Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 68.9
individual’s answers regarding medical
history, are true and complete;
(ii) The individual understands that
he or she is prohibited under FAA regu-
lations from acting as pilot in com-
mand, or any other capacity as a re-
quired flight crew member, if he or she
knows or has reason to know of any
medical deficiency or medically dis-
qualifying condition that would make
the individual unable to operate the
aircraft in a safe manner; and
(iii) The individual is aware of the
regulations pertaining to the prohibi-
tion on operations during medical defi-
ciency and has no medically disquali-
fying conditions in accordance with ap-
plicable law;
(b) A section with instructions for
the individual to provide the completed
checklist to the State-licensed physi-
cian performing the comprehensive
medical examination required under
§ 68.5; and
(c) A section, for the physician to
complete, that instructs the physi-
(1) To perform a clinical examination
(i) Head, face, neck, and scalp;
(ii) Nose, sinuses, mouth, and throat;
(iii) Ears, general (internal and ex-
ternal canals), and eardrums (perfora-
(iv) Eyes (general), ophthalmoscopic,
pupils (equality and reaction), and ocu-
lar motility (associated parallel move-
ment, nystagmus);
(v) Lungs and chest (not including
breast examination);
(vi) Heart (precordial activity,
rhythm, sounds, and murmurs);
(vii) Vascular system (pulse, ampli-
tude, and character, and arms, legs,
and others);
(viii) Abdomen and viscera (including
(ix) Anus (not including digital ex-
(x) Skin;
(xi) G–U system (not including pelvic
(xii) Upper and lower extremities
(strength and range of motion);
(xiii) Spine and other musculo-
(xiv) Identifying body marks, scars,
and tattoos (size and location);
(xv) Lymphatics;
(xvi) Neurologic (tendon reflexes,
equilibrium, senses, cranial nerves, and
coordination, etc.);
(xvii) Psychiatric (appearance, be-
havior, mood, communication, and
(xviii) General systemic;
(xix) Hearing;
(xx) Vision (distant, near, and inter-
mediate vision, field of vision, color vi-
sion, and ocular alignment);
(xxi) Blood pressure and pulse; and
(xxii) Anything else the physician, in
his or her medical judgment, considers
(2) To exercise medical discretion to
address, as medically appropriate, any
medical conditions identified, and to
exercise medical discretion in deter-
mining whether any medical tests are
warranted as part of the comprehensive
medical examination;
(3) To discuss all drugs the individual
reports taking (prescription and non-
prescription) and their potential to
interfere with the safe operation of an
aircraft or motor vehicle;
(4) To sign the checklist, stating: ‘‘I
certify that I discussed all items on
this checklist with the individual dur-
ing my examination, discussed any
medications the individual is taking
that could interfere with his or her
ability to safely operate an aircraft or
motor vehicle, and performed an exam-
ination that included all of the items
on this checklist. I certify that I am
not aware of any medical condition
that, as presently treated, could inter-
fere with the individual’s ability to
safely operate an aircraft.’’; and
(5) To provide the date the com-
prehensive medical examination was
completed, and the physician’s full
name, address, telephone number, and
State medical license number.
§ 68.9
Special Issuance process.
General. An individual who has
met the qualifications to operate an
aircraft under § 61.113(i) of this chapter
and is seeking to act as a pilot in com-
mand or serve as a required flightcrew
member under that section must have
completed the process for obtaining an
Authorization for Special Issuance of a
Medical Certificate for each of the fol-
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 68.9
(1) A mental health disorder, limited
to an established medical history or
clinical diagnosis of—
(i) A personality disorder that is se-
vere enough to have repeatedly mani-
fested itself by overt acts;
(ii) A psychosis, defined as a case in
which an individual—
(A) Has manifested delusions, hallu-
cinations, grossly bizarre or disorga-
nized behavior, or other commonly ac-
cepted symptoms of psychosis; or
(B) May reasonably be expected to
manifest delusions, hallucinations,
grossly bizarre or disorganized behav-
ior, or other commonly accepted symp-
toms of psychosis;
(iii) A bipolar disorder; or
(iv) A substance dependence within
the previous 2 years, as defined in
§ 67.307(a)(4) of this chapter.
(2) A neurological disorder, limited
to an established medical history or
clinical diagnosis of any of the fol-
(i) Epilepsy;
(ii) Disturbance of consciousness
without satisfactory medical expla-
nation of the cause; or
(iii) A transient loss of control of
nervous system functions without sat-
isfactory medical explanation of the
(3) A cardiovascular condition, lim-
ited to a one-time special issuance for
each diagnosis of the following:
(i) Myocardial infarction;
(ii) Coronary heart disease that has
required treatment;
(iii) Cardiac valve replacement; or
(iv) Heart replacement.
Special rule for cardiovascular con-
ditions. In the case of an individual
with a cardiovascular condition, the
process for obtaining an Authorization
for Special Issuance of a Medical Cer-
tificate shall be satisfied with the suc-
cessful completion of an appropriate
clinical evaluation without a manda-
tory wait period.
Special rule for mental health condi-
tions. (1) In the case of an individual
with a clinically diagnosed mental
health condition, the ability to operate
an aircraft under § 61.113(i) of this chap-
ter shall not apply if—
(i) In the judgment of the individual’s
State-licensed medical specialist, the
(A) Renders the individual unable to
safely perform the duties or exercise
the airman privileges required to oper-
ate an aircraft under § 61.113(i) of this
chapter; or
(B) May reasonably be expected to
make the individual unable to perform
the duties or exercise the privileges re-
quired to operate an aircraft under
§ 61.113(i) of this chapter; or
(ii) The individual’s driver’s license
is revoked by the issuing agency as a
result of a clinically diagnosed mental
health condition.
(2) Subject to paragraph (c)(1) of this
section, an individual clinically diag-
nosed with a mental health condition
shall certify every 2 years, in conjunc-
tion with the certification under
§ 68.3(b)(3), that the individual is under
the care of a State-licensed medical
specialist for that mental health condi-
Special rule for neurological condi-
tions. (1) In the case of an individual
with a clinically diagnosed neuro-
logical condition, the ability to oper-
ate an aircraft under § 61.113(i) of this
chapter shall not apply if—
(i) In the judgment of the individual’s
State-licensed medical specialist, the
(A) Renders the individual unable to
safely perform the duties or exercise
the airman privileges required to oper-
ate an aircraft under § 61.113(i) of this
chapter; or
(B) May reasonably be expected to
make the individual unable to perform
the duties or exercise the privileges re-
quired to operate an aircraft under
§ 61.113(i) of this chapter; or
(ii) The individual’s driver’s license
is revoked by the issuing agency as a
result of a clinically diagnosed neuro-
logical condition.
(2) Subject to paragraph (d)(1) of this
section, an individual clinically diag-
nosed with a neurological condition
shall certify every 2 years, in conjunc-
tion with the certification under
§ 68.3(b)(3), that the individual is under
the care of a State-licensed medical
specialist for that neurological condi-
[Docket FAA–2016–9157, Amdt. 68–1, 82 FR
3165, Jan. 11, 2017, as amended by Docket No.
FAA–2021–1040, Amdt. Nos. 61–152, 87 FR
71238, Nov. 22, 2022]
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aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER