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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.1055 

(b) The Administrator may authorize 

deviations from paragraph (a)(1) of this 
section if the Flight Standards office 
that issued the program manager’s 
management specifications finds that 
the crewmember has comparable expe-
rience, and can effectively perform the 
functions associated with the position 
in accordance with the requirements of 
this chapter. Grants of deviation under 
this paragraph may be granted after 
consideration of the size and scope of 
the operation, the qualifications of the 
intended personnel and the cir-
cumstances set forth in § 91.1055(b)(1) 
through (3). The Administrator may, at 
any time, terminate any grant of devi-
ation authority issued under this para-

[Docket No. FAA–2001–10047, 68 FR 54561, 
Sept. 17, 2003, as amended by Docket FAA– 
2018–0119, Amdt. 91–350, 83 FR 9171, Mar. 5, 

§ 91.1055

Pilot operating limitations 

and pairing requirement. 

(a) If the second in command of a 

fixed-wing program aircraft has fewer 
than 100 hours of flight time as second 
in command flying in the aircraft 
make and model and, if a type rating is 
required, in the type aircraft being 
flown, and the pilot in command is not 
an appropriately qualified check pilot, 
the pilot in command shall make all 
takeoffs and landings in any of the fol-
lowing situations: 

(1) Landings at the destination air-

port when a Destination Airport Anal-
ysis is required by § 91.1037(c); and 

(2) In any of the following conditions: 
(i) The prevailing visibility for the 

airport is at or below 




(ii) The runway visual range for the 

runway to be used is at or below 4,000 

(iii) The runway to be used has 

water, snow, slush, ice or similar con-
tamination that may adversely affect 
aircraft performance. 

(iv) The braking action on the run-

way to be used is reported to be less 
than ‘‘good.’’ 

(v) The crosswind component for the 

runway to be used is in excess of 15 

(vi) Windshear is reported in the vi-

cinity of the airport. 

(vii) Any other condition in which 

the pilot in command determines it to 
be prudent to exercise the pilot in com-
mand’s authority. 

(b) No program manager may release 

a program flight under this subpart un-
less, for that aircraft make or model 
and, if a type rating is required, for 
that type aircraft, either the pilot in 
command or the second in command 
has at least 75 hours of flight time, ei-
ther as pilot in command or second in 
command. The Administrator may, 
upon application by the program man-
ager, authorize deviations from the re-
quirements of this paragraph by an ap-
propriate amendment to the manage-
ment specifications in any of the fol-
lowing circumstances: 

(1) A newly authorized program man-

ager does not employ any pilots who 
meet the minimum requirements of 
this paragraph. 

(2) An existing program manager 

adds to its fleet a new category and 
class aircraft not used before in its op-

(3) An existing program manager es-

tablishes a new base to which it assigns 
pilots who will be required to become 
qualified on the aircraft operated from 
that base. 

(c) No person may be assigned in the 

capacity of pilot in command in a pro-
gram operation to more than two air-
craft types that require a separate type 

§ 91.1057

Flight, duty and rest time re-

quirements: All crewmembers. 

(a) For purposes of this subpart— 
Augmented flight crew means at least 

three pilots. 

Calendar day means the period of 

elapsed time, using Coordinated Uni-
versal Time or local time that begins 
at midnight and ends 24 hours later at 
the next midnight. 

Duty period means the period of 

elapsed time between reporting for an 
assignment involving flight time and 
release from that assignment by the 
program manager. All time between 
these two points is part of the duty pe-
riod, even if flight time is interrupted 
by nonflight-related duties. The time is 
calculated using either Coordinated 
Universal Time or local time to reflect 
the total elapsed time. 

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