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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.1017 

main operations base, or its main 
maintenance base, a program manager 
must provide written notification to 
the Flight Standards office that issued 
the program manager’s management 

(e) Each program manager must 

maintain a complete and separate set 
of its management specifications at its 
principal base of operations, or at a 
place approved by the Administrator, 
and must make its management speci-
fications available for inspection by 
the Administrator and the fractional 
owner(s) to whom the program man-
ager furnishes its services for review 
and audit. 

(f) Each program manager must in-

sert pertinent excerpts of its manage-
ment specifications, or references 
thereto, in its program manual and 

(1) Clearly identify each such excerpt 

as a part of its management specifica-
tions; and 

(2) State that compliance with each 

management specifications require-
ment is mandatory. 

(g) Each program manager must keep 

each of its employees and other persons 
who perform duties material to its op-
erations informed of the provisions of 
its management specifications that 
apply to that employee’s or person’s 
duties and responsibilities. 

(h) A program manager may obtain 

approval to provide a temporary docu-
ment verifying a flightcrew member’s 
airman certificate and medical certifi-
cate privileges under an approved cer-
tificate verification plan set forth in 
the program manager’s management 
specifications. A document provided by 
the program manager may be carried 
as an airman certificate or medical 
certificate on flights within the United 
States for up to 72 hours. 

[Docket No. FAA–2001–10047, 68 FR 54561, 
Sept. 17, 2003, as amended by Docket FAA– 
2018–0119, Amdt. 91–350, 83 FR 9171, Mar. 5, 
2018; Amdt. 60–6, 83 FR 30282, June 27, 2018; 
Docket No. FAA–2022–1563; Amdt. Nos. 91–370, 
88 FR 48087, July 26, 2023] 

§ 91.1017

Amending program man-

ager’s management specifications. 

(a) The Administrator may amend 

any management specifications issued 
under this subpart if— 

(1) The Administrator determines 

that safety and the public interest re-
quire the amendment of any manage-
ment specifications; or 

(2) The program manager applies for 

the amendment of any management 
specifications, and the Administrator 
determines that safety and the public 
interest allows the amendment. 

(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(e) of this section, when the Adminis-
trator initiates an amendment of a pro-
gram manager’s management specifica-
tions, the following procedure applies: 

(1) The Flight Standards office that 

issued the program manager’s manage-
ment specifications will notify the pro-
gram manager in writing of the pro-
posed amendment. 

(2) The Flight Standards office that 

issued the program manager’s manage-
ment specifications will set a reason-
able period (but not less than 7 days) 
within which the program manager 
may submit written information, 
views, and arguments on the amend-

(3) After considering all material pre-

sented, the Flight Standards office 
that issued the program manager’s 
management specifications will notify 
the program manager of— 

(i) The adoption of the proposed 


(ii) The partial adoption of the pro-

posed amendment, or 

(iii) The withdrawal of the proposed 


(4) If the Flight Standards office that 

issued the program manager’s manage-
ment specifications issues an amend-
ment of the management specifica-
tions, it becomes effective not less 
than 30 days after the program man-
ager receives notice of it unless— 

(i) The Flight Standards office that 

issued the program manager’s manage-
ment specifications finds under para-
graph (e) of this section that there is 
an emergency requiring immediate ac-
tion with respect to safety; or 

(ii) The program manager petitions 

for reconsideration of the amendment 
under paragraph (d) of this section. 

(c) When the program manager ap-

plies for an amendment to its manage-
ment specifications, the following pro-
cedure applies: 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.1019 

(1) The program manager must file 

an application to amend its manage-
ment specifications— 

(i) At least 90 days before the date 

proposed by the applicant for the 
amendment to become effective, unless 
a shorter time is approved, in cases 
such as mergers, acquisitions of oper-
ational assets that require an addi-
tional showing of safety (for example, 
proving tests or validation tests), and 
resumption of operations following a 
suspension of operations as a result of 
bankruptcy actions. 

(ii) At least 15 days before the date 

proposed by the applicant for the 
amendment to become effective in all 
other cases. 

(2) The application must be sub-

mitted to the Flight Standards office 
that issued the program manager’s 
management specifications in a form 
and manner prescribed by the Adminis-

(3) After considering all material pre-

sented, the Flight Standards office 
that issued the program manager’s 
management specifications will notify 
the program manager of— 

(i) The adoption of the applied for 


(ii) The partial adoption of the ap-

plied for amendment; or 

(iii) The denial of the applied for 

amendment. The program manager 
may petition for reconsideration of a 
denial under paragraph (d) of this sec-

(4) If the Flight Standards office that 

issued the program manager’s manage-
ment specifications approves the 
amendment, following coordination 
with the program manager regarding 
its implementation, the amendment is 
effective on the date the Administrator 
approves it. 

(d) When a program manager seeks 

reconsideration of a decision of the 
Flight Standards office that issued the 
program manager’s management speci-
fications concerning the amendment of 
management specifications, the fol-
lowing procedure applies: 

(1) The program manager must peti-

tion for reconsideration of that deci-
sion within 30 days of the date that the 
program manager receives a notice of 
denial of the amendment of its man-
agement specifications, or of the date 

it receives notice of an FAA-initiated 
amendment of its management speci-
fications, whichever circumstance ap-

(2) The program manager must ad-

dress its petition to the Executive Di-
rector, Flight Standards Service. 

(3) A petition for reconsideration, if 

filed within the 30-day period, suspends 
the effectiveness of any amendment 
issued by the Flight Standards office 
that issued the program manager’s 
management specifications unless that 
office has found, under paragraph (e) of 
this section, that an emergency exists 
requiring immediate action with re-
spect to safety. 

(4) If a petition for reconsideration is 

not filed within 30 days, the procedures 
of paragraph (c) of this section apply. 

(e) If the Flight Standards office that 

issued the program manager’s manage-
ment specifications finds that an emer-
gency exists requiring immediate ac-
tion with respect to safety that makes 
the procedures set out in this section 
impracticable or contrary to the public 

(1) The Flight Standards office 

amends the management specifications 
and makes the amendment effective on 
the day the program manager receives 
notice of it; and 

(2) In the notice to the program man-

ager, the Flight Standards office will 
articulate the reasons for its finding 
that an emergency exists requiring im-
mediate action with respect to safety 
or that makes it impracticable or con-
trary to the public interest to stay the 
effectiveness of the amendment. 

[Docket No. FAA–2001–10047, 68 FR 54561, 
Sept. 17, 2003, as amended by Docket FAA– 
2018–0119, Amdt. 91–350, 83 FR 9171, Mar. 5, 

§ 91.1019

Conducting tests and inspec-


(a) At any time or place, the Admin-

istrator may conduct an inspection or 
test, other than an en route inspection, 
to determine whether a program man-
ager under this subpart is complying 
with title 49 of the United States Code, 
applicable regulations, and the pro-
gram manager’s management specifica-

(b) The program manager must— 

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