the following cer-
tificates and ratings issued under this 

(1) A sport pilot certificate. 

(2) A flight instructor certificate 

with a sport pilot rating; 

(3) A private pilot certificate with a 

weight-shift-control or powered para-
chute category rating. 

(b) Before January 31, 2012, a person 

may use aeronautical experience ob-
tained in an ultralight vehicle to meet 
the provisions of § 61.69. 

(c) A person using aeronautical expe-

rience obtained in an ultralight vehicle 
to meet the requirements for a certifi-
cate or rating specified in paragraph 
(a) of this section or the requirements 
of paragraph (b) of this section must— 

(1) Have been a registered ultralight 

pilot with an FAA-recognized ultra-
light organization when that aero-
nautical experience was obtained; 

(2) Document and log that aero-

nautical experience in accordance with 
the provisions for logging aeronautical 
experience specified by an FAA-recog-
nized ultralight organization and in ac-
cordance with the provisions for log-
ging pilot time in aircraft as specified 
in § 61.51; 

(3) Obtain the aeronautical experi-

ence in a category and class of vehicle 
corresponding to the rating or privilege 
sought; and 

(4) Provide the FAA with a certified 

copy of his or her ultralight pilot 
records from an FAA-recognized ultra-
light organization, that — 

(i) Document that he or she is a reg-

istered ultralight pilot with that FAA- 
recognized ultralight organization; and 

(ii) Indicate that he or she is recog-

nized to operate the category and class 
of aircraft for which sport pilot privi-
leges are sought. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 44865, July 
27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 
5220, Feb. 1, 2010] 

§ 61.53

Prohibition on operations dur-

ing medical deficiency. 


Operations that require a medical 

certificate.  Except as provided for in 
paragraph (b) of this section, no person 
who holds a medical certificate issued 
under part 67 of this chapter may act 
as pilot in command, or in any other 
capacity as a required pilot flight 
crewmember, while that person: 

(1) Knows or has reason to know of 

any medical condition that would 

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