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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 65.101 

comply with paragraphs (a)(1) through 
(5) of this section for the first year of 
the 2-year inspection authorization pe-

(c) An inspection authorization hold-

er who does not complete one of the ac-
tivities set forth in § 65.93(a) (1) 
through (5) of this section by March 31 
of the first year of the 2-year inspec-
tion authorization period may not ex-
ercise inspection authorization privi-
leges after March 31 of the first year. 
The inspection authorization holder 
may resume exercising inspection au-
thorization privileges after passing an 
oral test from an FAA inspector to de-
termine that the applicant’s knowledge 
of the applicable regulations and stand-
ards is current. An inspection author-
ization holder who passes this oral test 
is deemed to have completed the re-
quirements of § 65.93(a) (1) through (5) 
by March 31 of the first year. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2007–27108, 72 FR 4404, Jan. 30, 
2007, as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, 
Amdt. 65–57A, 83 FR 9171, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 65.95

Inspection authorization: Privi-

leges and limitations. 

(a) The holder of an inspection au-

thorization may— 

(1) Inspect and approve for return to 

service any aircraft or related part or 
appliance (except any aircraft main-
tained in accordance with a continuous 
airworthiness program under part 121 
of this chapter) after a major repair or 
major alteration to it in accordance 
with part 43 [New] of this chapter, if 
the work was done in accordance with 
technical data approved by the Admin-
istrator; and 

(2) Perform an annual, or perform or 

supervise a progressive inspection ac-
cording to §§ 43.13 and 43.15 of this chap-

(b) When he exercises the privileges 

of an inspection authorization the 
holder shall keep it available for in-
spection by the aircraft owner, the me-
chanic submitting the aircraft, repair, 
or alteration for approval (if any), and 
shall present it upon the request of the 
Administrator or an authorized rep-
resentative of the National Transpor-
tation Safety Board, or of any Federal, 
State, or local law enforcement officer. 

(c) If the holder of an inspection au-

thorization changes his fixed base of 

operation, he may not exercise the 
privileges of the authorization until he 
has notified the responsible Flight 
Standards office or International Field 
Office for the area in which the new 
base is located, in writing, of the 

[Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as 
amended by Amdt. 65–2, 29 FR 5451, Apr. 23, 
1964; Amdt. 65–4, 30 FR 3638, Mar. 14, 1965; 
Amdt. 65–5, 31 FR 3337, Mar. 3, 1966; Amdt. 65– 
9, 31 FR 13524, Oct. 20, 1966; 32 FR 5769, Apr. 
11, 1967; Amdt. 65–35, 54 FR 39292, Sept. 25, 
1989; Amdt. 65–41, 66 FR 21066, Apr. 27, 2001; 
Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 65–57A, 83 FR 
9171, Mar. 5, 2018] 

Subpart E—Repairmen 

§ 65.101

Eligibility requirements: Gen-


(a) To be eligible for a repairman cer-

tificate a person must— 

(1) Be at least 18 years of age; 
(2) Be specially qualified to perform 

maintenance on aircraft or components 
thereof, appropriate to the job for 
which he is employed; 

(3) Be employed for a specific job re-

quiring those special qualifications by 
a certificated repair station, or by a 
certificated commercial operator or 
certificated air carrier, that is required 
by its operating certificate or approved 
operations specifications to provide a 
continuous airworthiness maintenance 
program according to its maintenance 

(4) Be recommended for certification 

by his employer, to the satisfaction of 
the Administrator, as able to satisfac-
torily maintain aircraft or compo-
nents, appropriate to the job for which 
he is employed; 

(5) Have either— 
(i) At least 18 months of practical ex-

perience in the procedures, practices, 
inspection methods, materials, tools, 
machine tools, and equipment gen-
erally used in the maintenance duties 
of the specific job for which the person 
is to be employed and certificated; or 

(ii) Completed formal training that is 

acceptable to the Administrator and is 
specifically designed to qualify the ap-
plicant for the job on which the appli-
cant is to be employed; and 

(6) Be able to read, write, speak, and 

understand the English language, or, in 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 65.103 

the case of an applicant who does not 
meet this requirement and who is em-
ployed outside the United States by a 
certificated repair station, a certifi-
cated U.S. commercial operator, or a 
certificated U.S. air carrier, described 
in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, have 
this certificate endorsed ‘‘Valid only 
outside the United States.’’ 

