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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.1025 

§ 91.1025

Program operating manual 


Each program operating manual 

accessed in paper format must display 
the date of last revision on each page. 
Each program operating manual 
accessed in electronic format must dis-
play the date of last revision in a man-
ner in which a person can immediately 
ascertain it. Unless otherwise author-
ized by the Administrator, the manual 
must include the following: 

(a) Procedures for ensuring compli-

ance with aircraft weight and balance 

(b) Copies of the program manager’s 

management specifications or appro-
priate extracted information, including 
area of operations authorized, category 
and class of aircraft authorized, crew 
complements, and types of operations 

(c) Procedures for complying with ac-

cident notification requirements; 

(d) Procedures for ensuring that the 

pilot in command knows that required 
airworthiness inspections have been 
made and that the aircraft has been ap-
proved for return to service in compli-
ance with applicable maintenance re-

(e) Procedures for reporting and re-

cording mechanical irregularities that 
come to the attention of the pilot in 
command before, during, and after 
completion of a flight; 

(f) Procedures to be followed by the 

pilot in command for determining that 
mechanical irregularities or defects re-
ported for previous flights have been 
corrected or that correction of certain 
mechanical irregularities or defects 
have been deferred; 

(g) Procedures to be followed by the 

pilot in command to obtain mainte-
nance, preventive maintenance, and 
servicing of the aircraft at a place 
where previous arrangements have not 
been made by the program manager or 
owner, when the pilot is authorized to 
so act for the operator; 

(h) Procedures under § 91.213 for the 

release of, and continuation of flight if 
any item of equipment required for the 
particular type of operation becomes 
inoperative or unserviceable en route; 

(i) Procedures for refueling aircraft, 

eliminating fuel contamination, pro-
tecting from fire (including electro-

static protection), and supervising and 
protecting passengers during refueling; 

(j) Procedures to be followed by the 

pilot in command in the briefing under 
§ 91.1035. 

(k) Procedures for ensuring compli-

ance with emergency procedures, in-
cluding a list of the functions assigned 
each category of required crew-
members in connection with an emer-
gency and emergency evacuation du-

(l) The approved aircraft inspection 

program, when applicable; 

(m) Procedures for the evacuation of 

persons who may need the assistance of 
another person to move expeditiously 
to an exit if an emergency occurs; 

(n) Procedures for performance plan-

ning that take into account take off, 
landing and en route conditions; 

(o) An approved Destination Airport 

Analysis, when required by § 91.1037(c), 
that includes the following elements, 
supported by aircraft performance data 
supplied by the aircraft manufacturer 
for the appropriate runway condi-

(1) Pilot qualifications and experi-


(2) Aircraft performance data to in-

clude normal, abnormal and emergency 
procedures as supplied by the aircraft 

(3) Airport facilities and topography; 
(4) Runway conditions (including 


(5) Airport or area weather reporting; 
(6) Appropriate additional runway 

safety margins, if required; 

(7) Airplane inoperative equipment; 
(8) Environmental conditions; and 
(9) Other criteria that affect aircraft 


(p) A suitable system (which may in-

clude a coded or electronic system) 
that provides for preservation and re-
trieval of maintenance recordkeeping 
information required by § 91.1113 in a 
manner acceptable to the Adminis-
trator that provides— 

(1) A description (or reference to date 

acceptable to the Administrator) of the 
work performed: 

(2) The name of the person per-

forming the work if the work is per-
formed by a person outside the organi-
zation of the program manager; and 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.1027 

(3) The name or other positive identi-

fication of the individual approving the 

(q) Flight locating and scheduling 

procedures; and 

(r) Other procedures and policy in-

structions regarding program oper-
ations that are issued by the program 
manager or required by the Adminis-

[Docket No. FAA–2001–10047, 68 FR 54561, 
Sept. 17, 2003, as amended by Docket No. 
FAA–2022–0912; Amdt. No. 91–368, 88 FR 34443, 
May 30, 2023] 

§ 91.1027


(a) Each program manager must keep 

at its principal base of operations or at 
other places approved by the Adminis-
trator, and must make available for in-
spection by the Administrator all of 
the following: 

(1) The program manager’s manage-

ment specifications. 

(2) A current list of the aircraft used 

or available for use in operations under 
this subpart, the operations for which 
each is equipped (for example, RNP5/10, 

(3) An individual record of each pilot 

used in operations under this subpart, 
including the following information: 

(i) The full name of the pilot. 
(ii) The pilot certificate (by type and 

number) and ratings that the pilot 

(iii) The pilot’s aeronautical experi-

ence in sufficient detail to determine 
the pilot’s qualifications to pilot air-
craft in operations under this subpart. 

(iv) The pilot’s current duties and the 

date of the pilot’s assignment to those 

(v) The effective date and class of the 

medical certificate that the pilot 

(vi) The date and result of each of the 

initial and recurrent competency tests 
and proficiency checks required by this 
subpart and the type of aircraft flown 
during that test or check. 

(vii) The pilot’s flight time in suffi-

cient detail to determine compliance 
with the flight time limitations of this 

(viii) The pilot’s check pilot author-

ization, if any. 

(ix) Any action taken concerning the 

pilot’s release from employment for 

physical or professional disqualifica-
tion; and 

(x) The date of the satisfactory com-

pletion of initial, transition, upgrade, 
and differences training and each re-
current training phase required by this 

(4) An individual record for each 

flight attendant used in operations 
under this subpart, including the fol-
lowing information: 

(i) The full name of the flight attend-

ant, and 

(ii) The date and result of training 

required by § 91.1063, as applicable. 

(5) A current list of all fractional 

owners and associated aircraft. This 
list or a reference to its location must 
be included in the management speci-
fications and should be of sufficient de-
tail to determine the minimum frac-
tional ownership interest of each air-

(b) Each program manager must keep 

each record required by paragraph 
(a)(2) of this section for at least 6 
months, and must keep each record re-
quired by paragraphs (a)(3) and (a)(4) of 
this section for at least 12 months. 
When an employee is no longer em-
ployed or affiliated with the program 
manager or fractional owner, each 
record required by paragraphs (a)(3) 
and (a)(4) of this section must be re-
tained for at least 12 months. 

(c) Each program manager is respon-

sible for the preparation and accuracy 
of a load manifest in duplicate con-
taining information concerning the 
loading of the aircraft. The manifest 
must be prepared before each takeoff 
and must include— 

(1) The number of passengers; 
(2) The total weight of the loaded air-


(3) The maximum allowable takeoff 

weight for that flight; 

(4) The center of gravity limits; 
(5) The center of gravity of the load-

ed aircraft, except that the actual cen-
ter of gravity need not be computed if 
the aircraft is loaded according to a 
loading schedule or other approved 
method that ensures that the center of 
gravity of the loaded aircraft is within 
approved limits. In those cases, an 
entry must be made on the manifest in-
dicating that the center of gravity is 

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