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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 67.405 

(3) Denying all applications for med-

ical certification and requests for Au-
thorizations or SODA’s. 

(c) The following may serve as a basis 

for suspending or revoking a medical 
certificate; withdrawing an Authoriza-
tion or SODA; or denying an applica-
tion for a medical certificate or re-
quest for an authorization or SODA: 

(1) An incorrect statement, upon 

which the FAA relied, made in support 
of an application for a medical certifi-
cate or request for an Authorization or 

(2) An incorrect entry, upon which 

the FAA relied, made in any logbook, 
record, or report that is kept, made, or 
used to show compliance with any re-
quirement for a medical certificate or 
an Authorization or SODA. 

§ 67.405

Medical examinations: Who 

may perform? 


First-class.  Any aviation medical 

examiner who is specifically designated 
for the purpose may perform examina-
tions for the first-class medical certifi-


Second- and third-class. Any avia-

tion medical examiner may perform ex-
aminations for the second-or third- 
class medical certificate. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2007–27812, 73 FR 43066, July 
24, 2008] 

§ 67.407

Delegation of authority. 

(a) The authority of the Adminis-

trator under 49 U.S.C. 44703 to issue or 
deny medical certificates is delegated 
to the Federal Air Surgeon to the ex-
tent necessary to— 

(1) Examine applicants for and hold-

ers of medical certificates to determine 
whether they meet applicable medical 
standards; and 

(2) Issue, renew, and deny medical 

certificates, and issue, renew, deny, 
and withdraw Authorizations for Spe-
cial Issuance of a Medical Certificate 
and Statements of Demonstrated Abil-
ity to a person based upon meeting or 
failing to meet applicable medical 

(b) Subject to limitations in this 

chapter, the delegated functions of the 
Federal Air Surgeon to examine appli-
cants for and holders of medical certifi-
cates for compliance with applicable 
medical standards and to issue, renew, 

and deny medical certificates are also 
delegated to aviation medical exam-
iners and to authorized representatives 
of the Federal Air Surgeon within the 

(c) The authority of the Adminis-

trator under 49 U.S.C. 44702, to recon-
sider the action of an aviation medical 
examiner is delegated to the Federal 
Air Surgeon; the Manager, 
Aeromedical Certification Division; 
and each Regional Flight Surgeon. 
Where the person does not meet the 
standards of §§ 67.107(b)(3) and (c), 
67.109(b), 67.113(b) and (c), 67.207(b)(3) 
and (c), 67.209(b), 67.213(b) and (c), 
67.307(b)(3) and (c), 67.309(b), or 67.313(b) 
and (c), any action taken under this 
paragraph other than by the Federal 
Air Surgeon is subject to reconsider-
ation by the Federal Air Surgeon. A 
certificate issued by an aviation med-
ical examiner is considered to be af-
firmed as issued unless an FAA official 
named in this paragraph (authorized 
official) reverses that issuance within 
60 days after the date of issuance. How-
ever, if within 60 days after the date of 
issuance an authorized official requests 
the certificate holder to submit addi-
tional medical information, an author-
ized official may reverse the issuance 
within 60 days after receipt of the re-
quested information. 

(d) The authority of the Adminis-

trator under 49 U.S.C. 44709 to re-exam-
ine any civil airman to the extent nec-
essary to determine an airman’s quali-
fication to continue to hold an airman 
medical certificate, is delegated to the 
Federal Air Surgeon and his or her au-
thorized representatives within the 

§ 67.409

Denial of medical certificate. 

(a) Any person who is denied a med-

ical certificate by an aviation medical 
examiner may, within 30 days after the 
date of the denial, apply in writing to 
the Federal Air Surgeon, Attention: 
Manager, Aeromedical Certification 
Division, AAM–300, Federal Aviation 
Administration, P.O. Box 25082, Okla-
homa City, Oklahoma 73126, for recon-
sideration of that denial. If the person 
does not ask for reconsideration during 
the 30-day period after the date of the 
denial, he or she is considered to have 

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