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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.93 

(4) In Class B, C, and D airspace, at 

an airport located in Class B, C, or D 
airspace, and to, from, through, or on 
an airport having an operational con-
trol tower without having received the 
ground and flight training specified in 
§ 61.94 and an endorsement from an au-
thorized instructor; 

(5) Of a light-sport aircraft without 

having received the applicable ground 
training, flight training, and instructor 
endorsements specified in § 61.327 (a) 
and (b). 

(d) The holder of a student pilot cer-

tificate may act as pilot in command 
of an aircraft without holding a med-
ical certificate issued under part 67 of 
this chapter provided the student pilot 
holds a valid U.S. driver’s license, 
meets the requirements of § 61.23(c)(3), 
and the operation is conducted con-
sistent with the requirements of para-
graphs (a) and (b) of this section and 
the conditions of § 61.113(i). Where the 
requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) 
of this section conflict with § 61.113(i), a 
student pilot must comply with para-
graphs (a) and (b) of this section. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as 
amended by Amdt. 61–110, 69 FR 44867, July 
27, 2004; Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 5220, Feb. 1, 2010; 
Docket FAA–2016–9157, Amdt. 61–140, 82 FR 
3165, Jan. 11, 2017] 

§ 61.91


§ 61.93

Solo cross-country flight re-



General.  (1) Except as provided in 

paragraph (b) of this section, a student 
pilot must meet the requirements of 
this section before— 

(i) Conducting a solo cross-country 

flight, or any flight greater than 25 
nautical miles from the airport from 
where the flight originated. 

(ii) Making a solo flight and landing 

at any location other than the airport 
of origination. 

(2) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, a student pilot who 
seeks solo cross-country flight privi-
leges must: 

(i) Have received flight training from 

an instructor authorized to provide 
flight training on the maneuvers and 
procedures of this section that are ap-
propriate to the make and model of air-

craft for which solo cross-country 
privileges are sought; 

(ii) Have demonstrated cross-country 

proficiency on the appropriate maneu-
vers and procedures of this section to 
an authorized instructor; 

(iii) Have satisfactorily accomplished 

the pre-solo flight maneuvers and pro-
cedures required by § 61.87 of this part 
in the make and model of aircraft or 
similar make and model of aircraft for 
which solo cross-country privileges are 
sought; and 

(iv) Comply with any limitations in-

cluded in the authorized instructor’s 
endorsement that are required by para-
graph (c) of this section. 

(3) A student pilot who seeks solo 

cross-country flight privileges must 
have received ground and flight train-
ing from an authorized instructor on 
the cross-country maneuvers and pro-
cedures listed in this section that are 
appropriate to the aircraft to be flown. 


Authorization to perform certain 

solo flights and cross-country flights. 
student pilot must obtain an endorse-
ment from an authorized instructor to 
make solo flights from the airport 
where the student pilot normally re-
ceives training to another location. A 
student pilot who receives this en-
dorsement must comply with the re-
quirements of this paragraph. 

(1) Solo flights may be made to an-

other airport that is within 25 nautical 
miles from the airport where the stu-
dent pilot normally receives training, 

(i) An authorized instructor has 

given the student pilot flight training 
at the other airport, and that training 
includes flight in both directions over 
the route, entering and exiting the 
traffic pattern, and takeoffs and land-
ings at the other airport; 

(ii) The authorized instructor who 

gave the training endorses the student 
pilot’s logbook authorizing the flight; 

(iii) The student pilot has a solo 

flight endorsement in accordance with 
§ 61.87 of this part; 

(iv) The authorized instructor has de-

termined that the student pilot is pro-
ficient to make the flight; and 

(v) The purpose of the flight is to 

practice takeoffs and landings at that 
other airport. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.93 

(2) Repeated specific solo cross-coun-

try flights may be made to another air-
port that is within 50 nautical miles of 
the airport from which the flight origi-
nated, provided— 

(i) The authorized instructor has 

given the student flight training in 
both directions over the route, includ-
ing entering and exiting the traffic pat-
terns, takeoffs, and landings at the air-
ports to be used; 

(ii) The authorized instructor who 

gave the training has endorsed the stu-
dent’s logbook certifying that the stu-
dent is proficient to make such flights; 

(iii) The student has a solo flight en-

dorsement in accordance with § 61.87 of 
this part; and 

(iv) The student has a solo cross 

country flight endorsement in accord-
ance with paragraph (c) of this section; 
however, for repeated solo cross coun-
try flights to another airport within 50 
nautical miles from which the flight 
originated, separate endorsements are 
not required to be made for each flight. 


