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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 68.3 

withdrawn the application for a med-
ical certificate. 

(b) The denial of a medical certifi-


(1) By an aviation medical examiner 

is not a denial by the Administrator 
under 49 U.S.C. 44703. 

(2) By the Federal Air Surgeon is 

considered to be a denial by the Admin-
istrator under 49 U.S.C. 44703. 

(3) By the Manager, Aeromedical Cer-

tification Division, or a Regional 
Flight Surgeon is considered to be a de-
nial by the Administrator under 49 
U.S.C. 44703 except where the person 
does not meet the standards of 
§§ 67.107(b)(3) and (c), 67.109(b), or 
67.113(b) and (c); 67.207(b)(3) and (c), 
67.209(b), or 67.213(b) and (c); or 
67.307(b)(3) and (c), 67.309(b), or 67.313(b) 
and (c). 

(c) Any action taken under § 67.407(c) 

that wholly or partly reverses the issue 
of a medical certificate by an aviation 
medical examiner is the denial of a 
medical certificate under paragraph (b) 
of this section. 

(d) If the issue of a medical certifi-

cate is wholly or partly reversed by the 
Federal Air Surgeon; the Manager, 
Aeromedical Certification Division; or 
a Regional Flight Surgeon, the person 
holding that certificate shall surrender 
it, upon request of the FAA. 

[Docket No. 27940, 61 FR 11256, Mar. 19, 1996, 
as amended by Docket No. FAA–2022–1355, 
Amdt. No. 67–22, 87 FR 75845, Dec. 9, 2022 

§ 67.411


§ 67.413

Medical records. 

(a) Whenever the Administrator finds 

that additional medical information or 
history is necessary to determine 
whether you meet the medical stand-
ards required to hold a medical certifi-
cate, you must: 

(1) Furnish that information to the 

FAA; or 

(2) Authorize any clinic, hospital, 

physician, or other person to release to 
the FAA all available information or 
records concerning that history. 

(b) If you fail to provide the re-

quested medical information or history 
or to authorize its release, the FAA 
may suspend, modify, or revoke your 
medical certificate or, in the case of an 

applicant, deny the application for a 
medical certificate. 

(c) If your medical certificate is sus-

pended, modified, or revoked under 
paragraph (b) of this section, that sus-
pension or modification remains in ef-
fect until you provide the requested in-
formation, history, or authorization to 
the FAA and until the FAA determines 
that you meet the medical standards 
set forth in this part. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2007–27812, 73 FR 43066, July 
24, 2008] 

§ 67.415

Return of medical certificate 

after suspension or revocation. 

The holder of any medical certificate 

issued under this part that is sus-
pended or revoked shall, upon the Ad-
ministrator’s request, return it to the 






Medical education course requirements. 


Comprehensive medical examination. 


Comprehensive medical examination 



Special Issuance process. 


Authority to require additional infor-




: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 44701–44703, sec. 

2307 of Pub. L. 114–190, 130 Stat. 615 (49 U.S.C. 
44703 note). 



: Docket FAA–2016–9157, Amdt. 68–1, 

82 FR 3165, Jan. 11, 2017, unless otherwise 

§ 68.1


This part prescribes the medical edu-

cation and examination requirements 
for operating an aircraft under 
§ 61.113(i) of this chapter without hold-
ing a medical certificate issued under 
part 67 of this chapter. 

§ 68.3

Medical education course re-


(a) The medical education course re-

quired to act as pilot in command or 
serve as a required flightcrew member 
in an operation under § 61.113(i) of this 
chapter must— 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 68.5 

(1) Educate pilots on conducting med-

ical self-assessments; 

(2) Advise pilots on identifying warn-

ing signs of potential serious medical 

(3) Identify risk mitigation strategies 

for medical conditions; 

(4) Increase awareness of the impacts 

of potentially impairing over-the- 
counter and prescription drug medica-

(5) Encourage regular medical exami-

nations and consultations with pri-
mary care physicians; 

(6) Inform pilots of the regulations 

pertaining to the prohibition on oper-
ations during medical deficiency and 
medically disqualifying conditions; and 

(7) Provide the checklist developed 

by the FAA in accordance with § 68.7. 

(b) Upon successful completion of the 

medical education course, the fol-
lowing items must be electronically 
provided to the individual seeking to 
act as pilot in command or serve as a 
required flightcrew member under the 
conditions and limitations of § 61.113(i) 
of this chapter and transmitted to the 

(1) A certification of completion of 

the medical education course, which 
shall be retained in the individual’s 
logbook and made available upon re-
quest, and shall contain the individ-
ual’s name, address, and airman certifi-
cate number; 

(2) A release authorizing single ac-

cess to the National Driver Register 
through a designated State Depart-
ment of Motor Vehicles to furnish to 
the FAA information pertaining to the 
individual’s driving record; 

(3) A certification by the individual 

that the individual is under the care 
and treatment of a physician if the in-
dividual has been diagnosed with any 
medical condition that may impact the 
ability of the individual to fly, as re-
quired under § 61.23(c)(3) of this chap-

(4) A form that includes— 
(i) The name, address, telephone 

number, and airman certificate number 
of the individual; 

(ii) The name, address, telephone 

number, and State medical license 
number of the physician performing 
the comprehensive medical examina-

(iii) The date of the comprehensive 

medical examination; and 

(iv) A certification by the individual 

that the checklist described in § 68.7 
was followed and signed by the physi-
cian during the medical examination 
required by this section; and 

(5) A statement, which shall be 

signed by the individual certifying that 
the individual understands the existing 
prohibition on operations during med-
ical deficiency by stating: ‘‘I under-
stand that I cannot act as pilot in com-
mand, or any other capacity as a re-
quired flight crew member, if I know or 
have reason to know of any medical 
condition that would make me unable 
to operate the aircraft in a safe man-

[Docket FAA–2016–9157, Amdt. 68–1, 82 FR 
3165, Jan. 11, 2017, as amended by Docket No. 
FAA–2021–1040, Amdt. Nos. 61–152, 87 FR 
71236, Nov. 22, 2022] 

§ 68.5

Comprehensive medical exam-


(a) Prior to the medical examination 

required by § 61.23(c)(3) of this chapter, 
an individual must— 

(1) Complete the individual’s section 

of the checklist described in § 68.7; and 

(2) Provide the completed checklist 

to the State-licensed physician per-
forming the medical examination. 

(b) The physician must— 
(1) Conduct the medical examination 

in accordance with the checklist set 
forth in § 68.7, 

(2) Check each item specified during 

the examination; and 

(3) Address, as medically appropriate, 

every medical condition listed and any 
medications the individual is taking. 

§ 68.7

Comprehensive medical exam-

ination checklist. 

The comprehensive medical examina-

tion required to conduct operations 
under § 61.113(i) must include a check-
list containing the following: 

(a) A section, for the individual to 

complete that contains— 

(1) Boxes 3 through 13 and boxes 16 

through 19 of the FAA Form 8500–8 (3– 
99); and 

(2) A signature line for the individual 

to affirm that— 

(i) The answers provided by the indi-

vidual on that checklist, including the 

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