Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 65.23
(3) Give help on that test to, or re-
ceive help on that test from, any per-
son during the period that test is being
(4) Take any part of that test in be-
half of another person;
(5) Use any material or aid during the
period that test is being given; or
(6) Intentionally cause, assist, or par-
ticipate in any act prohibited by this
(b) No person who commits an act
prohibited by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion is eligible for any airman or
ground instructor certificate or rating
under this chapter for a period of 1
year after the date of that act. In addi-
tion, the commission of that act is a
basis for suspending or revoking any
airman or ground instructor certificate
or rating held by that person.
[Doc. No. 4086, 30 FR 2196, Feb. 18, 1965]
§ 65.19
Retesting after failure.
An applicant for a written, oral, or
practical test for a certificate and rat-
ing, or for an additional rating under
this part, may apply for retesting—
(a) After 30 days after the date the
applicant failed the test; or
(b) Before the 30 days have expired if
the applicant presents a signed state-
ment from an airman holding the cer-
tificate and rating sought by the appli-
cant, certifying that the airman has
given the applicant additional instruc-
tion in each of the subjects failed and
that the airman considers the appli-
cant ready for retesting.
[Doc. No. 16383, 43 FR 22640, May 25, 1978]
§ 65.20
Applications, certificates,
logbooks, reports, and records: Fal-
sification, reproduction, or alter-
(a) No person may make or cause to
be made—
(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally
false statement on any application for
a certificate or rating under this part;
(2) Any fraudulent or intentionally
false entry in any logbook, record, or
report that is required to be kept,
made, or used, to show compliance
with any requirement for any certifi-
cate or rating under this part;
(3) Any reproduction, for fraudulent
purpose, of any certificate or rating
under this part; or
(4) Any alteration of any certificate
or rating under this part.
(b) The commission by any person of
an act prohibited under paragraph (a)
of this section is a basis for suspending
or revoking any airman or ground in-
structor certificate or rating held by
that person.
[Doc. No. 4086, 30 FR 2196, Feb. 18, 1965]
§ 65.21
Change of address.
Within 30 days after any change in
his permanent mailing address, the
holder of a certificate issued under this
part shall notify the Department of
Transportation, Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration, Airman Certification
Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Okla-
homa City, OK 73125, in writing, of his
new address.
[Doc. No. 10536, 35 FR 14075, Sept. 4, 1970]
§ 65.23
Incorporation by reference.
Certain material is incorporated by
reference into this part with the ap-
proval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. This material is available
for inspection at the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) and at the Na-
tional Archives and Records Adminis-
tration (NARA). Contact FAA, Airman
Testing Standards Branch/Regulatory
Support Division, 405–954–4151,
AFS630Comments@faa.gov. For informa-
tion on the availability of this mate-
rial at NARA, email
or go to
locations.html. The material may be ob-
tained from the source in the following
paragraph of this section.
(a) Federal Aviation Administration,
800 Independence Avenue SW, Wash-
ington, DC 20591, 866–835–5322,
(1) FAA–S–8081–26B, Aviation Me-
chanic General, Airframe, and Power-
plant Practical Test Standards, No-
vember 1, 2021; IBR approved for §§ 65.75
and 65.79.
(2) FAA–S–ACS–1, Aviation Mechanic
General, Airframe, and Powerplant
Airman Certification Standards, No-
vember 1, 2021; IBR approved for §§ 65.75
and 65.79.
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