Endorsements for solo cross-country 

flights. Except as specified in paragraph 
(b)(2) of this section, a student pilot 
must have the endorsements prescribed 
in this paragraph for each cross-coun-
try flight: 

(1) A student pilot must have a solo 

cross-country endorsement from the 
authorized instructor who conducted 
the training that is placed in that per-
son’s logbook for the specific category 
of aircraft to be flown. 

(2) A student pilot must have a solo 

cross-country endorsement from an au-
thorized instructor that is placed in 
that person’s logbook for the specific 
make and model of aircraft to be flown. 

(3) For each cross-country flight, the 

authorized instructor who reviews the 
cross-country planning must make an 
endorsement in the person’s logbook 
after reviewing that person’s cross- 
country planning, as specified in para-
graph (d) of this section. The endorse-
ment must— 

(i) Specify the make and model of 

aircraft to be flown; 

(ii) State that the student’s preflight 

planning and preparation is correct and 
that the student is prepared to make 
the flight safely under the known con-
ditions; and 

(iii) State that any limitations re-

quired by the student’s authorized in-
structor are met. 


Limitations on authorized instruc-

tors to permit solo cross-country flights. 
An authorized instructor may not per-
mit a student pilot to conduct a solo 
cross-country flight unless that in-
structor has: 

(1) Determined that the student’s 

cross-country planning is correct for 
the flight; 

(2) Reviewed the current and forecast 

weather conditions and has determined 
that the flight can be completed under 

(3) Determined that the student is 

proficient to conduct the flight safely; 

(4) Determined that the student has 

the appropriate solo cross-country en-
dorsement for the make and model of 
aircraft to be flown; and 

(5) Determined that the student’s 

solo flight endorsement is current for 
the make and model aircraft to be 


Maneuvers and procedures for cross- 

country flight training in a single-engine 
A student pilot who is receiv-
ing training for cross-country flight in 
a single-engine airplane must receive 
and log flight training in the following 
maneuvers and procedures: 

(1) Use of aeronautical charts for 

VFR navigation using pilotage and 
dead reckoning with the aid of a mag-
netic compass; 

(2) Use of aircraft performance charts 

pertaining to cross-country flight; 

(3) Procurement and analysis of aero-

nautical weather reports and forecasts, 
including recognition of critical weath-
er situations and estimating visibility 
while in flight; 

(4) Emergency procedures; 
(5) Traffic pattern procedures that in-

clude area departure, area arrival, 
entry into the traffic pattern, and ap-

(6) Procedures and operating prac-

tices for collision avoidance, wake tur-
bulence precautions, and windshear 

(7) Recognition, avoidance, and oper-

ational restrictions of hazardous ter-
rain features in the geographical area 
where the cross-country flight will be 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.93 

(8) Procedures for operating the in-

struments and equipment installed in 
the aircraft to be flown, including rec-
ognition and use of the proper oper-
ational procedures and indications; 

(9) Use of radios for VFR navigation 

and two-way communication, except 
that a student pilot seeking a sport 
pilot certificate must only receive and 
log flight training on the use of radios 
installed in the aircraft to be flown; 

(10) Takeoff, approach, and landing 

procedures, including short-field, soft- 
field, and crosswind takeoffs, ap-
proaches, and landings; 

(11) Climbs at best angle and best 

rate; and 

(12) Control and maneuvering solely 

by reference to flight instruments, in-
cluding straight and level flight, turns, 
descents, climbs, use of radio aids, and 
ATC directives. For student pilots 
seeking a sport pilot certificate, the 
provisions of this paragraph only apply 
when receiving training for cross-coun-
try flight in an airplane that has a V



greater than 87 knots CAS. 


