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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 67.305 

(b) Near vision of 20/40 or better, 

Snellen equivalent, at 16 inches in each 
eye separately, with or without correc-
tive lenses. 

(c) Ability to perceive those colors 

necessary for the safe performance of 
airman duties. 

(d) No acute or chronic pathological 

condition of either eye or adnexa that 
interferes with the proper function of 
an eye, that may reasonably be ex-
pected to progress to that degree, or 
that may reasonably be expected to be 
aggravated by flying. 

§ 67.305

Ear, nose, throat, and equi-


Ear, nose, throat, and equilibrium 

standards for a third-class airman med-
ical certificate are: 

(a) The person shall demonstrate ac-

ceptable hearing by at least one of the 
following tests: 

(1) Demonstrate an ability to hear an 

average conversational voice in a quiet 
room, using both ears, at a distance of 
6 feet from the examiner, with the back 
turned to the examiner. 

(2) Demonstrate an acceptable under-

standing of speech as determined by 
audiometric speech discrimination 
testing to a score of at least 70 percent 
obtained in one ear or in a sound field 

(3) Provide acceptable results of pure 

tone audiometric testing of unaided 
hearing acuity according to the fol-
lowing table of worst acceptable 
thresholds, using the calibration stand-
ards of the American National Stand-
ards Institute, 1969: 

Frequency (Hz) 









Better ear (Db) .................................





Poorer ear (Db) ...............................





(b) No disease or condition of the 

middle or internal ear, nose, oral cav-
ity, pharynx, or larynx that— 

(1) Interferes with, or is aggravated 

by, flying or may reasonably be ex-
pected to do so; or 

(2) Interferes with clear and effective 

speech communication. 

(c) No disease or condition mani-

fested by, or that may reasonably be 
expected to be manifested by, vertigo 
or a disturbance of equilibrium. 

§ 67.307


Mental standards for a third-class 

airman medical certificate are: 

(a) No established medical history or 

clinical diagnosis of any of the fol-

(1) A personality disorder that is se-

vere enough to have repeatedly mani-
fested itself by overt acts. 

(2) A psychosis. As used in this sec-

tion, ‘‘psychosis’’ refers to a mental 
disorder in which— 

(i) The individual has manifested de-

lusions, hallucinations, grossly bizarre 
or disorganized behavior, or other com-
monly accepted symptoms of this con-
dition; or 

(ii) The individual may reasonably be 

expected to manifest delusions, hallu-
cinations, grossly bizarre or disorga-
nized behavior, or other commonly ac-
cepted symptoms of this condition. 

(3) A bipolar disorder. 
(4) Substance dependence, except 

where there is established clinical evi-
dence, satisfactory to the Federal Air 
Surgeon, of recovery, including sus-
tained total abstinence from the sub-
stance(s) for not less than the pre-
ceding 2 years. As used in this sec-

(i) ‘‘Substance’’ includes: alcohol; 

other sedatives and hypnotics; 
anxiolytics; opioids; central nervous 
system stimulants such as cocaine, am-
phetamines, and similarly acting 
sympathomimetics; hallucinogens; 
phencyclidine or similarly acting 
arylcyclohexylamines; cannabis; 
inhalants; and other psychoactive 
drugs and chemicals; and 

(ii) ‘‘Substance dependence’’ means a 

condition in which a person is depend-
ent on a substance, other than tobacco 
or ordinary xanthine-containing (e.g., 
caffeine) beverages, as evidenced by— 

(A) Increased tolerance; 
(B) Manifestation of withdrawal 


(C) Impaired control of use; or 
(D) Continued use despite damage to 

physical health or impairment of so-
cial, personal, or occupational func-

(b) No substance abuse within the 

preceding 2 years defined as: 

(1) Use of a substance in a situation 

in which that use was physically haz-
ardous, if there has been at any other 

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