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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.63 

this section in the calendar month be-
fore or the calendar month after the 
month in which it is due, the pilot is 
considered to have taken it in the 
month in which it was due for the pur-
pose of computing when the next pilot- 
in-command proficiency check is due. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 40899, July 30, 1997, as 
amended by Amdt. 61–109, 68 FR 54559, Sept. 
17, 2003; Amdt. 61–112, 70 FR 54814, Sept. 16, 
2005; Amdt. 61–128, 76 FR 54106, Aug. 31, 2011; 
76 FR 63184, Oct. 12, 2011; Docket No. FAA– 
2022–1355, Amdt. No. 61–151, 87 FR 75845, Dec. 
9, 2022] 

§ 61.59

Falsification, reproduction, or 

alteration of applications, certifi-
cates, logbooks, reports, or records. 

(a) No person may make or cause to 

be made: 

(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally 

false statement on any application for 
a certificate, rating, authorization, or 
duplicate thereof, issued under this 

(2) Any fraudulent or intentionally 

false entry in any logbook, record, or 
report that is required to be kept, 
made, or used to show compliance with 
any requirement for the issuance or ex-
ercise of the privileges of any certifi-
cate, rating, or authorization under 
this part; 

(3) Any reproduction for fraudulent 

purpose of any certificate, rating, or 
authorization, under this part; or 

(4) Any alteration of any certificate, 

rating, or authorization under this 

(b) The commission of an act prohib-

ited under paragraph (a) of this section 
is a basis for suspending or revoking 
any airman certificate, rating, or au-
thorization held by that person. 

§ 61.60

Change of address. 

The holder of a pilot, flight instruc-

tor, or ground instructor certificate 
who has made a change in permanent 
mailing address may not, after 30 days 
from that date, exercise the privileges 
of the certificate unless the holder has 
notified in writing the FAA, Airman 
Certification Branch, P.O. Box 25082, 
Oklahoma City, OK 73125, of the new 
permanent mailing address, or if the 
permanent mailing address includes a 
post office box number, then the hold-
er’s current residential address. 

Subpart B—Aircraft Ratings and 

Pilot Authorizations 

§ 61.61


This subpart prescribes the require-

ments for the issuance of additional 
aircraft ratings after a pilot certificate 
is issued, issuance of a type rating con-
currently with a pilot certificate, and 
the requirements for and limitations of 
pilot authorizations issued by the Ad-

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–26661, 76 FR 78143, Dec. 
16, 2011] 

§ 61.63

Additional aircraft ratings 

(other than for ratings at the air-
line transport pilot certification 


General. For an additional aircraft 

rating on a pilot certificate, other than 
for an airline transport pilot certifi-
cate, a person must meet the require-
ments of this section appropriate to 
the additional aircraft rating sought. 


Additional aircraft category rating. 

A person who applies to add a category 
rating to a pilot certificate: 

(1) Must complete the training and 

have the applicable aeronautical expe-

(2) Must have a logbook or training 

record endorsement from an authorized 
instructor attesting that the person 
was found competent in the appro-
priate aeronautical knowledge areas 
and proficient in the appropriate areas 
of operation. 

(3) Must pass the practical test. 
(4) Need not take an additional 

knowledge test, provided the applicant 
holds an airplane, rotorcraft, powered- 
lift, weight-shift-control aircraft, pow-
ered parachute, or airship rating at 
that pilot certificate level. 


Additional aircraft class rating. 

person who applies for an additional 
class rating on a pilot certificate: 

(1) Must have a logbook or training 

record endorsement from an authorized 
instructor attesting that the person 
was found competent in the appro-
priate aeronautical knowledge areas 
and proficient in the appropriate areas 
of operation. 

(2) Must pass the practical test. 
(3) Need not meet the specified train-

ing time requirements prescribed by 

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