Maneuvers and procedures for cross- 

country flight training in a multiengine 
A student pilot who is receiv-
ing training for cross-country flight in 
a multiengine airplane must receive 
and log flight training in the following 
maneuvers and procedures: 

(1) Use of aeronautical charts for 

VFR navigation using pilotage and 
dead reckoning with the aid of a mag-
netic compass; 

(2) Use of aircraft performance charts 

pertaining to cross-country flight; 

(3) Procurement and analysis of aero-

nautical weather reports and forecasts, 
including recognition of critical weath-
er situations and estimating visibility 
while in flight; 

(4) Emergency procedures; 
(5) Traffic pattern procedures that in-

clude area departure, area arrival, 
entry into the traffic pattern, and ap-

(6) Procedures and operating prac-

tices for collision avoidance, wake tur-
bulence precautions, and windshear 

(7) Recognition, avoidance, and oper-

ational restrictions of hazardous ter-
rain features in the geographical area 
where the cross-country flight will be 

(8) Procedures for operating the in-

struments and equipment installed in 
the aircraft to be flown, including rec-
ognition and use of the proper oper-
ational procedures and indications; 

(9) Use of radios for VFR navigation 

and two-way communications; 

(10) Takeoff, approach, and landing 

procedures, including short-field, soft- 
field, and crosswind takeoffs, ap-
proaches, and landings; 

(11) Climbs at best angle and best 

rate; and 

(12) Control and maneuvering solely 

by reference to flight instruments, in-
cluding straight and level flight, turns, 
descents, climbs, use of radio aids, and 
ATC directives. 


Maneuvers and procedures for cross- 

country flight training in a helicopter. 
student pilot who is receiving training 
for cross-country flight in a helicopter 
must receive and log flight training for 
the following maneuvers and proce-

(1) Use of aeronautical charts for 

VFR navigation using pilotage and 
dead reckoning with the aid of a mag-
netic compass; 

(2) Use of aircraft performance charts 

pertaining to cross-country flight; 

(3) Procurement and analysis of aero-

nautical weather reports and forecasts, 
including recognition of critical weath-
er situations and estimating visibility 
while in flight; 

(4) Emergency procedures; 
(5) Traffic pattern procedures that in-

clude area departure, area arrival, 
entry into the traffic pattern, and ap-

(6) Procedures and operating prac-

tices for collision avoidance, wake tur-
bulence precautions, and windshear 

(7) Recognition, avoidance, and oper-

ational restrictions of hazardous ter-
rain features in the geographical area 
where the cross-country flight will be 

(8) Procedures for operating the in-

struments and equipment installed in 
the aircraft to be flown, including rec-
ognition and use of the proper oper-
ational procedures and indications; 

(9) Use of radios for VFR navigation 

and two-way communications; and 

(10) Takeoff, approach, and landing 


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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.93 


Maneuvers and procedures for cross- 

country flight training in a gyroplane. 
student pilot who is receiving training 
for cross-country flight in a gyroplane 
must receive and log flight training in 
the following maneuvers and proce-

(1) Use of aeronautical charts for 

VFR navigation using pilotage and 
dead reckoning with the aid of a mag-
netic compass; 

(2) Use of aircraft performance charts 

pertaining to cross-country flight; 

(3) Procurement and analysis of aero-

nautical weather reports and forecasts, 
including recognition of critical weath-
er situations and estimating visibility 
while in flight; 

(4) Emergency procedures; 
(5) Traffic pattern procedures that in-

clude area departure, area arrival, 
entry into the traffic pattern, and ap-

(6) Procedures and operating prac-

tices for collision avoidance, wake tur-
bulence precautions, and windshear 

(7) Recognition, avoidance, and oper-

ational restrictions of hazardous ter-
rain features in the geographical area 
where the cross-country flight will be 

(8) Procedures for operating the in-

struments and equipment installed in 
the aircraft to be flown, including rec-
ognition and use of the proper oper-
ational procedures and indications; 

(9) Use of radios for VFR navigation 

and two-way communication, except 
that a student pilot seeking a sport 
pilot certificate must only receive and 
log flight training on the use of radios 
installed in the aircraft to be flown; 

(10) Takeoff, approach, and landing 

procedures, including short-field and 
soft-field takeoffs, approaches, and 


Maneuvers and procedures for cross- 

country flight training in a powered-lift. 
A student pilot who is receiving train-
ing for cross-country flight training in 
a powered-lift must receive and log 
flight training in the following maneu-
vers and procedures: 

(1) Use of aeronautical charts for 

VFR navigation using pilotage and 
dead reckoning with the aid of a mag-
netic compass; 

(2) Use of aircraft performance charts 

pertaining to cross-country flight; 

(3) Procurement and analysis of aero-

nautical weather reports and forecasts, 
including recognition of critical weath-
er situations and estimating visibility 
while in flight; 

