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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 65.23 

(3) Give help on that test to, or re-

ceive help on that test from, any per-
son during the period that test is being 

(4) Take any part of that test in be-

half of another person; 

(5) Use any material or aid during the 

period that test is being given; or 

(6) Intentionally cause, assist, or par-

ticipate in any act prohibited by this 

(b) No person who commits an act 

prohibited by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion is eligible for any airman or 
ground instructor certificate or rating 
under this chapter for a period of 1 
year after the date of that act. In addi-
tion, the commission of that act is a 
basis for suspending or revoking any 
airman or ground instructor certificate 
or rating held by that person. 

[Doc. No. 4086, 30 FR 2196, Feb. 18, 1965] 

§ 65.19

Retesting after failure. 

An applicant for a written, oral, or 

practical test for a certificate and rat-
ing, or for an additional rating under 
this part, may apply for retesting— 

(a) After 30 days after the date the 

applicant failed the test; or 

(b) Before the 30 days have expired if 

the applicant presents a signed state-
ment from an airman holding the cer-
tificate and rating sought by the appli-
cant, certifying that the airman has 
given the applicant additional instruc-
tion in each of the subjects failed and 
that the airman considers the appli-
cant ready for retesting. 

[Doc. No. 16383, 43 FR 22640, May 25, 1978] 

§ 65.20

Applications, certificates, 

logbooks, reports, and records: Fal-
sification, reproduction, or alter-

(a) No person may make or cause to 

be made— 

(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally 

false statement on any application for 
a certificate or rating under this part; 

(2) Any fraudulent or intentionally 

false entry in any logbook, record, or 
report that is required to be kept, 
made, or used, to show compliance 
with any requirement for any certifi-
cate or rating under this part; 

(3) Any reproduction, for fraudulent 

purpose, of any certificate or rating 
under this part; or 

(4) Any alteration of any certificate 

or rating under this part. 

(b) The commission by any person of 

an act prohibited under paragraph (a) 
of this section is a basis for suspending 
or revoking any airman or ground in-
structor certificate or rating held by 
that person. 

[Doc. No. 4086, 30 FR 2196, Feb. 18, 1965] 

§ 65.21

Change of address. 

Within 30 days after any change in 

his permanent mailing address, the 
holder of a certificate issued under this 
part shall notify the Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration, Airman Certification 
Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Okla-
homa City, OK 73125, in writing, of his 
new address. 

[Doc. No. 10536, 35 FR 14075, Sept. 4, 1970] 

§ 65.23

Incorporation by reference. 

Certain material is incorporated by 

reference into this part with the ap-
proval of the Director of the Federal 
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 
CFR part 51. This material is available 
for inspection at the Federal Aviation 
Administration (FAA) and at the Na-
tional Archives and Records Adminis-
tration (NARA). Contact FAA, Airman 
Testing Standards Branch/Regulatory 
Support Division, 405–954–4151,  For informa-
tion on the availability of this mate-
rial at NARA, email, 

or go to 
The material may be ob-
tained from the source in the following 
paragraph of this section. 

(a) Federal Aviation Administration, 

800 Independence Avenue SW, Wash-
ington, DC 20591, 866–835–5322,



(1) FAA–S–8081–26B, Aviation Me-

chanic General, Airframe, and Power-
plant Practical Test Standards, No-
vember 1, 2021; IBR approved for §§ 65.75 
and 65.79. 

(2) FAA–S–ACS–1, Aviation Mechanic 

General, Airframe, and Powerplant 
Airman Certification Standards, No-
vember 1, 2021; IBR approved for §§ 65.75 
and 65.79. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 65.31 

(b) [Reserved] 

[Docket No. FAA–2021–0237; Amdt. No. 65–63, 
87 FR 31414, May 24, 2022] 

Subpart B—Air Traffic Control 

Tower Operators 



: Docket No. 10193, 35 FR 12326, Aug. 

1, 1970, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 65.31

Required credentials, certifi-

cates, and ratings or qualifications. 

No person may act as an air traffic 

control tower operator at an air traffic 
control tower in connection with civil 
aircraft unless he or she— 

(a) Holds an FAA Credential with a 

tower rating or an air traffic control 
tower operator certificate issued under 
this subpart; 

(b) Holds a facility rating for that 

control tower issued under this sub-
part, or has qualified for the operating 
position at which he or she acts and is 
under the supervision of the holder of a 
facility rating for that control tower; 

(c) Except for a person employed by 

the FAA or employed by, or on active 
duty with, the Department of the Air 
Force, Army, or Navy or the Coast 
Guard, holds at least a second-class 
medical certificate issued under part 67 
of this chapter. 

[Doc. No. 10193, 35 FR 12326, Aug. 1, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 65–25, 45 FR 18911, Mar. 24, 
1980; Amdt. 65–31, 52 FR 17518, May 8, 1987; 
Amdt. 65–56, 79 FR 74611, Dec. 16, 2014] 

§ 65.33

Eligibility requirements: Gen-


To be eligible for an air traffic con-

trol tower operator certificate a person 

(a) Be at least 18 years of age; 
(b) Be of good moral character; 
(c) Be able to read, write, and under-

stand the English language and speak 
it without accent or impediment of 
speech that would interfere with two- 
way radio conversation; 

(d) Except for a person employed by 

the FAA or employed by, or on active 
duty with, the Department of the Air 
Force, Army, or Navy or the Coast 
Guard, hold at least a second-class 
medical certificate issued under part 67 
of this chapter within the 12 months 

before the date application is made; 

(e) Comply with § 65.35. 

[Doc. No. 10193, 35 FR 12326, Aug. 1, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 65–25, 45 FR 18911, Mar. 24, 
1980; Amdt. 65–31, 52 FR 17518, May 8, 1987] 

§ 65.35

Knowledge requirements. 

Each applicant for an air traffic con-

trol tower operator certificate must 
pass a written test on— 

(a) The flight rules in part 91 of this 


(b) Airport traffic control procedures, 

and this subpart: 

(c) En route traffic control proce-


(d) Communications operating proce-


(e) Flight assistance service; 
(f) Air navigation, and aids to air 

navigation; and 

(g) Aviation weather. 

§ 65.37

Skill requirements: Operating 


No person may act as an air traffic 

control tower operator at any oper-
ating position unless he has passed a 
practical test on— 

(a) Control tower equipment and its 


(b) Weather reporting procedures and 

use of reports; 

(c) Notices to Airmen, and use of the 

Airman’s Information Manual; 

(d) Use of operational forms; 
(e) Performance of noncontrol oper-

ational duties; and 

(f) Each of the following procedures 

that is applicable to that operating po-
sition and is required by the person 
performing the examination: 

(1) The airport, including rules, 

equipment, runways, taxiways, and ob-

(2) The terrain features, visual check-

points, and obstructions within the lat-
eral boundaries of the surface areas of 
Class B, Class C, Class D, or Class E 
airspace designated for the airport. 

(3) Traffic patterns and associated 

procedures for use of preferential run-
ways and noise abatement. 

(4) Operational agreements. 
(5) The center, alternate airports, 

and those airways, routes, reporting 
points, and air navigation aids used for 
terminal air traffic control. 

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