14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 65.14
the certificate and ratings for which he
[Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as
amended by Amdt. 65–23, 43 FR 22640, May 25,
§ 65.14
§ 65.15
Duration of certificates.
(a) Except for repairman certificates,
a certificate or rating issued under this
part is effective until it is surrendered,
suspended, or revoked.
(b) Unless it is sooner surrendered,
suspended, or revoked, a repairman
certificate is effective until the holder
is relieved from the duties for which
the holder was employed and certifi-
(c) The holder of a certificate issued
under this part that is suspended, re-
voked, or no longer effective shall re-
turn it to the Administrator.
(d) Except for temporary certificates
issued under § 65.13, the holder of a
paper certificate issued under this part
may not exercise the privileges of that
certificate after March 31, 2013.
[Doc. No. 22052, 47 FR 35693, Aug. 16, 1982, as
amended by Amdt. 65–51, 73 FR 10668, Feb. 28,
§ 65.16
Change of name: Replacement
of lost or destroyed certificate.
(a) An application for a change of
name on a certificate issued under this
part must be accompanied by the appli-
cant’s current certificate and the mar-
riage license, court order, or other doc-
ument verifying the change. The docu-
ments are returned to the applicant
after inspection.
(b) An application for a replacement
of a lost or destroyed certificate is
made by letter to the Department of
Transportation, Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration, Airman Certification
Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Okla-
homa City, OK 73125. The letter must—
(1) Contain the name in which the
certificate was issued, the permanent
mailing address (including zip code),
social security number (if any), and
date and place of birth of the certifi-
cate holder, and any available informa-
tion regarding the grade, number, and
date of issue of the certificate, and the
ratings on it; and
(2) Be accompanied by a check or
money order for $2, payable to the Fed-
eral Aviation Administration.
(c) An application for a replacement
of a lost or destroyed medical certifi-
cate is made by letter to the Depart-
ment of Transportation, Federal Avia-
tion Administration, Aerospace Med-
ical Certification Division, Post Office
Box 26200, Oklahoma City, OK 73125, ac-
companied by a check or money order
for $2.00.
(d) A person whose certificate issued
under this part or medical certificate,
or both, has been lost may obtain a
telegram from the FAA confirming
that it was issued. The telegram may
be carried as a certificate for a period
not to exceed 60 days pending his re-
ceiving a duplicate certificate under
paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, un-
less he has been notified that the cer-
tificate has been suspended or revoked.
The request for such a telegram may be
made by prepaid telegram, stating the
date upon which a duplicate certificate
was requested, or including the request
for a duplicate and a money order for
the necessary amount. The request for
a telegraphic certificate should be sent
to the office prescribed in paragraph
(b) or (c) of this section, as appropriate.
However, a request for both at the
same time should be sent to the office
prescribed in paragraph (b) of this sec-
[Doc. No. 7258, 31 FR 13524, Oct. 20, 1966, as
amended by Doc. No. 8084, 32 FR 5769, Apr. 11,
1967; Amdt. 65–16, 35 FR 14075, Sept. 4, 1970;
Amdt. 65–17, 36 FR 2865, Feb. 11, 1971; Amdt.
65–52, 73 FR 43065, July 24, 2008]
§ 65.17
Tests: General procedure.
(a) Tests prescribed by or under this
part are given at times and places, and
by persons, designated by the Adminis-
(b) The minimum passing grade for
each test is 70 percent.
§ 65.18
Written tests: Cheating or other
unauthorized conduct.
(a) Except as authorized by the Ad-
ministrator, no person may—
(1) Copy, or intentionally remove, a
written test under this part;
(2) Give to another, or receive from
another, any part or copy of that test;
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 65.23
(3) Give help on that test to, or re-
ceive help on that test from, any per-
son during the period that test is being
(4) Take any part of that test in be-
half of another person;
(5) Use any material or aid during the
period that test is being given; or
(6) Intentionally cause, assist, or par-
ticipate in any act prohibited by this
(b) No person who commits an act
prohibited by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion is eligible for any airman or
ground instructor certificate or rating
under this chapter for a period of 1
year after the date of that act. In addi-
tion, the commission of that act is a
basis for suspending or revoking any
airman or ground instructor certificate
or rating held by that person.
[Doc. No. 4086, 30 FR 2196, Feb. 18, 1965]
§ 65.19
Retesting after failure.
An applicant for a written, oral, or
practical test for a certificate and rat-
ing, or for an additional rating under
this part, may apply for retesting—
(a) After 30 days after the date the
applicant failed the test; or
(b) Before the 30 days have expired if
the applicant presents a signed state-
ment from an airman holding the cer-
tificate and rating sought by the appli-
cant, certifying that the airman has
given the applicant additional instruc-
tion in each of the subjects failed and
that the airman considers the appli-
cant ready for retesting.
[Doc. No. 16383, 43 FR 22640, May 25, 1978]
§ 65.20
Applications, certificates,
logbooks, reports, and records: Fal-
sification, reproduction, or alter-
(a) No person may make or cause to
be made—
(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally
false statement on any application for
a certificate or rating under this part;
(2) Any fraudulent or intentionally
false entry in any logbook, record, or
report that is required to be kept,
made, or used, to show compliance
with any requirement for any certifi-
cate or rating under this part;
(3) Any reproduction, for fraudulent
purpose, of any certificate or rating
under this part; or
(4) Any alteration of any certificate
or rating under this part.
(b) The commission by any person of
an act prohibited under paragraph (a)
of this section is a basis for suspending
or revoking any airman or ground in-
structor certificate or rating held by
that person.
[Doc. No. 4086, 30 FR 2196, Feb. 18, 1965]
§ 65.21
Change of address.
Within 30 days after any change in
his permanent mailing address, the
holder of a certificate issued under this
part shall notify the Department of
Transportation, Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration, Airman Certification
Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Okla-
homa City, OK 73125, in writing, of his
new address.
[Doc. No. 10536, 35 FR 14075, Sept. 4, 1970]
§ 65.23
Incorporation by reference.
Certain material is incorporated by
reference into this part with the ap-
proval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. This material is available
for inspection at the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) and at the Na-
tional Archives and Records Adminis-
tration (NARA). Contact FAA, Airman
Testing Standards Branch/Regulatory
Support Division, 405–954–4151,
AFS630Comments@faa.gov. For informa-
tion on the availability of this mate-
rial at NARA, email
or go to
locations.html. The material may be ob-
tained from the source in the following
paragraph of this section.
(a) Federal Aviation Administration,
800 Independence Avenue SW, Wash-
ington, DC 20591, 866–835–5322,
(1) FAA–S–8081–26B, Aviation Me-
chanic General, Airframe, and Power-
plant Practical Test Standards, No-
vember 1, 2021; IBR approved for §§ 65.75
and 65.79.
(2) FAA–S–ACS–1, Aviation Mechanic
General, Airframe, and Powerplant
Airman Certification Standards, No-
vember 1, 2021; IBR approved for §§ 65.75
and 65.79.
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