Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 65.91
current instructions of the manufac-
turer, and the maintenance manuals,
for the specific operation concerned.
[Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as
amended by Amdt. 65–2, 29 FR 5451, Apr. 23,
1964; Amdt. 65–26, 45 FR 46737, July 10, 1980]
§ 65.83
Recent experience require-
A certificated mechanic may not ex-
ercise the privileges of his certificate
and rating unless, within the preceding
24 months—
(a) The Administrator has found that
he is able to do that work; or
(b) He has, for at least 6 months—
(1) Served as a mechanic under his
certificate and rating;
(2) Technically supervised other me-
(3) Supervised, in an executive capac-
ity, the maintenance or alteration of
aircraft; or
(4) Been engaged in any combination
of paragraph (b) (1), (2), or (3) of this
§ 65.85
Airframe rating; additional
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, a certificated me-
chanic with an airframe rating may ap-
prove and return to service an air-
frame, or any related part or appliance,
after he has performed, supervised, or
inspected its maintenance or alteration
(excluding major repairs and major al-
terations). In addition, he may perform
the 100-hour inspection required by
part 91 of this chapter on an airframe,
or any related part or appliance, and
approve and return it to service.
(b) A certificated mechanic with an
airframe rating can approve and return
to service an airframe, or any related
part or appliance, of an aircraft with a
special airworthiness certificate in the
light-sport category after performing
and inspecting a major repair or major
alteration for products that are not
produced under an FAA approval pro-
vided the work was performed in ac-
cordance with instructions developed
by the manufacturer or a person ac-
ceptable to the FAA.
[Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as
amended by Amdt. 65–10, 32 FR 5770, Apr. 11,
1967; Amdt. 65–45, 69 FR 44879, July 27, 2004]
§ 65.87
Powerplant rating; additional
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, a certificated me-
chanic with a powerplant rating may
approve and return to service a power-
plant or propeller or any related part
or appliance, after he has performed,
supervised, or inspected its mainte-
nance or alteration (excluding major
repairs and major alterations). In addi-
tion, he may perform the 100-hour in-
spection required by part 91 of this
chapter on a powerplant or propeller,
or any part thereof, and approve and
return it to service.
(b) A certificated mechanic with a
powerplant rating can approve and re-
turn to service a powerplant or pro-
peller, or any related part or appliance,
of an aircraft with a special airworthi-
ness certificate in the light-sport cat-
egory after performing and inspecting
a major repair or major alteration for
products that are not produced under
an FAA approval, provided the work
was performed in accordance with in-
structions developed by the manufac-
turer or a person acceptable to the
[Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as
amended by Amdt. 65–10, 32 FR 5770, Apr. 11,
1967; Amdt. 65–45, 69 FR 44879, July 27, 2004]
§ 65.89
Display of certificate.
Each person who holds a mechanic
certificate shall keep it within the im-
mediate area where he normally exer-
cises the privileges of the certificate
and shall present it for inspection upon
the request of the Administrator or an
authorized representative of the Na-
tional Transportation Safety Board, or
of any Federal, State, or local law en-
forcement officer.
[Doc. No. 7258, 31 FR 13524, Oct. 20, 1966, as
amended by Doc. No. 8084, 32 FR 5769, Apr. 11,
§ 65.91
Inspection authorization.
(a) An application for an inspection
authorization is made on a form and in
a manner prescribed by the Adminis-
(b) An applicant who meets the re-
quirements of this section is entitled
to an inspection authorization.
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 65.92
(c) To be eligible for an inspection
authorization, an applicant must—
(1) Hold a currently effective me-
chanic certificate with both an air-
frame rating and a powerplant rating,
each of which is currently effective and
has been in effect for a total of at least
3 years;
(2) Have been actively engaged, for at
least the 2-year period before the date
he applies, in maintaining aircraft cer-
tificated and maintained in accordance
with this chapter;
(3) Have a fixed base of operations at
which he may be located in person or
by telephone during a normal working
week but it need not be the place where
he will exercise his inspection author-
(4) Have available to him the equip-
ment, facilities, and inspection data
necessary to properly inspect air-
frames, powerplants, propellers, or any
related part or appliance; and
(5) Pass a written test on his ability
to inspect according to safety stand-
ards for returning aircraft to service
after major repairs and major alter-
ations and annual and progressive in-
spections performed under part 43 of
this chapter.
An applicant who fails the test pre-
scribed in paragraph (c)(5) of this sec-
tion may not apply for retesting until
at least 90 days after the date he failed
the test.
[Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as
amended by Amdt. 65–5, 31 FR 3337, Mar. 3,
1966; Amdt. 65–22, 42 FR 46279, Sept. 15, 1977;
Amdt. 65–30, 50 FR 15700, Apr. 19, 1985]
§ 65.92
Inspection authorization: Dura-
(a) Each inspection authorization ex-
pires on March 31 of each odd-num-
bered year. However, the holder may
exercise the privileges of that author-
ization only while he holds a currently
effective mechanic certificate with
both a currently effective airframe rat-
ing and a currently effective power-
plant rating.
(b) An inspection authorization
ceases to be effective whenever any of
the following occurs:
(1) The authorization is surrendered,
suspended, or revoked.
(2) The holder no longer has a fixed
base of operation.
(3) The holder no longer has the
equipment, facilities, and inspection
data required by § 65.91(c) (3) and (4) for
issuance of his authorization.
(c) The holder of an inspection au-
thorization that is suspended or re-
voked shall, upon the Administrator’s
request, return it to the Adminis-
[Doc. No. 12537, 42 FR 46279, Sept. 15, 1977, as
amended by Amdt. 65–50, 72 FR 4404, Jan. 30,
§ 65.93
Inspection authorization: Re-
(a) To be eligible for renewal of an in-
spection authorization for a 2-year pe-
riod an applicant must present evi-
dence during the month of March of
each odd-numbered year, at the respon-
sible Flight Standards office, that the
applicant still meets the requirements
of § 65.91(c) (1) through (4). In addition,
during the time the applicant held the
inspection authorization, the applicant
must show completion of one of the ac-
tivities in § 65.93(a) (1) through (5)
below by March 31 of the first year of
the 2-year inspection authorization pe-
riod, and completion of one of the five
activities during the second year of the
2-year period:
(1) Performed at least one annual in-
spection for each 90 days that the ap-
plicant held the current authority; or
(2) Performed at least two major re-
pairs or major alterations for each 90
days that the applicant held the cur-
rent authority; or
(3) Performed or supervised and ap-
proved at least one progressive inspec-
tion in accordance with standards pre-
scribed by the Administrator; or
(4) Attended and successfully com-
pleted a refresher course, acceptable to
the Administrator, of not less than 8
hours of instruction; or
(5) Passed an oral test by an FAA in-
spector to determine that the appli-
cant’s knowledge of applicable regula-
tions and standards is current.
(b) The holder of an inspection au-
thorization that has been in effect:
(1) for less than 90 days before the ex-
piration date need not comply with
paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of this
(2) for less than 90 days before March
31 of an even-numbered year need not
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