(4) Emergency procedures; 
(5) Traffic pattern procedures that in-

clude area departure, area arrival, 
entry into the traffic pattern, and ap-

(6) Procedures and operating prac-

tices for collision avoidance, wake tur-
bulence precautions, and windshear 

(7) Recognition, avoidance, and oper-

ational restrictions of hazardous ter-
rain features in the geographical area 
where the cross-country flight will be 

(8) Procedures for operating the in-

struments and equipment installed in 
the aircraft to be flown, including rec-
ognition and use of the proper oper-
ational procedures and indications; 

(9) Use of radios for VFR navigation 

and two-way communications; 

(10) Takeoff, approach, and landing 

procedures that include high-altitude, 
steep, and shallow takeoffs, ap-
proaches, and landings; and 

(11) Control and maneuvering solely 

by reference to flight instruments, in-
cluding straight and level flight, turns, 
descents, climbs, use of radio aids, and 
ATC directives. 


Maneuvers and procedures for cross- 

country flight training in a glider. A stu-
dent pilot who is receiving training for 
cross-country flight in a glider must 
receive and log flight training in the 
following maneuvers and procedures: 

(1) Use of aeronautical charts for 

VFR navigation using pilotage and 
dead reckoning with the aid of a mag-
netic compass; 

(2) Use of aircraft performance charts 

pertaining to cross-country flight; 

(3) Procurement and analysis of aero-

nautical weather reports and forecasts, 
including recognition of critical weath-
er situations and estimating visibility 
while in flight; 

(4) Emergency procedures; 
(5) Traffic pattern procedures that in-

clude area departure, area arrival, 
entry into the traffic pattern, and ap-

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 61.93 

(6) Procedures and operating prac-

tices for collision avoidance, wake tur-
bulence precautions, and windshear 

(7) Recognition, avoidance, and oper-

ational restrictions of hazardous ter-
rain features in the geographical area 
where the cross-country flight will be 

(8) Procedures for operating the in-

struments and equipment installed in 
the aircraft to be flown, including rec-
ognition and use of the proper oper-
ational procedures and indications; 

(9) Landings accomplished without 

the use of the altimeter from at least 
2,000 feet above the surface; and 

(10) Recognition of weather and upper 

air conditions favorable for cross-coun-
try soaring, ascending and descending 
flight, and altitude control. 


Maneuvers and procedures for cross- 

country flight training in an airship. 
student pilot who is receiving training 
for cross-country flight in an airship 
must receive and log flight training for 
the following maneuvers and proce-

(1) Use of aeronautical charts for 

VFR navigation using pilotage and 
dead reckoning with the aid of a mag-
netic compass; 

(2) Use of aircraft performance charts 

pertaining to cross-country flight; 

(3) Procurement and analysis of aero-

nautical weather reports and forecasts, 
including recognition of critical weath-
er situations and estimating visibility 
while in flight; 

(4) Emergency procedures; 
(5) Traffic pattern procedures that in-

clude area departure, area arrival, 
entry into the traffic pattern, and ap-

(6) Procedures and operating prac-

tices for collision avoidance, wake tur-
bulence precautions, and windshear 

(7) Recognition, avoidance, and oper-

ational restrictions of hazardous ter-
rain features in the geographical area 
where the cross-country flight will be 

(8) Procedures for operating the in-

struments and equipment installed in 
the aircraft to be flown, including rec-
ognition and use of the proper oper-
ational procedures and indications; 

(9) Use of radios for VFR navigation 

and two-way communication, except 
that a student pilot seeking a sport 
pilot certificate must only receive and 
log flight training on the use of radios 
installed in the aircraft to be flown; 

(10) Control of air pressure with re-

gard to ascending and descending flight 
and altitude control; 

(11) Control of the airship solely by 

reference to flight instruments, except 
for a student pilot seeking a sport pilot 
certificate; and 

(12) Recognition of weather and upper 

air conditions conducive for the direc-
tion of cross-country flight. 


Maneuvers and procedures for cross- 

country flight training in a powered para-
A student pilot who is receiving 
training for cross-country flight in a 
powered parachute must receive and 
log flight training in the following ma-
neuvers and procedures: 

(1) Use of aeronautical charts for 

VFR navigation using pilotage and 
dead reckoning with the aid of a mag-
netic compass, as appropriate. 

(2) Use of aircraft performance charts 

pertaining to cross-country flight. 

(3) Procurement and analysis of aero-

nautical weather reports and forecasts, 
including recognizing critical weather 
situations and estimating visibility 
while in flight. 

