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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.107 

weather reports and forecasts, fuel re-
quirements, alternatives available if 
the planned flight cannot be com-
pleted, and any known traffic delays of 
which the pilot in command has been 
advised by ATC; 

(b) For any flight, runway lengths at 

airports of intended use, and the fol-
lowing takeoff and landing distance in-

(1) For civil aircraft for which an ap-

proved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight 
Manual containing takeoff and landing 
distance data is required, the takeoff 
and landing distance data contained 
therein; and 

(2) For civil aircraft other than those 

specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
tion, other reliable information appro-
priate to the aircraft, relating to air-
craft performance under expected val-
ues of airport elevation and runway 
slope, aircraft gross weight, and wind 
and temperature. 

§ 91.105

Flight crewmembers at sta-


(a) During takeoff and landing, and 

while en route, each required flight 
crewmember shall— 

(1) Be at the crewmember station un-

less the absence is necessary to per-
form duties in connection with the op-
eration of the aircraft or in connection 
with physiological needs; and 

(2) Keep the safety belt fastened 

while at the crewmember station. 

(b) Each required flight crewmember 

of a U.S.-registered civil aircraft shall, 
during takeoff and landing, keep his or 
her shoulder harness fastened while at 
his or her assigned duty station. This 
paragraph does not apply if— 

(1) The seat at the crewmember’s sta-

tion is not equipped with a shoulder 
harness; or 

(2) The crewmember would be unable 

to perform required duties with the 
shoulder harness fastened. 

[Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34294, Aug. 18, 1989, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–231, 57 FR 42671, Sept. 
15, 1992] 

§ 91.107

Use of safety belts, shoulder 

harnesses, and child restraint sys-

(a) Unless otherwise authorized by 

the Administrator— 

(1) No pilot may take off a U.S.-reg-

istered civil aircraft (except a free bal-
loon that incorporates a basket or gon-
dola, or an airship type certificated be-
fore November 2, 1987) unless the pilot 
in command of that aircraft ensures 
that each person on board is briefed on 
how to fasten and unfasten that per-
son’s safety belt and, if installed, 
shoulder harness. 

(2) No pilot may cause to be moved 

on the surface, take off, or land a U.S.- 
registered civil aircraft (except a free 
balloon that incorporates a basket or 
gondola, or an airship type certificated 
before November 2, 1987) unless the 
pilot in command of that aircraft en-
sures that each person on board has 
been notified to fasten his or her safety 
belt and, if installed, his or her shoul-
der harness. 

(3) Except as provided in this para-

graph, each person on board a U.S.-reg-
istered civil aircraft (except a free bal-
loon that incorporates a basket or gon-
dola or an airship type certificated be-
fore November 2, 1987) must occupy an 
approved seat or berth with a safety 
belt and, if installed, shoulder harness, 
properly secured about him or her dur-
ing movement on the surface, takeoff, 
and landing. For seaplane and float 
equipped rotorcraft operations during 
movement on the surface, the person 
pushing off the seaplane or rotorcraft 
from the dock and the person mooring 
the seaplane or rotorcraft at the dock 
are excepted from the preceding seat-
ing and safety belt requirements. Not-
withstanding the preceding require-
ments of this paragraph, a person may: 

(i) Be held by an adult who is occu-

pying an approved seat or berth, pro-
vided that the person being held has 
not reached his or her second birthday 
and does not occupy or use any re-
straining device; 

(ii) Use the floor of the aircraft as a 

seat, provided that the person is on 
board for the purpose of engaging in 
sport parachuting; or 

(iii) Notwithstanding any other re-

quirement of this chapter, occupy an 
approved child restraint system fur-
nished by the operator or one of the 
persons described in paragraph 
(a)(3)(iii)(A) of this section provided 

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