Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 65.111
To be eligible for
You must
(iii) Demonstrate the requisite
skill to determine whether
a light-sport aircraft is in a
condition for safe oper-
ation, and
(iv) Be a citizen of the United
States, or a citizen of a for-
eign country who has been
lawfully admitted for per-
manent residence in the
United States.
(2) A repairman certificate
(light-sport aircraft) with an
inspection rating.
(i) Meet the requirements of
paragraph (a)(1) of this
section, and
(ii) Complete a 16-hour train-
ing course acceptable to
the FAA on inspecting the
particular class of experi-
mental light-sport aircraft
for which you intend to ex-
ercise the privileges of this
(3) A repairman certificate
(light-sport aircraft) with a
maintenance rating
(i) Meet the requirements of
paragraph (a)(1) of this
section, and
(ii) Complete a training
course acceptable to the
FAA on maintaining the
particular class of light-
sport aircraft for which you
intend to exercise the privi-
leges of this rating. The
training course must, at a
minimum, provide the fol-
lowing number of hours of
(A) For airplane class privi-
(B) For weight-shift control
aircraft class privileges—
104 hours,
(C) For powered parachute
class privileges—104
(D) For lighter than air class
privileges—80 hours,
(E) For glider class privi-
leges—80 hours.
(b) The holder of a repairman certifi-
cate (light-sport aircraft) with an in-
spection rating may perform the an-
nual condition inspection on a light-
sport aircraft:
(1) That is owned by the holder;
(2) That has been issued an experi-
mental certificate for operating a
light-sport aircraft under § 21.191(i) of
this chapter; and
(3) That is in the same class of light-
sport-aircraft for which the holder has
completed the training specified in
paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section.
(c) The holder of a repairman certifi-
cate (light-sport aircraft) with a main-
tenance rating may—
(1) Approve and return to service an
aircraft that has been issued a special
airworthiness certificate in the light-
sport category under § 21.190 of this
chapter, or any part thereof, after per-
forming or inspecting maintenance (to
include the annual condition inspec-
tion and the 100-hour inspection re-
quired by § 91.327 of this chapter), pre-
ventive maintenance, or an alteration
(excluding a major repair or a major
alteration on a product produced under
an FAA approval);
(2) Perform the annual condition in-
spection on a light-sport aircraft that
has been issued an experimental cer-
tificate for operating a light-sport air-
craft under § 21.191(i) of this chapter;
(3) Only perform maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, and an alteration
on a light-sport aircraft that is in the
same class of light-sport aircraft for
which the holder has completed the
training specified in paragraph (a)(3)(ii)
of this section. Before performing a
major repair, the holder must complete
additional training acceptable to the
FAA and appropriate to the repair per-
(d) The holder of a repairman certifi-
cate (light-sport aircraft) with a main-
tenance rating may not approve for re-
turn to service any aircraft or part
thereof unless that person has pre-
viously performed the work concerned
satisfactorily. If that person has not
previously performed that work, the
person may show the ability to do the
work by performing it to the satisfac-
tion of the FAA, or by performing it
under the direct supervision of a cer-
tificated and appropriately rated me-
chanic, or a certificated repairman,
who has had previous experience in the
specific operation concerned. The re-
pairman may not exercise the privi-
leges of the certificate unless the re-
pairman understands the current in-
structions of the manufacturer and the
maintenance manuals for the specific
operation concerned.
[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 44879, July
27, 2004]
Subpart F—Parachute Riggers
§ 65.111
Certificate required.
(a) No person may pack, maintain, or
alter any personnel-carrying parachute
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 65.113
intended for emergency use in connec-
tion with civil aircraft of the United
States (including the reserve parachute
of a dual parachute system to be used
for intentional parachute jumping) un-
less that person holds an appropriate
current certificate and type rating
issued under this subpart and complies
with §§ 65.127 through 65.133.
(b) No person may pack any main
parachute of a dual-parachute system
to be used for intentional parachute
jumping in connection with civil air-
craft of the United States unless that
(1) Has an appropriate current certifi-
cate issued under this subpart;
(2) Is under the supervision of a cur-
rent certificated parachute rigger;
(3) Is the person making the next
parachute jump with that parachute in
accordance with § 105.43(a) of this chap-
ter; or
(4) Is the parachutist in command
making the next parachute jump with
that parachute in a tandem parachute
operation conducted under § 105.45(b)(1)
of this chapter.
(c) No person may maintain or alter
any main parachute of a dual-para-
chute system to be used for intentional
parachute jumping in connection with
civil aircraft of the United States un-
less that person—
(1) Has an appropriate current certifi-
cate issued under this subpart; or
(2) Is under the supervision of a cur-
rent certificated parachute rigger;
(d) Each person who holds a para-
chute rigger certificate shall present it
for inspection upon the request of the
Administrator or an authorized rep-
resentative of the National Transpor-
tation Safety Board, or of any Federal,
State, or local law enforcement officer.
(e) The following parachute rigger
certificates are issued under this part:
(1) Senior parachute rigger.
(2) Master parachute rigger.
(f) Sections 65.127 through 65.133 do
not apply to parachutes packed, main-
tained, or altered for the use of the
armed forces.
[Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as
amended by Amdt. 65–9, 31 FR 13524, Oct. 20,
1966; 32 FR 5769, Apr. 11, 1967; Amdt. 65–42, 66
FR 23553, May 9, 2001; Amdt. 65–54, 75 FR
31285, June 3, 2010]
§ 65.113
Eligibility requirements: Gen-
(a) To be eligible for a parachute rig-
ger certificate, a person must—
(1) Be at least 18 years of age;
(2) Be able to read, write, speak, and
understand the English language, or, in
the case of a citizen of Puerto Rico, or
a person who is employed outside of
the United States by a U.S. air carrier,
and who does not meet this require-
ment, be issued a certificate that is
valid only in Puerto Rico or while he is
employed outside of the United States
by that air carrier, as the case may be;
(3) Comply with the sections of this
subpart that apply to the certificate
and type rating he seeks.
(b) Except for a master parachute
rigger certificate, a parachute rigger
certificate that was issued before, and
was valid on, October 31, 1962, is equal
to a senior parachute rigger certificate,
and may be exchanged for such a cor-
responding certificate.
§ 65.115
Senior parachute rigger cer-
tificate: Experience, knowledge,
and skill requirements.
Except as provided in § 65.117, an ap-
plicant for a senior parachute rigger
certificate must—
(a) Present evidence satisfactory to
the Administrator that he has packed
at least 20 parachutes of each type for
which he seeks a rating, in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions
and under the supervision of a certifi-
cated parachute rigger holding a rating
for that type or a person holding an ap-
propriate military rating;
(b) Pass a written test, with respect
to parachutes in common use, on—
(1) Their construction, packing, and
(2) The manufacturer’s instructions;
(3) The regulations of this subpart;
(c) Pass an oral and practical test
showing his ability to pack and main-
tain at least one type of parachute in
common use, appropriate to the type
rating he seeks.
[Doc. No. 10468, 37 FR 13251, July 6, 1972]
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