(b) This section does not apply to the 

issuance of a repairman certificate (ex-
perimental aircraft builder) under 
§ 65.104 or to a repairman certificate 
(light-sport aircraft) under § 65.107. 

[Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as 
amended by Amdt. 65–11, 32 FR 13506, Sept. 
27, 1967; Amdt. 65–24, 44 FR 46781, Aug. 9, 1979; 
Amdt. 65–27, 47 FR 13316, Mar. 29, 1982; Amdt. 
65–45, 69 FR 44879, July 27, 2004; 72 FR 7739, 
Feb. 20, 2007] 

§ 65.103

Repairman certificate: Privi-

leges and limitations. 

(a) A certificated repairman may per-

form or supervise the maintenance, 
preventive maintenance, or alteration 
of aircraft or aircraft components ap-
propriate to the job for which the re-
pairman was employed and certifi-
cated, but only in connection with du-
ties for the certificate holder by whom 
the repairman was employed and rec-

(b) A certificated repairman may not 

perform or supervise duties under the 
repairman certificate unless the repair-
man understands the current instruc-
tions of the certificate holder by whom 
the repairman is employed and the 
manufacturer’s instructions for contin-
ued airworthiness relating to the spe-
cific operations concerned. 

(c) This section does not apply to the 

holder of a repairman certificate 
(light-sport aircraft) while that repair-
man is performing work under that 

[Doc. No. 18241, 45 FR 46738, July 10, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 65–45, 69 FR 44879, July 27, 

§ 65.104

Repairman certificate—experi-

mental aircraft builder—Eligibility, 
privileges and limitations. 

(a) To be eligible for a repairman cer-

tificate (experimental aircraft builder), 
an individual must— 

(1) Be at least 18 years of age; 

(2) Be the primary builder of the air-

craft to which the privileges of the cer-
tificate are applicable; 

(3) Show to the satisfaction of the 

Administrator that the individual has 
the requisite skill to determine wheth-
er the aircraft is in a condition for safe 
operations; and 

(4) Be a citizen of the United States 

or an individual citizen of a foreign 
country who has lawfully been admit-
ted for permanent residence in the 
United States. 

(b) The holder of a repairman certifi-

cate (experimental aircraft builder) 
may perform condition inspections on 
the aircraft constructed by the holder 
in accordance with the operating limi-
tations of that aircraft. 

(c) Section 65.103 does not apply to 

the holder of a repairman certificate 
(experimental aircraft builder) while 
performing under that certificate. 

[Doc. No. 18739, 44 FR 46781, Aug. 9, 1979] 

§ 65.105

Display of certificate. 

Each person who holds a repairman 

certificate shall keep it within the im-
mediate area where he normally exer-
cises the privileges of the certificate 
and shall present it for inspection upon 
the request of the Administrator or an 
authorized representative of the Na-
tional Transportation Safety Board, or 
of any Federal, State, or local law en-
forcement officer. 

[Doc. No. 7258, 31 FR 13524, Oct. 20, 1966, as 
amended by Doc. No. 8084, 32 FR 5769, Apr. 11, 

§ 65.107

Repairman certificate (light- 

sport aircraft): Eligibility, privi-
leges, and limits. 

(a) Use the following table to deter-

mine your eligibility for a repairman 
certificate (light-sport aircraft) and ap-
propriate rating: 

To be eligible for 

You must 

(1) A repairman certificate 

(light-sport aircraft).

(i) Be at least 18 years old, 
(ii) Be able to read, speak, 

write, and understand 
English. If for medical rea-
sons you cannot meet one 
of these requirements, the 
FAA may place limits on 
your repairman certificate 
necessary to safely per-
form the actions authorized 
by the certificate and rat-

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