14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 65.50
(c) A certificated air traffic control
tower operator who does not hold a fa-
cility rating for a particular control
tower may not act at any operating po-
sition at the control tower concerned
unless there is maintained at that con-
trol tower, readily available to persons
named in paragraph (b) of this section,
a current record of the operating posi-
tions at which he has qualified.
(d) An air traffic control tower oper-
ator may not perform duties under his
certificate during any period of known
physical deficiency that would make
him unable to meet the physical re-
quirements for his current medical cer-
tificate. However, if the deficiency is
temporary, he may perform duties that
are not affected by it whenever another
certificated and qualified operator is
present and on duty.
(e) A certificated air traffic control
tower operator may not control air
traffic with equipment that the Admin-
istrator has found to be inadequate.
(f) The holder of an air traffic control
tower operator certificate, or an appli-
cant for one, shall, upon the reasonable
request of the Administrator, cooper-
ate fully in any test that is made of
[Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as
amended by Amdt. 65–31, 52 FR 17519, May 8,
§ 65.50
Currency requirements.
The holder of an air traffic control
tower operator certificate may not per-
form any duties under that certificate
(a) He has served for at least three of
the preceding 6 months as an air traffic
control tower operator at the control
tower to which his facility rating ap-
plies, or at the operating positions for
which he has qualified; or
(b) He has shown that he meets the
requirements for his certificate and fa-
cility rating at the control tower con-
cerned, or for operating at positions for
which he has previously qualified.
Subpart C—Aircraft Dispatchers
: Docket No. FAA–1998–4553, 64 FR
68923, Dec. 8, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
§ 65.51
Certificate required.
(a) No person may act as an aircraft
dispatcher (exercising responsibility
with the pilot in command in the oper-
ational control of a flight) in connec-
tion with any civil aircraft in air com-
merce unless that person has in his or
her personal possession an aircraft dis-
patcher certificate issued under this
(b) Each person who holds an aircraft
dispatcher certificate must present it
for inspection upon the request of the
Administrator or an authorized rep-
resentative of the National Transpor-
tation Safety Board, or of any Federal,
State, or local law enforcement officer.
§ 65.53
Eligibility requirements: Gen-
(a) To be eligible to take the aircraft
dispatcher knowledge test, a person
must be at least 21 years of age.
(b) To be eligible for an aircraft dis-
patcher certificate, a person must—
(1) Be at least 23 years of age;
(2) Be able to read, speak, write, and
understand the English language;
(3) Pass the required knowledge test
prescribed by § 65.55 of this part;
(4) Pass the required practical test
prescribed by § 65.59 of this part; and
(5) Comply with the requirements of
§ 65.57 of this part.
§ 65.55
Knowledge requirements.
(a) A person who applies for an air-
craft dispatcher certificate must pass a
knowledge test on the following aero-
nautical knowledge areas:
(1) Applicable Federal Aviation Regu-
lations of this chapter that relate to
airline transport pilot privileges, limi-
tations, and flight operations;
(2) Meteorology, including knowledge
of and effects of fronts, frontal charac-
teristics, cloud formations, icing, and
upper-air data;
(3) General system of weather and
NOTAM collection, dissemination, in-
terpretation, and use;
(4) Interpretation and use of weather
charts, maps, forecasts, sequence re-
ports, abbreviations, and symbols;
(5) National Weather Service func-
tions as they pertain to operations in
the National Airspace System;
(6) Windshear and microburst aware-
ness, identification, and avoidance;
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 65.61
(7) Principles of air navigation under
instrument meteorological conditions
in the National Airspace System;
(8) Air traffic control procedures and
pilot responsibilities as they relate to
enroute operations, terminal area and
radar operations, and instrument de-
parture and approach procedures;
(9) Aircraft loading, weight and bal-
ance, use of charts, graphs, tables, for-
mulas, and computations, and their ef-
fect on aircraft performance;
(10) Aerodynamics relating to an air-
craft’s flight characteristics and per-
formance in normal and abnormal
flight regimes;
(11) Human factors;
(12) Aeronautical decision making
and judgment; and
(13) Crew resource management, in-
cluding crew communication and co-
(b) The applicant must present docu-
mentary evidence satisfactory to the
administrator of having passed an air-
craft dispatcher knowledge test within
the preceding 24 calendar months.
§ 65.57
Experience or training require-
An applicant for an aircraft dis-
patcher certificate must present docu-
mentary evidence satisfactory to the
Administrator that he or she has the
experience prescribed in paragraph (a)
of this section or has accomplished the
training described in paragraph (b) of
this section as follows:
(a) A total of at least 2 years experi-
ence in the 3 years before the date of
application, in any one or in any com-
bination of the following areas:
(1) In military aircraft operations
as a—
(i) Pilot;
(ii) Flight navigator; or
(iii) Meteorologist.
(2) In aircraft operations conducted
under part 121 of this chapter as—
(i) An assistant in dispatching air
carrier aircraft, under the direct super-
vision of a dispatcher certificated
under this subpart;
(ii) A pilot;
(iii) A flight engineer; or
(iv) A meteorologist.
(3) In aircraft operations as—
(i) An Air Traffic Controller; or
(ii) A Flight Service Specialist.
(4) In aircraft operations, performing
other duties that the Administrator
finds provide equivalent experience.
(b) A statement of graduation issued
or revalidated in accordance with
§ 65.70(b) of this part, showing that the
person has successfully completed an
approved aircraft dispatcher course.
§ 65.59
Skill requirements.
An applicant for an aircraft dis-
patcher certificate must pass a prac-
tical test given by the Administrator,
with respect to any one type of large
aircraft used in air carrier operations.
To pass the practical test for an air-
craft dispatcher certificate, the appli-
cant must demonstrate skill in apply-
ing the areas of knowledge and topics
specified in appendix A of this part to
preflight and all phases of flight, in-
cluding abnormal and emergency pro-
[Docket FAA–2016–6142, Amdt. 65–58, 83 FR
30281, June 27, 2018
§ 65.61
Aircraft dispatcher certifi-
cation courses: Content and min-
imum hours.
(a) An approved aircraft dispatcher
certification course must:
(1) Provide instruction in the areas of
knowledge and topics listed in appen-
dix A of this part;
(2) Include a minimum of 200 hours of
(b) An applicant for approval of an
aircraft dispatcher course must submit
an outline that describes the major
topics and subtopics to be covered and
the number of hours proposed for each.
(c) Additional subject headings for an
aircraft dispatcher certification course
may also be included, however the
hours proposed for any subjects not
listed in appendix A of this part must
be in addition to the minimum 200
course hours required in paragraph (a)
of this section.
(d) For the purpose of completing an
approved course, a student may sub-
stitute previous experience or training
for a portion of the minimum 200 hours
of training. The course operator deter-
mines the number of hours of credit
based on an evaluation of the experi-
ence or training to determine if it is
comparable to portions of the approved
course curriculum. The credit allowed,
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