(4) Emergency procedures. 
(5) Traffic pattern procedures that in-

clude area departure, area arrival, 
entry into the traffic pattern, and ap-

(6) Procedures and operating prac-

tices for collision avoidance, wake tur-
bulence precautions, and windshear 

(7) Recognition, avoidance, and oper-

ational restrictions of hazardous ter-
rain features in the geographical area 
where the cross-country flight will be 

(8) Procedures for operating the in-

struments and equipment installed in 
the aircraft to be flown, including rec-
ognition and use of the proper oper-
ational procedures and indications. 

(9) If equipped for flight with naviga-

tion radios, the use of radios for VFR 

(10) Recognition of weather and upper 

air conditions favorable for the cross- 
country flight. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 61.94 

(11) Takeoff, approach and landing 



Maneuvers and procedures for 

cross-country flight training in a weight- 
shift-control aircraft. 
A student pilot 
who is receiving training for cross- 
country flight in a weight-shift-control 
aircraft must receive and log flight 
training for the following maneuvers 
and procedures: 

(1) Use of aeronautical charts for 

VFR navigation using pilotage and 
dead reckoning with the aid of a mag-
netic compass, as appropriate. 

(2) Use of aircraft performance charts 

pertaining to cross-country flight. 

(3) Procurement and analysis of aero-

nautical weather reports and forecasts, 
including recognizing critical weather 
situations and estimating visibility 
while in flight. 

(4) Emergency procedures. 
(5) Traffic pattern procedures that in-

clude area departure, area arrival, 
entry into the traffic pattern, and ap-

(6) Procedures and operating prac-

tices for collision avoidance, wake tur-
bulence precautions, and windshear 

(7) Recognition, avoidance, and oper-

ational restrictions of hazardous ter-
rain features in the geographical area 
where the cross-country flight will be 

(8) Procedures for operating the in-

struments and equipment installed in 
the aircraft to be flown, including rec-
ognition and use of the proper oper-
ational procedures and indications. 

(9) If equipped for flight using navi-

gation radios, the use of radios for VFR 

(10) Recognition of weather and upper 

air conditions favorable for the cross- 
country flight. 

(11) Takeoff, approach and landing 

procedures, including crosswind ap-
proaches and landings. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–103, 62 FR 40902, July 30, 1997; 
Amdt. 61–110, 69 FR 44867, July 27, 2004; 
Amdt. 61–124, 74 FR 42557, Aug. 21, 2009; 
Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR 5220, Feb. 1, 2010; Docket 
FAA–2010–1127, Amdt. 61–135, 81 FR 1306, Jan. 
12, 2016] 

§ 61.94

Student pilot seeking a sport 

pilot certificate or a recreational 
pilot certificate: Operations at air-
ports within, and in airspace lo-
cated within, Class B, C, and D air-
space, or at airports with an oper-
ational control tower in other air-

(a) A student pilot seeking a sport 

pilot certificate or a recreational pilot 
certificate who wants to obtain privi-
leges to operate in Class B, C, and D 
airspace, at an airport located in Class 
B, C, or D airspace, and to, from, 
through, or at an airport having an 
operational control tower, must re-
ceive and log ground and flight train-
ing from an authorized instructor in 
the following aeronautical knowledge 
areas and areas of operation: 

(1) The use of radios, communica-

tions, navigation systems and facili-
ties, and radar services. 

(2) Operations at airports with an op-

erating control tower, to include three 
takeoffs and landings to a full stop, 
with each landing involving a flight in 
the traffic pattern, at an airport with 
an operating control tower. 

(3) Applicable flight rules of part 91 

of this chapter for operations in Class 
B, C, and D airspace and air traffic con-
trol clearances. 

(4) Ground and flight training for the 

specific Class B, C, or D airspace for 
which the solo flight is authorized, if 
applicable, within the 90-day period 
preceding the date of the flight in that 
airspace. The flight training must be 
received in the specific airspace area 
for which solo flight is authorized. 

(5) Ground and flight training for the 

specific airport located in Class B, C, or 
D airspace for which the solo flight is 
authorized, if applicable, within the 90- 
day period preceding the date of the 
flight at that airport. The flight and 
ground training must be received at 
the specific airport for which solo 
flight is authorized. 

(b) The authorized instructor who 

provides the training specified in para-
graph (a) of this section must provide a 
logbook endorsement that certifies the 
student has received that training and 
is proficient to conduct solo flight in 
that specific airspace or at that spe-
cific airport and in those aeronautical 

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