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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.64 


Aircraft category and class rating 

for the operation of aircraft with an ex-
perimental certificate. 
A person holding 
a recreational, private, or commercial 
pilot certificate may apply for a cat-
egory and class rating limited to a spe-
cific make and model of experimental 
aircraft, provided— 

(1) The person logged 5 hours flight 

time while acting as pilot in command 
in the same category, class, make, and 
model of aircraft. 

(2) The person received a logbook en-

dorsement from an authorized instruc-
tor who determined the pilot’s pro-
ficiency to act as pilot in command of 
the same category, class, make, and 
model of aircraft. 

(3) The flight time specified under 

paragraph (h)(1) of this section was 
logged between September 1, 2004 and 
August 31, 2005. 


Waiver authority. An Examiner 

who conducts a practical test may 
waive any task for which the FAA has 
provided waiver authority. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–26661, 74 FR 42552, Aug. 
21, 2009, as amended by Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 
5220, Feb. 1, 2010] 

§ 61.64

Use of a flight simulator and 

flight training device. 


Use of a flight simulator or flight 

training device. If an applicant for a cer-
tificate or rating uses a flight simu-
lator or flight training device for train-
ing or any portion of the practical test, 
the flight simulator and flight training 

(1) Must represent the category, 

class, and type (if a type rating is ap-
plicable) for the rating sought; and 

(2) Must be qualified and approved by 

the Administrator and used in accord-
ance with an approved course of train-
ing under part 141 or part 142 of this 
chapter; or under part 121 or part 135 of 
this chapter, provided the applicant is 
a pilot employee of that air carrier op-

(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(f) of this section, if an airplane is not 
used during the practical test for a 
type rating for a turbojet airplane (ex-
cept for preflight inspection), an appli-
cant must accomplish the entire prac-
tical test in a Level C or higher flight 
simulator and the applicant must— 

(1) Hold a type rating in a turbojet 

airplane of the same class of airplane 
for which the type rating is sought, and 
that type rating may not contain a su-
pervised operating experience limita-

(2) Have 1,000 hours of flight time in 

two different turbojet airplanes of the 
same class of airplane for which the 
type rating is sought; 

(3) Have been appointed by the U.S. 

Armed Forces as pilot in command in a 
turbojet airplane of the same class of 
airplane for which the type rating is 

(4) Have 500 hours of flight time in 

the same type of airplane for which the 
type rating is sought; or 

(5) Have logged at least 2,000 hours of 

flight time, of which 500 hours were in 
turbine-powered airplanes of the same 
class of airplane for which the type rat-
ing is sought. 

(c) Except as provided in paragraph 

(f) of this section, if an airplane is not 
used during the practical test for a 
type rating for a turbo-propeller air-
plane (except for preflight inspection), 
an applicant must accomplish the en-
tire practical test in a Level C or high-
er flight simulator and the applicant 

(1) Hold a type rating in a turbo-pro-

peller airplane of the same class of air-
plane for which the type rating is 
sought, and that type rating may not 
contain a supervised operating experi-
ence limitation; 

(2) Have 1,000 hours of flight time in 

two different turbo-propeller airplanes 
of the same class of airplane for which 
the type rating is sought; 

(3) Have been appointed by the U.S. 

Armed Forces as pilot in command in a 
turbo-propeller airplane of the same 
class of airplane for which the type rat-
ing is sought; 

(4) Have 500 hours of flight time in 

the same type of airplane for which the 
type rating is sought; or 

(5) Have logged at least 2,000 hours of 

flight time, of which 500 hours were in 
turbine-powered airplanes of the same 
class of airplane for which the type rat-
ing is sought. 

(d) Except as provided in paragraph 

(f) of this section, if a helicopter is not 
used during the practical test for a 
type rating in a helicopter (except for 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.65 

preflight inspection), an applicant 
must accomplish the entire practical 
test in a Level C or higher flight simu-
lator and the applicant must meet one 
of the following requirements— 

(1) Hold a type rating in a helicopter 

and that type rating may not contain 
the supervised operating experience 

(2) Have been appointed by the U.S. 

Armed Forces as pilot in command of a 

(3) Have 500 hours of flight time in 

the type of helicopter; or 

(4) Have 1,000 hours of flight time in 

two different types of helicopters. 

(e) Except as provided in paragraph 

(f) of this section, if a powered-lift is 
not used during the practical test for a 
type rating in a powered-lift (except 
for preflight inspection), an applicant 
must accomplish the entire practical 
test in a Level C or higher flight simu-
lator and the applicant must meet one 
of the following requirements— 

(1) Hold a type rating in a powered- 

lift without a supervised operating ex-
perience limitation; 

(2) Have been appointed by the U.S. 

Armed Forces as pilot in command of a 

(3) Have 500 hours of flight time in 

the type of powered-lift for which the 
rating is sought; or 

(4) Have 1,000 hours of flight time in 

two different types of powered-lifts. 

(f) If the applicant does not meet one 

of the experience requirements of para-
graphs (b)(1) through (5), (c)(1) through 
(5), (d)(1) through (4) or (e)(1) through 
(4) of this section, as appropriate to the 
type rating sought, then— 

(1) The applicant must complete the 

following tasks on the practical test in 
an aircraft appropriate to category, 
class, and type for the rating sought: 
Preflight inspection, normal takeoff, 
normal instrument landing system ap-
proach, missed approach, and normal 
landing; or 

(2) The applicant’s pilot certificate 

will be issued with a limitation that 
states: ‘‘The [name of the additional 
type rating] is subject to pilot in com-
mand limitations,’’ and the applicant 
is restricted from serving as pilot in 
command in an aircraft of that type. 

(g) The limitation described under 

paragraph (f)(2) of this section may be 

removed from the pilot certificate if 
the applicant complies with the fol-

(1) Performs 25 hours of flight time in 

an aircraft of the category, class, and 
type for which the limitation applies 
under the direct observation of the 
pilot in command who holds a cat-
egory, class, and type rating, without 
limitations, for the aircraft; 

(2) Logs each flight and the pilot in 

command who observed the flight at-
tests in writing to each flight; 

(3) Obtains the flight time while per-

forming the duties of pilot in com-
mand; and 

(4) Presents evidence of the super-

vised operating experience to any Ex-
aminer or Flight Standards office to 
have the limitation removed. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–26661, 76 FR 78143, Dec. 
16, 2011, as amended by Docket FAA–2018– 
0119, Amdt. 61–141, 83 FR 9170, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 61.65

Instrument rating require-



General.  A person who applies for 

an instrument rating must: 

(1) Hold at least a current private 

pilot certificate, or be concurrently ap-
plying for a private pilot certificate, 
with an airplane, helicopter, or pow-
ered-lift rating appropriate to the in-
strument rating sought; 

(2) Be able to read, speak, write, and 

understand the English language. If the 
applicant is unable to meet any of 
these requirements due to a medical 
condition, the Administrator may 
place such operating limitations on the 
applicant’s pilot certificate as are nec-
essary for the safe operation of the air-

(3) Receive and log ground training 

from an authorized instructor or ac-
complish a home-study course of train-
ing on the aeronautical knowledge 
areas of paragraph (b) of this section 
that apply to the instrument rating 

(4) Receive a logbook or training 

record endorsement from an authorized 
instructor certifying that the person is 
prepared to take the required knowl-
edge test; 

(5) Receive and log training on the 

areas of operation of paragraph (c) of 

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