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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 71.15 

58072, Aug. 25, 2023, § 71.1 was revised, effec-
tive Sept. 15, 2023 through Sept. 15, 2024. 

§ 71.3


§ 71.5

Reporting points. 

The reporting points listed in subpart 

H of FAA Order JO 7400.11H (incor-
porated by reference, see § 71.1) consist 
of geographic locations at which the 
position of an aircraft must be reported 
in accordance with part 91 of this chap-

[Doc. No. 29334, 73 FR 54495, Sept. 22, 2008, as 
amended by Amdt. 71–40, 73 FR 60940, Oct. 15, 
2008; Amdt. 71–41, 74 FR 46490, Sept. 10, 2009; 
Amdt. 71–42, 75 FR 55268, Sept. 10, 2010; Amdt. 
71–43, 76 FR 53329, Aug. 26, 2011; Amdt. 71–44, 
77 FR 50908, Aug. 23, 2012; Amdt. 71–45, 78 FR 
52848, Aug. 27, 2013; Amdt. 71–46, 79 FR 51888, 
Sept. 2, 2014; Amdt. 71–47, 80 FR 51937, Aug. 
27, 2015; Amdt. 71–48, 81 FR 55372, Aug. 19, 
2016; Amdt. 71–49, 82 FR 40068, Aug. 24, 2017; 
Amdt. 71–50, 83 FR 43757, Aug. 28, 2018; Amdt. 
71–51, 84 FR 45652, Aug. 30, 2019; Amdt. 71–52, 
85 FR 50780, Aug. 18, 2020; Amdt. No. 71–53, 86 
FR 46963, Aug. 23, 2021; Docket No. FAA–2022– 
1022, Amdt. No. 71–54, 87 FR 54878, Sept. 8, 
2022; Docket No. FAA–2023–1785; Amendment 
No. 71–55, 88 FR 58072, Aug. 25, 2023] 







: By Docket No. 

FAA–2023–1785; Amendment No. 71–55, 88 FR 
58072, Aug. 25, 2023, § 71.5 was amended by re-
moving the words ‘‘FAA Order JO 7400.11G’’ 
and adding, in their place, the words ‘‘FAA 
Order JO 7400.11H’’, effective Sept. 15, 2023 
through Sept. 15, 2024. 

§ 71.7

Bearings, radials, and mileages. 

All bearings and radials in this part 

are true and are applied from point of 
origin and all mileages in this part are 
stated as nautical miles. 

§ 71.9

Overlapping airspace designa-


(a) When overlapping airspace des-

ignations apply to the same airspace, 
the operating rules associated with the 
more restrictive airspace designation 

(b) For the purpose of this section— 
(1) Class A airspace is more restric-

tive than Class B, Class C, Class D, 
Class E, or Class G airspace; 

(2) Class B airspace is more restric-

tive than Class C, Class D, Class E, or 
Class G airspace; 

(3) Class C airspace is more restric-

tive than Class D, Class E, or Class G 

(4) Class D airspace is more restric-

tive than Class E or Class G airspace; 

(5) Class E is more restrictive than 

Class G airspace. 

§ 71.11

Air Traffic Service (ATS) 


Unless otherwise specified, the fol-

lowing apply: 

(a) An Air Traffic Service (ATS) 

route is based on a centerline that ex-
tends from one navigation aid, fix, or 
intersection, to another navigation aid, 
fix, or intersection (or through several 
navigation aids, fixes, or intersections) 
specified for that route. 

(b) An ATS route does not include 

the airspace of a prohibited area. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2003–14698, 68 FR 16947, Apr. 8, 
2003, as amended by Amdt. 71–33, 70 FR 23004, 
May 3, 2005] 

§ 71.13

Classification of Air Traffic 

Service (ATS) routes. 

Unless otherwise specified, ATS 

routes are classified as follows: 

(a) In subpart A of this part: 
(1) Jet routes. 
(2) Area navigation (RNAV) routes. 
(b) In subpart E of this part: 
(1) VOR Federal airways. 
(2) Colored Federal airways. 
(i) Green Federal airways. 
(ii) Amber Federal airways. 
(iii) Red Federal airways. 
(iv) Blue Federal airways. 
(3) Area navigation (RNAV) routes. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2003–14698, 68 FR 16947, Apr. 8, 

§ 71.15

Designation of jet routes and 

VOR Federal airways. 

Unless otherwise specified, the place 

names appearing in the descriptions of 
airspace areas designated as jet routes 
in subpart A of FAA Order JO 7400.11H, 
and as VOR Federal airways in subpart 
E of FAA Order JO 7400.11H, are the 
names of VOR or VORTAC navigation 

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