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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 77.39 

§ 77.39

Contents of a petition. 

(a) You must file a petition for dis-

cretionary review in writing and it 
must be received by the FAA within 30 
days after the issuance of a determina-
tion under § 77.31, or a revision or ex-
tension of the determination under 
§ 77.35. 

(b) The petition must contain a full 

statement of the aeronautical basis on 
which the petition is made, and must 
include new information or facts not 
previously considered or presented dur-
ing the aeronautical study, including 
valid aeronautical reasons why the de-
termination, revisions, or extension 
made by the FAA should be reviewed. 

(c) In the event that the last day of 

the 30-day filing period falls on a week-
end or a day the Federal government is 
closed, the last day of the filing period 
is the next day that the government is 

(d) The FAA will inform the peti-

tioner or sponsor (if other than the pe-
titioner) and the FCC (whenever an 

FCC-related proposal is involved) of 
the filing of the petition and that the 
determination is not final pending dis-
position of the petition. 

§ 77.41

Discretionary review results. 

(a) If discretionary review is granted, 

the FAA will inform the petitioner and 
the sponsor (if other than the peti-
tioner) of the issues to be studied and 
reviewed. The review may include a re-
quest for comments and a review of all 
records from the initial aeronautical 

(b) If discretionary review is denied, 

the FAA will notify the petitioner and 
the sponsor (if other than the peti-
tioner), and the FCC, whenever a FCC- 
related proposal is involved, of the 
basis for the denial along with a state-
ment that the determination is final. 

(c) After concluding the discre-

tionary review process, the FAA will 
revise, affirm, or reverse the deter-

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